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2021-09-27 19:52:27 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
# ESP32 secure boot utility
# https://github.com/themadinventor/esptool
# Copyright (C) 2016 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin
# Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
from __future__ import division, print_function
import argparse
import hashlib
import os
import struct
import sys
import zlib
from collections import namedtuple
from cryptography import exceptions
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import padding, rsa, utils
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms, modes
from cryptography.utils import int_to_bytes
import ecdsa
import esptool
def get_chunks(source, chunk_len):
""" Returns an iterator over 'chunk_len' chunks of 'source' """
return (source[i: i + chunk_len] for i in range(0, len(source), chunk_len))
def endian_swap_words(source):
""" Endian-swap each word in 'source' bitstring """
assert len(source) % 4 == 0
words = "I" * (len(source) // 4)
return struct.pack("<" + words, *struct.unpack(">" + words, source))
def swap_word_order(source):
""" Swap the order of the words in 'source' bitstring """
assert len(source) % 4 == 0
words = "I" * (len(source) // 4)
return struct.pack(words, *reversed(struct.unpack(words, source)))
def _load_hardware_key(keyfile):
""" Load a 256-bit key, similar to stored in efuse, from a file
192-bit keys will be extended to 256-bit using the same algorithm used
by hardware if 3/4 Coding Scheme is set.
key = keyfile.read()
if len(key) not in [24, 32]:
raise esptool.FatalError("Key file contains wrong length (%d bytes), 24 or 32 expected." % len(key))
if len(key) == 24:
key = key + key[8:16]
print("Using 192-bit key (extended)")
print("Using 256-bit key")
assert len(key) == 32
return key
def digest_secure_bootloader(args):
""" Calculate the digest of a bootloader image, in the same way the hardware
secure boot engine would do so. Can be used with a pre-loaded key to update a
secure bootloader. """
if args.iv is not None:
print("WARNING: --iv argument is for TESTING PURPOSES ONLY")
iv = args.iv.read(128)
iv = os.urandom(128)
plaintext_image = args.image.read()
# secure boot engine reads in 128 byte blocks (ie SHA512 block
# size), but also doesn't look for any appended SHA-256 digest
fw_image = esptool.ESP32FirmwareImage(args.image)
if fw_image.append_digest:
if len(plaintext_image) % 128 <= 32:
# ROM bootloader will read to the end of the 128 byte block, but not
# to the end of the SHA-256 digest at the end
new_len = len(plaintext_image) - (len(plaintext_image) % 128)
plaintext_image = plaintext_image[:new_len]
# if image isn't 128 byte multiple then pad with 0xFF (ie unwritten flash)
# as this is what the secure boot engine will see
if len(plaintext_image) % 128 != 0:
plaintext_image += b"\xFF" * (128 - (len(plaintext_image) % 128))
plaintext = iv + plaintext_image
# Secure Boot digest algorithm in hardware uses AES256 ECB to
# produce a ciphertext, then feeds output through SHA-512 to
# produce the digest. Each block in/out of ECB is reordered
# (due to hardware quirks not for security.)
key = _load_hardware_key(args.keyfile)
backend = default_backend()
cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(key), modes.ECB(), backend=backend)
encryptor = cipher.encryptor()
digest = hashlib.sha512()
for block in get_chunks(plaintext, 16):
block = block[::-1] # reverse each input block
cipher_block = encryptor.update(block)
# reverse and then byte swap each word in the output block
cipher_block = cipher_block[::-1]
for block in get_chunks(cipher_block, 4):
# Python hashlib can build each SHA block internally
if args.output is None:
args.output = os.path.splitext(args.image.name)[0] + "-digest-0x0000.bin"
with open(args.output, "wb") as f:
digest = digest.digest()
for word in get_chunks(digest, 4):
f.write(word[::-1]) # swap word order in the result
f.write(b'\xFF' * (0x1000 - f.tell())) # pad to 0x1000
print("digest+image written to %s" % args.output)
def generate_signing_key(args):
if os.path.exists(args.keyfile):
raise esptool.FatalError("ERROR: Key file %s already exists" % args.keyfile)
if args.version == "1":
""" Generate an ECDSA signing key for signing secure boot images (post-bootloader) """
sk = ecdsa.SigningKey.generate(curve=ecdsa.NIST256p)
with open(args.keyfile, "wb") as f:
print("ECDSA NIST256p private key in PEM format written to %s" % args.keyfile)
elif args.version == "2":
""" Generate a RSA 3072 signing key for signing secure boot images """
private_key = rsa.generate_private_key(
with open(args.keyfile, "wb") as f:
print("RSA 3072 private key in PEM format written to %s" % args.keyfile)
def _load_ecdsa_signing_key(keyfile):
sk = ecdsa.SigningKey.from_pem(keyfile.read())
if sk.curve != ecdsa.NIST256p:
raise esptool.FatalError("Signing key uses incorrect curve. ESP32 Secure Boot only supports NIST256p (openssl calls this curve 'prime256v1")
return sk
def _load_sbv2_rsa_signing_key(keydata):
sk = serialization.load_pem_private_key(keydata, password=None, backend=default_backend())
if not isinstance(sk, rsa.RSAPrivateKey):
raise esptool.FatalError("Incorrect RSA Signing key.")
