Eljakim Herrewijnen 50b5fc1824 Initial commit
2021-09-27 21:52:27 +02:00

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cohelper Module

Since Origin / Contributor Maintainer Source
2019-07-24 TerryE TerryE cohelper.lua

This module provides a simple wrapper around long running functions to allow these to execute within the SDK and its advised limit of 15 mSec per individual task execution. It does this by exploiting the standard Lua coroutine functionality as described in the Lua RM §2.11 and PiL Chapter 9.

The NodeMCU Lua VM fully supports the standard coroutine functionality. Any interactive or callback tasks are executed in the default thread, and the coroutine itself runs in a second separate Lua stack. The coroutine can call any library functions, but any subsequent callbacks will, of course, execute in the default stack.

Interaction between the coroutine and the parent is through yield and resume statements, and since the order of SDK tasks is indeterminate, the application must take care to handle any ordering issues. This particular example uses the node.task.post() API with the taskYield()function to resume itself, so the running code can call taskYield() at regular points in the processing to spilt the work into separate SDK tasks.

A similar approach could be based on timer or on a socket or pipe CB. If you want to develop such a variant then start by reviewing the source and understanding what it does.


local cohelper = require("cohelper")
-- or linked directly with the  `exec()` method
require("cohelper").exec(func, <params>)


Not required. All resources are released on completion of the exec() method.


Execute a function which is wrapped by a coroutine handler.


require("cohelper").exec(func, <params>)


  • func: Lua function to be executed as a coroutine.
  • <params>: list of 0 or more parameters used to initialise func. the number and types must be matched to the funct declaration


Return result of first yield.


  1. The coroutine function func() has 1+n arguments The first is the supplied task yield function. Calling this yield function within func() will temporarily break execution and cause an SDK reschedule which migh allow other executinng tasks to be executed before is resumed. The remaining arguments are passed to the func() on first call.
  2. The current implementation passes a single integer parameter across resume() / yield() interface. This acts to count the number of yields that occur. Depending on your appplication requirements, you might wish to amend this.

Full Example

Here is a function which recursively walks the globals environment, the ROM table and the Registry. Without coroutining, this walk terminate with a PANIC following a watchdog timout. I don't want to sprinkle the code with tmr.wdclr() that could in turn cause the network stack to fail. Here is how to do it using coroutining:

require "cohelper".exec(
  function(taskYield, list)
    local s, n, nCBs = {}, 0, 0

    local function list_entry (name, v) -- upval: taskYield, nCBs
      print(name, v)
      n = n + 1
      if n % 20 == 0 then nCBs = taskYield(nCBs) end
      if type(v):sub(-5) ~= 'table' or s[v] or name == 'Reg.stdout' then return end
      for k,tv in pairs(v) do
        list_entry(name..'.'..k, tv)
      s[v] = nil

    for k,v in pairs(list) do
      list_entry(k, v)
    print ('Total lines, print batches = ', n, nCBs)
  {_G = _G, Reg = debug.getregistry(), ROM = ROM}