-- Gossip protocol implementation -- https://github.com/alexandruantochi/ local gossip = {}; local constants = {}; local utils = {}; local network = {}; local state = {}; -- Utils utils.contains = function(list, element) for k in pairs(list) do if list[k] == element then return true; end end return false; end utils.debug = function(message) if gossip.config.debug then if gossip.config.debugOutput then gossip.config.debugOutput(message); else print(message); end end end utils.getNetworkState = function() return sjson.encode(gossip.networkState); end utils.isNodeDataValid = function(nodeData) return (nodeData and nodeData.revision and nodeData.heartbeat and nodeData.state) ~= nil; end utils.compare = function(first, second) if first > second then return -1; end if first < second then return 1; end return 0; end utils.compareNodeData = function(first, second) local firstDataValid = utils.isNodeDataValid(first); local secondDataValid = utils.isNodeDataValid(second); if firstDataValid and secondDataValid then for index in ipairs(constants.comparisonFields) do local comparisonField = constants.comparisonFields[index]; local comparisonResult = utils.compare(first[comparisonField], second[comparisonField]); if comparisonResult ~= 0 then return comparisonResult; end end elseif firstDataValid then return -1; elseif secondDataValid then return 1; end return 0; end -- computes data1 - data2 based on node compare function utils.getMinus = function(data1, data2) local diff = {}; for ip, nodeData1 in pairs(data1) do if utils.compareNodeData(nodeData1, data2[ip]) == -1 then diff[ip] = nodeData1; end end return diff; end utils.setConfig = function(userConfig) for k, v in pairs(userConfig) do if gossip.config[k] ~= nil and type(gossip.config[k]) == type(v) then gossip.config[k] = v; end end end -- State state.setRev = function() local revision = 0; if file.exists(constants.revFileName) then revision = file.getcontents(constants.revFileName) + 1; end file.putcontents(constants.revFileName, revision); utils.debug('Revision set to ' .. revision); return revision; end state.setRevFileValue = function(revNumber) if revNumber then file.putcontents(constants.revFileName, revNumber); utils.debug('Revision overriden to ' .. revNumber); else utils.debug('Please provide a revision number.'); end end state.start = function() if gossip.started then utils.debug('Gossip already started.'); return; end gossip.ip = wifi.sta.getip(); if not gossip.ip then utils.debug('Node not connected to network. Gossip will not start.'); return; end gossip.networkState[gossip.ip] = {}; local localState = gossip.networkState[gossip.ip]; localState.revision = state.setRev(); localState.heartbeat = tmr.time(); localState.state = constants.nodeState.UP; gossip.inboundSocket = net.createUDPSocket(); gossip.inboundSocket:listen(gossip.config.comPort); gossip.inboundSocket:on('receive', network.receiveData); gossip.started = true; gossip.timer = tmr.create(); gossip.timer:register(gossip.config.roundInterval, tmr.ALARM_AUTO, network.sendSyn); gossip.timer:start(); utils.debug('Gossip started.'); end state.tickNodeState = function(ip) if gossip.networkState[ip] then local nodeState = gossip.networkState[ip].state; if nodeState < constants.nodeState.REMOVE then nodeState = nodeState + constants.nodeState.TICK; gossip.networkState[ip].state = nodeState; end end end -- Network network.pushGossip = function(data, ip) gossip.networkState[gossip.ip].data = data; network.sendSyn(nil, ip); end network.updateNetworkState = function(updateData) if gossip.updateCallback then gossip.updateCallback(updateData); end for ip, data in pairs(updateData) do if not utils.contains(gossip.config.seedList, ip) then table.insert(gossip.config.seedList, ip); end gossip.networkState[ip] = data; end end -- luacheck: push no unused network.sendSyn = function(t, ip) local destination = ip or network.pickRandomNode(); gossip.networkState[gossip.ip].heartbeat = tmr.time(); if destination then network.sendData(destination, gossip.networkState, constants.updateType.SYN); state.tickNodeState(destination); end end -- luacheck: pop network.pickRandomNode = function() if #gossip.config.seedList > 0 then local randomListPick = node.random(1, #gossip.config.seedList); utils.debug('Randomly picked: ' .. gossip.config.seedList[randomListPick]); return gossip.config.seedList[randomListPick]; end utils.debug( 'Seedlist is empty. Please provide one or wait for node to be contacted.'); return nil; end network.sendData = function(ip, data, sendType) local outboundSocket = net.createUDPSocket(); data.type = sendType; local dataToSend = sjson.encode(data); data.type = nil; outboundSocket:send(gossip.config.comPort, ip, dataToSend); outboundSocket:close(); end network.receiveSyn = function(ip, synData) utils.debug('Received SYN from ' .. ip); local update = utils.getMinus(synData, gossip.networkState); local diff = utils.getMinus(gossip.networkState, synData); network.updateNetworkState(update); network.sendAck(ip, diff); end network.receiveAck = function(ip, ackData) utils.debug('Received ACK from ' .. ip); local update = utils.getMinus(ackData, gossip.networkState); network.updateNetworkState(update); end network.sendAck = function(ip, diff) local diffIps = ''; for k in pairs(diff) do diffIps = diffIps .. ' ' .. k; end utils.debug('Sending ACK to ' .. ip .. ' with ' .. diffIps .. ' updates.'); network.sendData(ip, diff, constants.updateType.ACK); end -- luacheck: push no unused network.receiveData = function(socket, data, port, ip) if gossip.networkState[ip] then gossip.networkState[ip].state = constants.nodeState.UP; end local messageDecoded, updateData = pcall(sjson.decode, data); if not messageDecoded then utils.debug('Invalid JSON received from ' .. ip); return; end local updateType = updateData.type; updateData.type = nil; if updateType == constants.updateType.SYN then network.receiveSyn(ip, updateData); elseif updateType == constants.updateType.ACK then network.receiveAck(ip, updateData); else utils.debug('Invalid data comming from ip ' .. ip .. '. No valid type specified.'); end end -- luacheck: pop -- Constants constants.nodeState = {TICK = 1, UP = 0, SUSPECT = 2, DOWN = 3, REMOVE = 4}; constants.defaultConfig = { seedList = {}, roundInterval = 15000, comPort = 5000, debug = false }; constants.comparisonFields = {'revision', 'heartbeat', 'state'}; constants.updateType = {ACK = 'ACK', SYN = 'SYN'} constants.revFileName = 'gossip/rev.dat'; -- Return gossip = { started = false, config = constants.defaultConfig, setConfig = utils.setConfig, start = state.start, setRevFileValue = state.setRevFileValue, networkState = {}, getNetworkState = utils.getNetworkState, pushGossip = network.pushGossip }; -- return if (... == 'test') then return { _gossip = gossip, _constants = constants, _utils = utils, _network = network, _state = state }; elseif net and file and tmr and wifi then return gossip; else error('Gossip requires these modules to work: net, file, tmr, wifi'); end