#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This file is part of the Calibre-Web (https://github.com/janeczku/calibre-web) # Copyright (C) 2012-2019 janeczku, OzzieIsaacs, andrerfcsantos, idalin # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals import sys import os import signal import socket import logging try: from gevent.pywsgi import WSGIServer from gevent.pool import Pool from gevent import __version__ as geventVersion gevent_present = True except ImportError: from tornado.wsgi import WSGIContainer from tornado.httpserver import HTTPServer from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop from tornado import version as tornadoVersion from tornado import log as tornadoLog from tornado import options as tornadoOptions gevent_present = False from . import logger, config, global_WorkerThread log = logger.create() class server: wsgiserver = None restart = False app = None access_logger = None def __init__(self): signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.killServer) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.killServer) def init_app(self, application): self.app = application self.port = config.config_port self.listening = config.get_config_ipaddress(readable=True) + ":" + str(self.port) self.access_logger = None if config.config_access_log: if gevent_present: logger.setup(config.config_access_logfile, logger.DEFAULT_ACCESS_LEVEL, "access") self.access_logger = logging.getLogger("access") else: logger.setup(config.config_access_logfile, logger.DEFAULT_ACCESS_LEVEL, "tornado.access") self.ssl_args = None certfile_path = config.get_config_certfile() keyfile_path = config.get_config_keyfile() if certfile_path and keyfile_path: if os.path.isfile(certfile_path) and os.path.isfile(keyfile_path): self.ssl_args = {"certfile": certfile_path, "keyfile": keyfile_path} else: log.warning('The specified paths for the ssl certificate file and/or key file seem to be broken. Ignoring ssl.') log.warning('Cert path: %s', certfile_path) log.warning('Key path: %s', keyfile_path) def _make_gevent_socket(self): if config.get_config_ipaddress(): return (config.get_config_ipaddress(), self.port) if os.name == 'nt': return ('', self.port) try: s = WSGIServer.get_listener(('', self.port), family=socket.AF_INET6) except socket.error as ex: log.error('%s', ex) log.warning('Unable to listen on \'\', trying on IPv4 only...') s = WSGIServer.get_listener(('', self.port), family=socket.AF_INET) log.debug("%r %r", s._sock, s._sock.getsockname()) return s def start_gevent(self): ssl_args = self.ssl_args or {} log.info('Starting Gevent server') try: sock = self._make_gevent_socket() self.wsgiserver = WSGIServer(sock, self.app, log=self.access_logger, spawn=Pool(), **ssl_args) self.wsgiserver.serve_forever() except socket.error: try: log.info('Unable to listen on "", trying on "" only...') self.wsgiserver = WSGIServer(('', config.config_port), self.app, spawn=Pool(), **ssl_args) self.wsgiserver.serve_forever() except (OSError, socket.error) as e: log.info("Error starting server: %s", e.strerror) print("Error starting server: %s" % e.strerror) global_WorkerThread.stop() sys.exit(1) except Exception: log.exception("Unknown error while starting gevent") sys.exit(0) def start_tornado(self): log.info('Starting Tornado server on %s', self.listening) try: # Max Buffersize set to 200MB ) http_server = HTTPServer(WSGIContainer(self.app), max_buffer_size = 209700000, ssl_options=self.ssl_args) address = config.get_config_ipaddress() http_server.listen(self.port, address) self.wsgiserver=IOLoop.instance() self.wsgiserver.start() # wait for stop signal self.wsgiserver.close(True) except socket.error as err: log.exception("Error starting tornado server") print("Error starting server: %s" % err.strerror) global_WorkerThread.stop() sys.exit(1) def startServer(self): if gevent_present: # leave subprocess out to allow forking for fetchers and processors self.start_gevent() else: self.start_tornado() if self.restart is True: log.info("Performing restart of Calibre-Web") global_WorkerThread.stop() if os.name == 'nt': arguments = ["\"" + sys.executable + "\""] for e in sys.argv: arguments.append("\"" + e + "\"") os.execv(sys.executable, arguments) else: os.execl(sys.executable, sys.executable, *sys.argv) else: log.info("Performing shutdown of Calibre-Web") global_WorkerThread.stop() sys.exit(0) def setRestartTyp(self,starttyp): self.restart = starttyp def killServer(self, signum, frame): self.stopServer() def stopServer(self): if self.wsgiserver: if gevent_present: self.wsgiserver.close() else: self.wsgiserver.add_callback(self.wsgiserver.stop) @staticmethod def getNameVersion(): if gevent_present: return {'Gevent': 'v' + geventVersion} else: return {'Tornado': 'v' + tornadoVersion}