if sk.key_size != 3072:
raise esptool.FatalError("Key file has length %d bits. Secure boot v2 only supports RSA-3072." % sk.key_size)
return sk
def _load_sbv2_rsa_pub_key(keydata):
vk = serialization.load_pem_public_key(keydata, backend=default_backend())
if not isinstance(vk, rsa.RSAPublicKey):
raise esptool.FatalError("Public key incorrect. Secure boot v2 requires RSA 3072 public key")
if vk.key_size != 3072:
raise esptool.FatalError("Key file has length %d bits. Secure boot v2 only supports RSA-3072." % vk.key_size)
return vk
def _get_sbv2_rsa_pub_key(keyfile):
key_data = keyfile.read()
if b"-BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY" in key_data:
vk = _load_sbv2_rsa_signing_key(key_data).public_key()
elif b"-BEGIN PUBLIC KEY" in key_data:
vk = _load_sbv2_rsa_pub_key(key_data)
raise esptool.FatalError("Verification key does not appear to be an RSA Private or Public key in PEM format. Unsupported")
return vk
def _get_sbv2_rsa_primitives(public_key):
primitives = namedtuple('primitives', ['n', 'e', 'm', 'rinv'])
numbers = public_key.public_numbers()
primitives.n = numbers.n #
primitives.e = numbers.e # two public key components
# Note: this cheats and calls a private 'rsa' method to get the modular
# inverse calculation.
primitives.m = - rsa._modinv(primitives.n, 1 << 32)
rr = 1 << (public_key.key_size * 2)
primitives.rinv = rr % primitives.n
return primitives
def sign_data(args):
if args.version == '1':
return sign_secure_boot_v1(args)
elif args.version == '2':
return sign_secure_boot_v2(args)
def sign_secure_boot_v1(args):
""" Sign a data file with a ECDSA private key, append binary signature to file contents """
if len(args.keyfile) > 1:
raise esptool.FatalError("Secure Boot V1 only supports one signing key")
sk = _load_ecdsa_signing_key(args.keyfile[0])
# calculate signature of binary data
binary_content = args.datafile.read()
signature = sk.sign_deterministic(binary_content, hashlib.sha256)
# back-verify signature
vk = sk.get_verifying_key()
vk.verify(signature, binary_content, hashlib.sha256) # throws exception on failure
if args.output is None or os.path.abspath(args.output) == os.path.abspath(args.datafile.name): # append signature to input file
outfile = open(args.datafile.name, "ab")
else: # write file & signature to new file
outfile = open(args.output, "wb")
outfile.write(struct.pack("I", 0)) # Version indicator, allow for different curves/formats later
print("Signed %d bytes of data from %s with key %s" % (len(binary_content), args.datafile.name, args.keyfile[0].name))
def sign_secure_boot_v2(args):
""" Sign a firmware app image with an RSA private key using RSA-PSS, write output file with a
Secure Boot V2 header appended.
signature_sector = b""
key_count = len(args.keyfile)
contents = args.datafile.read()
if key_count > SIG_BLOCK_MAX_COUNT:
print("WARNING: Upto %d signing keys are supported for ESP32-S2. For ESP32-ECO3 only 1 signing key is supported", SIG_BLOCK_MAX_COUNT)
if len(contents) % SECTOR_SIZE != 0:
pad_by = SECTOR_SIZE - (len(contents) % SECTOR_SIZE)
print("Padding data contents by %d bytes so signature sector aligns at sector boundary" % pad_by)
contents += b'\xff' * pad_by
elif args.append_signatures:
sig_block_num = 0
while sig_block_num < SIG_BLOCK_MAX_COUNT:
sig_block = validate_signature_block(contents, sig_block_num)
if sig_block is None:
signature_sector += sig_block # Signature sector is populated with already valid blocks
sig_block_num += 1
assert len(signature_sector) % SIG_BLOCK_SIZE == 0
if sig_block_num == 0:
print("No valid signature blocks found. Discarding --append-signature and proceeding to sign the image afresh.")
