# v0.1.0 * [BREAKING] location where the hub stores its configuration has been changed from `hub/config.json` to `$HOME/.wifi-tally.json` #21 * [BREAKING] Pins for Stage Light have been moved from `D2-D4` to `D1-D3` * [BREAKING] The firmware is no longer part of the repository and will be built on Travis. If you need a firmware for development, get it from the latest release. #25 * [BREAKING] The firmware needs to be updated as the `ws2812` module was added * [FIXED] prevent hub from crashing on invalid message #19 * [FIXED] hub does boot even if the configuration is empty * [ADDED] Support for vMix added #12 * [ADDED] the hub does not use generic channel names (like `Channel 1`) if the video mixer has a name configured * [ADDED] the channel drop-down in the hub is limited to the number of channels supported by the video mixer * [ADDED] the web page shows if it has lost connection to the hub and reloads #20 * [ADDED] allow the use of LEDs with common cathode #31 * [ADDED] allow the use of WS2812 strips, NeoPixel and the like #29 * [ADDED] better log if it looks as if Atem rejected a connection #16 * [CHANGED] use cross-env to allow hub to run on windows #18 * [CHANGED] npm dependencies of the hub updated * [CHANGED] firmware version of the tally updated * [CHANGED] tallies that are not patched in the hub now do not show the "video mixer not connected" error # v0.1-alpha4 * [FIXED] Compiled `lc` files in the release are working again. #24 * [ADDED] The hub shows indications if the video mixer is connected. #15 # v0.1-alpha3 * [BREAKING] The tallies name is trimmed to `26` characters. * [BREAKING] Pinout of the tally was changed. See updated documentation. #5 * [FIXED] Following links on the hub is now possible when using the web interface on the machine that runs the hub #1 * [FIXED] Tally sanitizes its hostname if it contains spaces or is longer than 32 characters * [ADDED] Tally logs the boot reason when starting. This could help determine if the tally crashed (which it never does of course ;) ) or the wifi signal was lost * [ADDED] Tally buffers up to 10 log messages if the hub is not available. This helps detecting issues once the wifi connection is re-established. * [ADDED] A separate LED can be used for the operator light on the tally #2 * [ADDED] the operator light is dimly glowing green when everything is connected, but the camera is neither on preview nor program. #7 * [ADDED] the NodeMCU onboard LED indicates if the board is powered and the code started * [ADDED] Tally indicates if the settings.ini is invalid by blinking blue #11 * [CHANGED] Tally reconnects faster to wifi (`200ms`) when auth timed out, because it indicates low signal strength * [CHANGED] Logs are better categorized as info, warning and error