Changelog Ucglib ( 2014-02-01 v0.01 Oliver Kraus * first beta release for Arduino IDE 2014-03-01 v0.02 Oliver Kraus * Speedup for SSD1351 * Fixed text output problems with ILI9325 * Fixed controller timing problem with the ILI9341 (rot180/rot270) * Fixed GraphicsDemo for larger screen sizes * Added Profont and Logisoso fonts * Support for PCF8833 and ST7735 2014-04-19 v0.03 Oliver Kraus * Support for Freetronics OLED with SSD1351 (Ucglib_SSD1351_18x128x128_FT_SWSPI) * Added ucg_int_t getStrWidth(const char *s) to the C++ interface 2014-04-21 v0.04 Oliver Kraus * void drawLine(ucg_int_t x1, ucg_int_t y1, ucg_int_t x2, ucg_int_t y2) 2014-04-27 v0.05 Oliver Kraus * Issue 9: Scale2x2 verified * Issue 11: Low level proc for solid text is closed * Issue 14: Speed improvement for 8 bit SW SPI 2014-04-29 v1.00 Oliver Kraus * Small change to GraphicsTest.ino 2014-08-24 v1.01 Oliver Kraus * Fixed problem with rot180/rot270 and solid font mode (issue 30) * drawString, drawGlyph, setFontRefXXX procedures 2015-06-18 v1.2 Oliver Kraus * Fixed problem with slow SW SPI on Arduino Due * bdf2ucg replaced by bdfconv * Complete new font rendering subsystem * New font: Inconsolata * New font nameing convention, monospace fonts are clearly marked * Support for ILI9163 128x128 display * Initial support for LD50T6160 * Power down mode for most controller types 2015-07-26 v1.3 Oliver Kraus * bdfconv.exe available on google drive * Support for SEPS225 OLEDs * Support for SSD1331 OLEDs 2016-01-07 v1.4.0 Oliver Kraus * Support for ESP8266 (issue 61) 2017-12-16 v1.5.2 Oliver Kraus * Integration of HX8352C and ILI9486 support * Fix ESP32 errors