print("%d valid signature block(s) already present in the signature sector." % sig_block_num)
empty_signature_blocks = SIG_BLOCK_MAX_COUNT - sig_block_num
if key_count > empty_signature_blocks:
raise esptool.FatalError("Number of keys(%d) more than the empty signature blocks.(%d)" % (key_count, empty_signature_blocks))
contents = contents[:len(contents) - SECTOR_SIZE] # Signature stripped off the content (the legitimate blocks are included in signature_sector)
print("%d signing key(s) found." % key_count)
# Calculate digest of data file
digest = hashlib.sha256()
digest = digest.digest()
for keyfile in args.keyfile:
private_key = _load_sbv2_rsa_signing_key(keyfile.read())
# Sign
signature = private_key.sign(
rsa_primitives = _get_sbv2_rsa_primitives(private_key.public_key())
# Encode in signature block format
# Note: the [::-1] is to byte swap all of the bignum
# values (signatures, coefficients) to little endian
# for use with the RSA peripheral, rather than big endian
# which is conventionally used for RSA.
signature_block = struct.pack("<BBxx32s384sI384sI384s",
0xe7, # magic byte
0x02, # version
rsa_primitives.m & 0xFFFFFFFF,
signature_block += struct.pack("<I", zlib.crc32(signature_block) & 0xffffffff)
signature_block += b'\x00' * 16 # padding
assert len(signature_block) == SIG_BLOCK_SIZE
signature_sector += signature_block
assert len(signature_sector) > 0 and len(signature_sector) <= SIG_BLOCK_SIZE * 3 and len(signature_sector) % SIG_BLOCK_SIZE == 0
total_sig_blocks = len(signature_sector) // SIG_BLOCK_SIZE
# Pad signature_sector to sector
signature_sector = signature_sector + \
(b'\xff' * (SECTOR_SIZE - len(signature_sector)))
assert len(signature_sector) == SECTOR_SIZE
# Write to output file, or append to existing file
if args.output is None:
args.output = args.datafile.name
with open(args.output, "wb") as f:
f.write(contents + signature_sector)
print("Signed %d bytes of data from %s. Signature sector now has %d signature blocks." % (len(contents), args.datafile.name, total_sig_blocks))
def verify_signature(args):
if args.version == '1':
return verify_signature_v1(args)
elif args.version == '2':
return verify_signature_v2(args)
def verify_signature_v1(args):
""" Verify a previously signed binary image, using the ECDSA public key """
key_data = args.keyfile.read()
if b"-BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY" in key_data:
sk = ecdsa.SigningKey.from_pem(key_data)
vk = sk.get_verifying_key()
elif b"-BEGIN PUBLIC KEY" in key_data:
vk = ecdsa.VerifyingKey.from_pem(key_data)
elif len(key_data) == 64:
vk = ecdsa.VerifyingKey.from_string(key_data,
raise esptool.FatalError("Verification key does not appear to be an EC key in PEM format or binary EC public key data. Unsupported")
if vk.curve != ecdsa.NIST256p:
raise esptool.FatalError("Public key uses incorrect curve. ESP32 Secure Boot only supports NIST256p (openssl calls this curve 'prime256v1")
binary_content = args.datafile.read()
data = binary_content[0:-68]
sig_version, signature = struct.unpack("I64s", binary_content[-68:])
if sig_version != 0:
raise esptool.FatalError("Signature block has version %d. This version of espsecure only supports version 0." % sig_version)
print("Verifying %d bytes of data" % len(data))
if vk.verify(signature, data, hashlib.sha256):
print("Signature is valid")
raise esptool.FatalError("Signature is not valid")
except ecdsa.keys.BadSignatureError:
raise esptool.FatalError("Signature is not valid")
def validate_signature_block(image_content, sig_blk_num):
SIG_BLOCK_SIZE = 1216 # Refer to secure boot v2 signature block format for more details.
