const Tally = require('../domain/Tally') const dgram = require('dgram'); const tallyHighlightTime = 1000 // ms // the more keep alives you send the less likely it is that // the tally shows a wrong state, but you send more packages // over the network. const keepAlivesPerSecond = 10 const updateTally = function(tally, io, programs, previews) { if(tally.isActive()) { let command = "release" if(tally.isHighlighted()) { command = "highlight" } else if(programs === null && tally.isPatched()) { // mixer is disconnected command = "unknown" } else if (programs !== null && tally.isIn(programs)) { command = "on-air" } else if (previews !== null && tally.isIn(previews)) { command = "preview" } io.send(command, tally.port, tally.address) } } class InvalidCommandError extends Error { constructor(...args) { super(...args) this.message = `Received an invalid command: "${this.message}"` } } // - handles connections with Tallies. // - emits signals when tallies connect, go missing or disconnect class TallyDriver { constructor(tallies, emitter) { this.tallies = new Map(); (tallies || []).forEach(tally => { tally = Tally.fromValueObject(tally) this.tallies.set(, tally) }) this.emitter = emitter this.lastPrograms = null this.lastPreviews = null = dgram.createSocket('udp4')'error', (err) => { console.log(`server error: ${err.stack}`);; });'message', (msg, rinfo) => { try { msg = msg.toString().trim() if (msg.startsWith("tally-ho")) { const tallyName = TallyDriver.parseTallyHo(msg) this._tallyReported(tallyName, rinfo) } else if (msg.startsWith("log")) { const [tallyName, severity, message] = TallyDriver.parseLog(msg) const tally = this._tallyReported(tallyName, rinfo) const log = tally.addLog(new Date(), severity, message) this.emitter.emit('tally.logged', tally, log) } else { throw new InvalidCommandError(msg) } } catch (e) { if (e instanceof InvalidCommandError) { console.warn(e.message) } else { throw e } } });'listening', () => { const address = console.log(`Listening for Tallies on ${address.address}:${address.port}`) }); // watchdog to check if a tally disconnected const lastTallyReport = new Map(); this.emitter.on('tally.reported', tally => { lastTallyReport.set(, new Date()) tally.state = Tally.CONNECTED }) setInterval(() => { const now = new Date() this.tallies.forEach(tally => { if(!lastTallyReport.has( { tally.state = Tally.DISCONNECTED } else { const diff = now - lastTallyReport.get( // milliseconds if(diff > 30000) { if(tally.state !== Tally.DISCONNECTED) { tally.state = Tally.DISCONNECTED this.emitter.emit('tally.timedout', tally, diff) } } else if(diff > 3000) { if(tally.state !== Tally.MISSING) { tally.state = Tally.MISSING this.emitter.emit('tally.missing', tally, diff) } } } }) }, 500) // send keep-alive messages // - show the tally, we are still here // - compensate for lost packages setInterval(() => { this.updateTallies() }, 1000 / keepAlivesPerSecond) } _tallyReported(tallyName, rinfo) { if (!this.tallies.has(tallyName)) { const tally = new Tally(tallyName, -1) this.tallies.set(tallyName, tally) } const tally = this.tallies.get(tallyName) if(tally.state !== Tally.CONNECTED) { tally.state = Tally.CONNECTED tally.address = rinfo.address; tally.port = rinfo.port; this.emitter.emit('tally.connected', tally) } if (tally.address !== rinfo.address || tally.port !== rinfo.port) { tally.address = rinfo.address; tally.port = rinfo.port; this.emitter.emit('tally.changed', tally) } this.emitter.emit('tally.reported', this.tallies.get(tallyName)) return tally } highlight(tallyName) { console.log("highlight", tallyName) if(this.tallies.has(tallyName)) { const tally = this.tallies.get(tallyName) setTimeout(() => { tally.setHighlight(false) this.updateTally(tallyName) }, tallyHighlightTime) tally.setHighlight(true) this.updateTally(tallyName) } } setState(programs, previews) { this.lastPrograms = programs this.lastPreviews = previews this.updateTallies() } patchTally(tallyName, channelId) { if(this.tallies.has(tallyName)) { const tally = this.tallies.get(tallyName) tally.channelId = channelId this.emitter.emit('tally.changed', tally) } } removeTally(tallyName) { if(this.tallies.has(tallyName)) { const tally = this.tallies.get(tallyName) this.tallies.delete(tallyName) this.emitter.emit('tally.removed', tally) } } updateTally(tallyName) { const tally = this.tallies.get(tallyName) updateTally(tally,, this.lastPrograms, this.lastPreviews) } updateTallies() { this.tallies.forEach(tally => updateTally(tally,, this.lastPrograms, this.lastPreviews)) } toValueObjects() { return Array.from(this.tallies.values()).map(tally => tally.toValueObject()) } toValueObjectsForSave() { return Array.from(this.tallies.values()).map(tally => { tally = tally.toValueObject() delete tally.state delete tally.address delete tally.port return tally }) } getTally(tallyName) { if(this.tallies.has(tallyName)) { const tally = this.tallies.get(tallyName) return tally } } } TallyDriver.parseTallyHo = function(cmd) { const result = cmd.match(/^([^ ]+) "(.+)"/) if (result === null) { throw new InvalidCommandError(cmd) } else { const [_, command, name] = result if (command !== "tally-ho") { throw new InvalidCommandError(command) } return name } } TallyDriver.parseLog = function(cmd) { const result = cmd.match(/^([^ ]+) "(.+)" ([^ ]+) "(.*)"/) if (result === null) { throw new InvalidCommandError(cmd) } else { const [_, command, name, severity, message] = result if (command !== "log") { throw new InvalidCommandError(command) } return [name, severity, message] } } module.exports = TallyDriver;