urn:uuid:2853dacf-ed79-42f5-8e8a-a7bb3d1ae6a2 {{ current_time }} {% if pagination and pagination.has_prev %} {% endif %} {% if pagination and pagination.has_next %} {% endif %} {% if pagination and pagination.has_prev %} {% endif %} {{instance}} {{instance}} https://github.com/janeczku/calibre-web {% if entries and entries[0] %} {% for entry in entries %} {{entry.title}} urn:uuid:{{entry.uuid}} {{entry.atom_timestamp}} {% if entry.authors.__len__() > 0 %} {{entry.authors[0].name}} {% endif %} {% if entry.publishers.__len__() > 0 %} {{entry.publishers[0].name}} {% endif %} {% for lang in entry.languages %} {{lang.lang_code}} {% endfor %} {% for tag in entry.tags %} {% endfor %} {% if entry.comments[0] %}{{entry.comments[0].text|striptags}}{% endif %} {% if entry.has_cover %} {% endif %} {% for format in entry.data %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% for entry in listelements %} {% if entry.__class__.__name__ == 'Shelf' and entry.is_public == 1 %} {{entry.name}} {{_('(Public)')}} {% else %} {{entry.name}} {% endif %} {{ url_for(folder, book_id=entry.id) }} {% endfor %}