offset = -SECTOR_SIZE + sig_blk_num * SIG_BLOCK_SIZE
sig_blk = image_content[offset: offset + SIG_BLOCK_SIZE]
assert(len(sig_blk) == SIG_BLOCK_SIZE)
sig_data = struct.unpack("<BBxx32s384sI384sI384sI16x", sig_blk)
crc = zlib.crc32(sig_blk[:1196]) # The signature block(1216 bytes) consists of the data part(1196 bytes) followed by a crc32(4 byte) and a 16 byte pad.
if sig_data[0] != 0xe7 or sig_data[1] != 0x02 or sig_data[-1] != crc & 0xffffffff: # Signature block invalid
return None
print("Signature block %d is valid. " % sig_blk_num)
return sig_blk
def verify_signature_v2(args):
""" Verify a previously signed binary image, using the RSA public key """
vk = _get_sbv2_rsa_pub_key(args.keyfile)
image_content = args.datafile.read()
if len(image_content) < SECTOR_SIZE or len(image_content) % SECTOR_SIZE != 0:
raise esptool.FatalError("Invalid datafile. Data size should be non-zero & a multiple of 4096.")
digest = digest = hashlib.sha256()
digest = digest.digest()
for sig_blk_num in range(SIG_BLOCK_MAX_COUNT):
sig_blk = validate_signature_block(image_content, sig_blk_num)
if sig_blk is None:
raise esptool.FatalError("Signature block %d invalid. Signature could not be verified with the provided key." % sig_blk_num)
sig_data = struct.unpack("<BBxx32s384sI384sI384sI16x", sig_blk)
if sig_data[2] != digest:
raise esptool.FatalError("Signature block image digest does not match the actual image digest %s. Expected %s." % (digest, sig_data[2]))
print("Signature block %d verification successful with %s." % (sig_blk_num, args.keyfile.name))
except exceptions.InvalidSignature:
print("Signature block %d is not signed by %s. Checking the next block" % (sig_blk_num, args.keyfile.name))
raise esptool.FatalError("Checked all blocks. Signature could not be verified with the provided key.")
def extract_public_key(args):
if args.version == "1":
""" Load an ECDSA private key and extract the embedded public key as raw binary data. """
sk = _load_ecdsa_signing_key(args.keyfile)
vk = sk.get_verifying_key()
elif args.version == "2":
""" Load an RSA private key and extract the public key as raw binary data. """
sk = _load_sbv2_rsa_signing_key(args.keyfile)
vk = sk.public_key().public_bytes(
print("%s public key extracted to %s" % (args.keyfile.name, args.public_keyfile.name))
def _sha256_digest(data):
digest = hashlib.sha256()
return digest.digest()
def signature_info_v2(args):
""" Validates the signature block and prints the rsa public key digest for valid blocks """
SIG_BLOCK_SIZE = 1216 # Refer to secure boot v2 signature block format for more details.
image_content = args.datafile.read()
if len(image_content) < SECTOR_SIZE or len(image_content) % SECTOR_SIZE != 0:
raise esptool.FatalError("Invalid datafile. Data size should be non-zero & a multiple of 4096.")
digest = _sha256_digest(image_content[:-SECTOR_SIZE])
for sig_blk_num in range(SIG_BLOCK_MAX_COUNT):
sig_blk = validate_signature_block(image_content, sig_blk_num)
if sig_blk is None:
print("Signature block %d absent/invalid. Skipping checking next blocks." % sig_blk_num)
sig_data = struct.unpack("<BBxx32s384sI384sI384sI16x", sig_blk)
if sig_data[2] != digest:
raise esptool.FatalError("Digest in signature block %d doesn't match the image digest." % (sig_blk_num))
offset = -SECTOR_SIZE + sig_blk_num * SIG_BLOCK_SIZE
sig_blk = image_content[offset: offset + SIG_BLOCK_SIZE]
key_digest = _sha256_digest(sig_blk[36:812])
print("Public key digest for block %d: %s" % (sig_blk_num, " ".join("{:02x}".format(c) for c in bytearray(key_digest))))
def _digest_rsa_public_key(keyfile):
public_key = _get_sbv2_rsa_pub_key(keyfile)
rsa_primitives = _get_sbv2_rsa_primitives(public_key)
