local moduleName = ... or 'mispec' local M = {} _G[moduleName] = M -- Helpers: function ok(expression, desc) if expression == nil then expression = false end desc = desc or 'expression is not ok' if not expression then error(desc .. '\n' .. debug.traceback()) end end function ko(expression, desc) if expression == nil then expression = false end desc = desc or 'expression is not ko' if expression then error(desc .. '\n' .. debug.traceback()) end end function eq(a, b) if type(a) ~= type(b) then error('type ' .. type(a) .. ' is not equal to ' .. type(b) .. '\n' .. debug.traceback()) end if type(a) == 'function' then return string.dump(a) == string.dump(b) end if a == b then return true end if type(a) ~= 'table' then error(string.format("%q",tostring(a)) .. ' is not equal to ' .. string.format("%q",tostring(b)) .. '\n' .. debug.traceback()) end for k,v in pairs(a) do if b[k] == nil or not eq(v, b[k]) then return false end end for k,v in pairs(b) do if a[k] == nil or not eq(v, a[k]) then return false end end return true end function failwith(message, func, ...) local status, err = pcall(func, ...) if status then local messagePart = "" if message then messagePart = " containing \"" .. message .. "\"" end error("Error expected" .. messagePart .. '\n' .. debug.traceback()) end if (message and not string.find(err, message)) then error("expected errormessage \"" .. err .. "\" to contain \"" .. message .. "\"" .. '\n' .. debug.traceback() ) end return true end function fail(func, ...) return failwith(nil, func, ...) end local function eventuallyImpl(func, retries, delayMs) local prevEventually = _G.eventually _G.eventually = function() error("Cannot nest eventually/andThen.") end local status, err = pcall(func) _G.eventually = prevEventually if status then M.queuedEventuallyCount = M.queuedEventuallyCount - 1 M.runNextPending() else if retries > 0 then local t = tmr.create() t:register(delayMs, tmr.ALARM_SINGLE, M.runNextPending) t:start() table.insert(M.pending, 1, function() eventuallyImpl(func, retries - 1, delayMs) end) else M.failed = M.failed + 1 print("\n ! it failed:", err) -- remove all pending eventuallies as spec has failed at this point for i = 1, M.queuedEventuallyCount - 1 do table.remove(M.pending, 1) end M.queuedEventuallyCount = 0 M.runNextPending() end end end function eventually(func, retries, delayMs) retries = retries or 10 delayMs = delayMs or 300 M.queuedEventuallyCount = M.queuedEventuallyCount + 1 table.insert(M.pending, M.queuedEventuallyCount, function() eventuallyImpl(func, retries, delayMs) end) end function andThen(func) eventually(func, 0, 0) end function describe(name, itshoulds) M.name = name M.itshoulds = itshoulds end -- Module: M.runNextPending = function() local next = table.remove(M.pending, 1) if next then node.task.post(next) next = nil else M.succeeded = M.total - M.failed local elapsedSeconds = (tmr.now() - M.startTime) / 1000 / 1000 print(string.format( '\n\nCompleted in %d seconds; %d failed out of %d.', elapsedSeconds, M.failed, M.total)) M.pending = nil M.queuedEventuallyCount = nil end end M.run = function() M.pending = {} M.queuedEventuallyCount = 0 M.startTime = tmr.now() M.total = 0 M.failed = 0 local it = {} it.should = function(_, desc, func) table.insert(M.pending, function() print('\n * ' .. desc) M.total = M.total + 1 if M.pre then M.pre() end local status, err = pcall(func) if not status then print("\n ! it failed:", err) M.failed = M.failed + 1 end if M.post then M.post() end M.runNextPending() end) end it.initialize = function(_, pre) M.pre = pre end; it.cleanup = function(_, post) M.post = post end; M.itshoulds(it) print('' .. M.name .. ', it should:') M.runNextPending() M.itshoulds = nil M.name = nil end print ("loaded mispec")