24 lines
847 B
24 lines
847 B
extends TileMap
onready var player = get_node("/root/base_scene/Player")
func _ready():
pass # Replace with function body.
func _get_cell_size():
return cell_size
func _unhandled_input(event):
var pl_pos = player.position
var pl_pos_tile = Vector2(pl_pos.x / cell_size.x, pl_pos.y / cell_size.y)
var pl_tile = get_cellv(pl_pos_tile)
if event == Input.action_press("map_interaction"):
if(pl_tile != -1):
set_cellv(pl_pos_tile, -1)
# for some obscure reason, this function only works on the background script, but not on the e.g. player script or Camera2D script. May have something to do with loading/scripts being active?
func _on_Inventory_pressed():
var inventory_screen = preload("res://MiscScenes/Inventory.tscn").instance()
Global.AddScene(inventory_screen, "inventory_screen", true)