# Encode in the same way it is represented in the signature block
# Note: the [::-1] is to byte swap all of the bignum
# values (signatures, coefficients) to little endian
# for use with the RSA peripheral, rather than big endian
# which is conventionally used for RSA.
binary_format = struct.pack("<384sI384sI",
rsa_primitives.m & 0xFFFFFFFF)
return hashlib.sha256(binary_format).digest()
def digest_rsa_public_key(args):
public_key_digest = _digest_rsa_public_key(args.keyfile)
with open(args.output, "wb") as f:
print("Writing the public key digest of %s to %s." % (args.keyfile.name, args.output))
def digest_private_key(args):
sk = _load_ecdsa_signing_key(args.keyfile)
digest = hashlib.sha256()
result = digest.digest()
if args.keylen == 192:
result = result[0:24]
print("SHA-256 digest of private key %s%s written to %s" % (args.keyfile.name,
"" if args.keylen == 256
else " (truncated to 192 bits)",
# flash encryption key tweaking pattern: the nth bit of the key is
# flipped if the kth bit in the flash offset is set, where mapping
# from n to k is provided by this list of 'n' bit offsets (range k)
23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5,
23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5,
23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5,
14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5,
23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5,
23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5,
23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5,
12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5,
23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5,
23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5,
23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5,
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5,
23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5,
23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5,
23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5,
8, 7, 6, 5
def _flash_encryption_tweak_range(flash_crypt_config=0xF):
""" Return a list of the bit indexes that the "key tweak" applies to,
as determined by the FLASH_CRYPT_CONFIG 4 bit efuse value.
tweak_range = []
if (flash_crypt_config & 1) != 0:
tweak_range += range(67)
if (flash_crypt_config & 2) != 0:
tweak_range += range(67, 132)
if (flash_crypt_config & 4) != 0:
tweak_range += range(132, 195)
if (flash_crypt_config & 8) != 0:
tweak_range += range(195, 256)
return tweak_range
def _flash_encryption_tweak_range_bits(flash_crypt_config=0xF):
""" Return bits (in reverse order) that the "key tweak" applies to,
as determined by the FLASH_CRYPT_CONFIG 4 bit efuse value.
tweak_range = 0
if (flash_crypt_config & 1) != 0:
tweak_range |= 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
if (flash_crypt_config & 2) != 0:
tweak_range |= 0x00000000000000001FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0000000000000000000000000000000
if (flash_crypt_config & 4) != 0:
tweak_range |= 0x000000000000000000000000000000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE000000000000000
if (flash_crypt_config & 8) != 0:
tweak_range |= 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
return tweak_range
# Forward bit order masks
mul1 = 0x0000200004000080000004000080001000000200004000080000040000800010
mul2 = 0x0000000000000000200000000000000010000000000000002000000000000001
mul1_mask = 0xffffffffffffff801ffffffffffffff00ffffffffffffff81ffffffffffffff0
mul2_mask = 0x000000000000007fe00000000000000ff000000000000007e00000000000000f
def _flash_encryption_tweak_key(key, offset, tweak_range):
"""Apply XOR "tweak" values to the key, derived from flash offset
'offset'. This matches the ESP32 hardware flash encryption.
tweak_range is a list of bit indexes to apply the tweak to, as
generated by _flash_encryption_tweak_range() from the
Return tweaked key
if esptool.PYTHON2:
key = [ord(k) for k in key]
assert len(key) == 32
offset_bits = [(offset & (1 << x)) != 0 for x in range(24)]
for bit in tweak_range:
# note that each byte has a backwards bit order, compared
# to how it is looked up in the tweak pattern table
key[bit // 8] ^= 1 << (7 - (bit % 8))
key = b"".join(chr(k) for k in key)
return key
addr = offset >> 5
key ^= ((mul1 * addr) | ((mul2 * addr) & mul2_mask)) & tweak_range
return int.to_bytes(key, length=32, byteorder='big', signed=False)
def generate_flash_encryption_key(args):
print("Writing %d random bits to key file %s" % (args.keylen, args.key_file.name))
args.key_file.write(os.urandom(args.keylen // 8))
def _flash_encryption_operation(output_file, input_file, flash_address, keyfile, flash_crypt_conf, do_decrypt):
key = _load_hardware_key(keyfile)
if flash_address % 16 != 0:
raise esptool.FatalError("Starting flash address 0x%x must be a multiple of 16" % flash_address)
if flash_crypt_conf == 0:
print("WARNING: Setting FLASH_CRYPT_CONF to zero is not recommended")
if esptool.PYTHON2:
tweak_range = _flash_encryption_tweak_range(flash_crypt_conf)
tweak_range = _flash_encryption_tweak_range_bits(flash_crypt_conf)
key = int.from_bytes(key, byteorder='big', signed=False)
backend = default_backend()
cipher = None
block_offs = flash_address
while True:
block = input_file.read(16)
if len(block) == 0:
elif len(block) < 16:
if do_decrypt:
raise esptool.FatalError("Data length is not a multiple of 16 bytes")
pad = 16 - len(block)
block = block + os.urandom(pad)
print("Note: Padding with %d bytes of random data (encrypted data must be multiple of 16 bytes long)" % pad)
if block_offs % 32 == 0 or cipher is None:
# each bit of the flash encryption key is XORed with tweak bits derived from the offset of 32 byte block of flash
block_key = _flash_encryption_tweak_key(key, block_offs, tweak_range)
if cipher is None: # first pass
cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(block_key), modes.ECB(), backend=backend)
