extends Control # firstly you need to disable autostart GodotRemote in Project Settings/Debug/Godot Remote/General # and change the Network/Limits/Connect Timeout Seconds to 1 otherwise app will be closing very long time func _ready(): # create client GodotRemote.create_remote_device(GodotRemote.DEVICE_CLIENT) # get device and convert it to client class var d : GRClient = GodotRemote.get_output_device() # set control where you want to see stream. it can be whole screen control or custom 'viewport' d.set_control_to_show_in(self) # set address of server. optional if you want to connect to other projects on one pc or if you use connection over adb d.set_address("") # set password to get acces to the server if it need one d.password = "1234" # and change other settings if you need it # start client GodotRemote.start_remote_device() # If you need to support custom input scenes best way to avoid any errors by overriding resources # from server is just put all assets of this project to folder with unique and long name # # Example: # *res:// # -UniqueL0ngNameThatINeverOverrideFromServer # -icon.png # -default_env.tres # -Scene.tscn # -Scene.gd