
91 lines
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Raw Normal View History

extends KinematicBody2D
const GRAVITY = 0.0
const WALK_SPEED = 200
const interaction_circle_size = 150
2022-10-12 18:06:51 +00:00
#onready var background_map = get_node("/root/base_scene/background")
2022-10-15 19:33:54 +00:00
onready var background_map = get_node("../background")
onready var vegetation_map = get_node("../vegetation")
onready var interaction_map = get_node("../interaction_map")
onready var player_interaction_map = get_node("../player_interaction")
#onready var cell_size = background_map._get_cell_size()
onready var cell_size = 32
var velocity = Vector2()
var world_position
2021-04-08 19:18:46 +00:00
var ItemClass = preload("res://MiscScenes/Item.tscn")
2021-04-23 20:16:43 +00:00
var previous_position = Vector2(0,0)
#Moving buttons
func _physics_process(delta):
2021-04-23 20:16:43 +00:00
var cur = Vector2(int(self.position.x / cell_size.x), int(self.position.y / cell_size.y))
if(cur != previous_position):
2022-10-12 18:06:51 +00:00
player_interaction_map.set_cell(int(self.position.x / cell_size.x), int(self.position.y / cell_size.y) , 0)
player_interaction_map.set_cell(previous_position.x, previous_position.y, -1)
2021-04-23 20:16:43 +00:00
previous_position = Vector2(int(self.position.x / cell_size.x), int(self.position.y / cell_size.y))
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("interact_with_cell"):
velocity.y += delta * GRAVITY
if Input.is_action_pressed("move_left"):
velocity.x = -WALK_SPEED
elif Input.is_action_pressed("move_right"):
velocity.x = WALK_SPEED
elif Input.is_action_pressed("move_up"):
velocity.y = -WALK_SPEED
elif Input.is_action_pressed("move_down"):
velocity.y = WALK_SPEED
velocity.x = 0
velocity.y = 0
move_and_slide(velocity, Vector2(0, -1))
2021-04-23 20:16:43 +00:00
func InteractWithCell():
2022-10-15 19:33:54 +00:00
for _i in self.get_parent().get_children():
print("Nodes visible ",_i)
if _i is TileMap:
print("Checking ", _i)
for x in 300:
for y in 300:
if _i.get_cell(x, y) != -1:
print(_i.get_cell(x, y))
# else:
# _i.set_cell(x, y, 1)
var plant_cell_mouse = interaction_map.get_cell(int(world_position[0] / cell_size.x), int(world_position[1] / cell_size.y))
2022-01-15 21:25:42 +00:00
var plant_cell_character = interaction_map.get_cell(int(self.position.x / cell_size.x), int(self.position.y / cell_size.y))
var background_cell = background_map.get_cell(int(world_position[0] / cell_size.x), int(world_position[1] / cell_size.y))
2022-10-12 18:06:51 +00:00
var interaction_cell = player_interaction_map.get_cell(int(world_position[0] / cell_size.x), int(world_position[1] / cell_size.y))
2022-01-15 21:25:42 +00:00
print("plant cell mouse line 1: ", interaction_map.get_cell(12, 36))
print('plant_cell_mouse=',plant_cell_mouse,' | plant_cell_character=', plant_cell_character,' | background_cell=', background_cell,' | interaction_cell=',interaction_cell)
2021-04-23 20:16:43 +00:00
if plant_cell_mouse > 0 and plant_cell_mouse % 2 == 0:
2021-04-08 19:18:46 +00:00
Global.AddInventoryItem(plant_cell_mouse/2, 1)
2022-01-15 21:25:42 +00:00
interaction_map.set_cell(int(world_position[0] / cell_size.x), int(world_position[1] / cell_size.y), (plant_cell_mouse-1))
2022-10-15 19:33:54 +00:00
GlobalGameFunctions.SoundOnInteraction(self, "standard")
2021-04-08 20:58:04 +00:00
elif plant_cell_character > 0 and plant_cell_character % 2 == 0:
2021-04-08 19:18:46 +00:00
Global.AddInventoryItem(plant_cell_character/2, 1)
2022-01-15 21:25:42 +00:00
interaction_map.set_cell(int(self.position.x / cell_size.x), int(self.position.y / cell_size.y), (plant_cell_character-1))
2021-05-28 21:01:56 +00:00
func _interaction_process():
world_position = get_global_mouse_position()
func AnimationOnInteraction(Item):
print("Item = ", Item, " Animation")
var itemimage = TextureRect.new()
2021-04-08 19:18:46 +00:00
var item = null
2021-06-04 20:57:48 +00:00
func _ready():
2021-04-08 20:58:04 +00:00
Global.player_inventory_items = Database.GetInventoryItems().duplicate()
2022-10-13 15:09:42 +00:00
print("Map = ", Global.map_name)