# note AES is used inverted for flash encryption, so
# "decrypting" flash uses AES encrypt algorithm and vice
# versa. (This does not weaken AES.)
actor = cipher.encryptor() if do_decrypt else cipher.decryptor()
# performance hack: changing the key using pyca-cryptography API requires recreating
# 'actor'. With openssl backend, this re-initializes the openssl cipher context. To save some time,
# manually call EVP_CipherInit_ex() in the openssl backend to update the key.
# If it fails, fall back to recreating the entire context via public API.
backend = actor._ctx._backend
res = backend._lib.EVP_CipherInit_ex(
backend.openssl_assert(res != 0)
except AttributeError:
# backend is not an openssl backend, or implementation has changed: fall back to the slow safe version
cipher.algorithm.key = block_key
actor = cipher.encryptor() if do_decrypt else cipher.decryptor()
block = block[::-1] # reverse input block byte order
block = actor.update(block)
output_file.write(block[::-1]) # reverse output block byte order
block_offs += 16
def decrypt_flash_data(args):
return _flash_encryption_operation(args.output, args.encrypted_file, args.address, args.keyfile, args.flash_crypt_conf, True)
def encrypt_flash_data(args):
return _flash_encryption_operation(args.output, args.plaintext_file, args.address, args.keyfile, args.flash_crypt_conf, False)
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='espsecure.py v%s - ESP32 Secure Boot & Flash Encryption tool' % esptool.__version__, prog='espsecure')
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(
help='Run espsecure.py {command} -h for additional help')
p = subparsers.add_parser('digest_secure_bootloader',
help='Take a bootloader binary image and a secure boot key, and output a combined digest+binary '
'suitable for flashing along with the precalculated secure boot key.')
p.add_argument('--keyfile', '-k', help="256 bit key for secure boot digest.", type=argparse.FileType('rb'), required=True)
p.add_argument('--output', '-o', help="Output file for signed digest image.")
p.add_argument('--iv', help="128 byte IV file. Supply a file for testing purposes only, if not supplied an IV will be randomly generated.",
p.add_argument('image', help="Bootloader image file to calculate digest from", type=argparse.FileType('rb'))
p = subparsers.add_parser('generate_signing_key',
help='Generate a private key for signing secure boot images as per the secure boot version. '
'Key file is generated in PEM format, '
'Secure Boot V1 - ECDSA NIST256p private key, Secure Boot V2 - RSA 3072 private key .')
p.add_argument('--version', '-v', help="Version of the secure boot signing scheme to use.", choices=["1", "2"], default="1")
p.add_argument('keyfile', help="Filename for private key file (embedded public key)")
p = subparsers.add_parser('sign_data',
help='Sign a data file for use with secure boot. Signing algorithm is determinsitic ECDSA w/ SHA-512 (V1) '
'or RSA-PSS w/ SHA-256 (V2).')
p.add_argument('--version', '-v', help="Version of the secure boot signing scheme to use.", choices=["1", "2"], required=True)
p.add_argument('--keyfile', '-k', help="Private key file for signing. Key is in PEM format.", type=argparse.FileType('rb'), required=True, nargs='+')
p.add_argument('--append_signatures', '-a', help="Append signature block(s) to already signed image"
"Valid only for ESP32-S2.", action='store_true')
p.add_argument('--output', '-o', help="Output file for signed digest image. Default is to sign the input file.")
p.add_argument('datafile', help="File to sign. For version 1, this can be any file. For version 2, this must be a valid app image.",
p = subparsers.add_parser('verify_signature',
help='Verify a data file previously signed by "sign_data", using the public key.')
p.add_argument('--version', '-v', help="Version of the secure boot scheme to use.", choices=["1", "2"], required=True)
p.add_argument('--keyfile', '-k', help="Public key file for verification. Can be private or public key in PEM format.",
type=argparse.FileType('rb'), required=True)
p.add_argument('datafile', help="Signed data file to verify signature.", type=argparse.FileType('rb'))
p = subparsers.add_parser('extract_public_key',
help='Extract the public verification key for signatures, save it as a raw binary file.')
p.add_argument('--version', '-v', help="Version of the secure boot signing scheme to use.", choices=["1", "2"], default="1")
p.add_argument('--keyfile', '-k', help="Private key file (PEM format) to extract the public verification key from.", type=argparse.FileType('rb'),
p.add_argument('public_keyfile', help="File to save new public key into", type=argparse.FileType('wb'))
p = subparsers.add_parser('digest_rsa_public_key', help='Generate an SHA-256 digest of the public key. '
'This digest is burned into the eFuse and asserts the legitimacy of the public key for Secure boot v2.')
p.add_argument('--keyfile', '-k', help="Public key file for verification. Can be private or public key in PEM format.", type=argparse.FileType('rb'),
p.add_argument('--output', '-o', help="Output file for the digest.", required=True)
p = subparsers.add_parser('signature_info_v2', help='Reads the signature block and provides the signature block information.')
p.add_argument('datafile', help="Secure boot v2 signed data file.", type=argparse.FileType('rb'))
p = subparsers.add_parser('digest_private_key', help='Generate an SHA-256 digest of the private signing key. '
'This can be used as a reproducible secure bootloader or flash encryption key.')
p.add_argument('--keyfile', '-k', help="Private key file (PEM format) to generate a digest from.", type=argparse.FileType('rb'),
p.add_argument('--keylen', '-l', help="Length of private key digest file to generate (in bits). 3/4 Coding Scheme requires 192 bit key.",
choices=[192, 256], default=256, type=int)
p.add_argument('digest_file', help="File to write 32 byte digest into", type=argparse.FileType('wb'))
p = subparsers.add_parser('generate_flash_encryption_key', help='Generate a development-use 32 byte flash encryption key with random data.')
p.add_argument('--keylen', '-l', help="Length of private key digest file to generate (in bits). 3/4 Coding Scheme requires 192 bit key.",
choices=[192, 256], default=256, type=int)
p.add_argument('key_file', help="File to write 24 or 32 byte digest into", type=argparse.FileType('wb'))
p = subparsers.add_parser('decrypt_flash_data', help='Decrypt some data read from encrypted flash (using known key)')
p.add_argument('encrypted_file', help="File with encrypted flash contents", type=argparse.FileType('rb'))
p.add_argument('--keyfile', '-k', help="File with flash encryption key", type=argparse.FileType('rb'),
p.add_argument('--output', '-o', help="Output file for plaintext data.", type=argparse.FileType('wb'),
p.add_argument('--address', '-a', help="Address offset in flash that file was read from.", required=True, type=esptool.arg_auto_int)
p.add_argument('--flash_crypt_conf', help="Override FLASH_CRYPT_CONF efuse value (default is 0XF).", required=False, default=0xF, type=esptool.arg_auto_int)
p = subparsers.add_parser('encrypt_flash_data', help='Encrypt some data suitable for encrypted flash (using known key)')
p.add_argument('--keyfile', '-k', help="File with flash encryption key", type=argparse.FileType('rb'),
p.add_argument('--output', '-o', help="Output file for encrypted data.", type=argparse.FileType('wb'),
p.add_argument('--address', '-a', help="Address offset in flash where file will be flashed.", required=True, type=esptool.arg_auto_int)
p.add_argument('--flash_crypt_conf', help="Override FLASH_CRYPT_CONF efuse value (default is 0XF).", required=False, default=0xF, type=esptool.arg_auto_int)
p.add_argument('plaintext_file', help="File with plaintext content for encrypting", type=argparse.FileType('rb'))
args = parser.parse_args()
print('espsecure.py v%s' % esptool.__version__)
if args.operation is None:
# each 'operation' is a module-level function of the same name
operation_func = globals()[args.operation]
def _main():
except esptool.FatalError as e:
print('\nA fatal error occurred: %s' % e)
if __name__ == '__main__':