1336 lines
26 KiB

[case testGetAttribute]
class A:
x: int
def f(a: A) -> int:
return a.x
def f(a):
a :: __main__.A
r0 :: int
r0 = a.x
return r0
[case testSetAttribute]
class A:
x: int
def f(a: A) -> None:
a.x = 1
def f(a):
a :: __main__.A
r0 :: bool
a.x = 2; r0 = is_error
return 1
[case testUserClassInList]
class C:
x: int
def f() -> int:
c = C()
c.x = 5
a = [c]
d = a[0]
return d.x + 1
def f():
r0, c :: __main__.C
r1 :: bool
r2 :: list
r3, r4 :: ptr
a :: list
r5 :: object
r6, d :: __main__.C
r7, r8 :: int
r0 = C()
c = r0
c.x = 10; r1 = is_error
r2 = PyList_New(1)
r3 = get_element_ptr r2 ob_item :: PyListObject
r4 = load_mem r3 :: ptr*
set_mem r4, c :: builtins.object*
keep_alive r2
a = r2
r5 = CPyList_GetItemShort(a, 0)
r6 = cast(__main__.C, r5)
d = r6
r7 = borrow d.x
r8 = CPyTagged_Add(r7, 2)
keep_alive d
return r8
[case testMethodCall]
class A:
def f(self, x: int, y: str) -> int:
return x + 10
def g(a: A) -> None:
a.f(1, 'hi')
def A.f(self, x, y):
self :: __main__.A
x :: int
y :: str
r0 :: int
r0 = CPyTagged_Add(x, 20)
return r0
def g(a):
a :: __main__.A
r0 :: str
r1 :: int
r0 = 'hi'
r1 = a.f(2, r0)
return 1
[case testForwardUse]
def g(a: A) -> int:
return a.n
class A:
n : int
def g(a):
a :: __main__.A
r0 :: int
r0 = a.n
return r0
[case testOptionalMember]
from typing import Optional
class Node:
next: Optional[Node]
def length(self) -> int:
if self.next is not None:
return 1 + self.next.length()
return 1
def Node.length(self):
self :: __main__.Node
r0 :: union[__main__.Node, None]
r1 :: object
r2 :: bit
r3 :: union[__main__.Node, None]
r4 :: __main__.Node
r5, r6 :: int
r0 = borrow self.next
r1 = load_address _Py_NoneStruct
r2 = r0 != r1
keep_alive self
if r2 goto L1 else goto L2 :: bool
r3 = self.next
r4 = cast(__main__.Node, r3)
r5 = r4.length()
r6 = CPyTagged_Add(2, r5)
return r6
return 2
[case testSubclass]
class A:
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.x = 10
class B(A):
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.x = 20
self.y = 30
def A.__init__(self):
self :: __main__.A
self.x = 20
return 1
def B.__init__(self):
self :: __main__.B
self.x = 40
self.y = 60
return 1
[case testAttrLvalue]
class O(object):
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.x = 1
def increment(o: O) -> O:
o.x += 1
return o
def O.__init__(self):
self :: __main__.O
self.x = 2
return 1
def increment(o):
o :: __main__.O
r0, r1 :: int
r2 :: bool
r0 = borrow o.x
r1 = CPyTagged_Add(r0, 2)
o.x = r1; r2 = is_error
return o
[case testSubclassSpecialize2]
class A:
def foo(self, x: int) -> object:
return str(x)
class B(A):
def foo(self, x: object) -> object:
return x
class C(B):
def foo(self, x: object) -> int:
return id(x)
def use_a(x: A, y: int) -> object:
return x.foo(y)
def use_b(x: B, y: object) -> object:
return x.foo(y)
def use_c(x: C, y: object) -> int:
return x.foo(y)
def A.foo(self, x):
self :: __main__.A
x :: int
r0 :: str
r0 = CPyTagged_Str(x)
return r0
def B.foo(self, x):
self :: __main__.B
x :: object
return x
def B.foo__A_glue(self, x):
self :: __main__.B
x :: int
r0, r1 :: object
r0 = box(int, x)
r1 = B.foo(self, r0)
return r1
def C.foo(self, x):
self :: __main__.C
x :: object
r0 :: int
r0 = CPyTagged_Id(x)
return r0
def C.foo__B_glue(self, x):
self :: __main__.C
x :: object
r0 :: int
r1 :: object
r0 = C.foo(self, x)
r1 = box(int, r0)
return r1
def C.foo__A_glue(self, x):
self :: __main__.C
x :: int
r0 :: object
r1 :: int
r2 :: object
r0 = box(int, x)
r1 = C.foo(self, r0)
r2 = box(int, r1)
return r2
def use_a(x, y):
x :: __main__.A
y :: int
r0 :: object
r0 = x.foo(y)
return r0
def use_b(x, y):
x :: __main__.B
y, r0 :: object
r0 = x.foo(y)
return r0
def use_c(x, y):
x :: __main__.C
y :: object
r0 :: int
r0 = x.foo(y)
return r0
[case testSubclass_toplevel]
from typing import TypeVar, Generic
from mypy_extensions import trait
T = TypeVar('T')
class C:
class S:
class D(C, S, Generic[T]):
def __top_level__():
r0, r1 :: object
r2 :: bit
r3 :: str
r4 :: object
r5 :: dict
r6, r7 :: str
r8 :: list
r9, r10, r11 :: ptr
r12 :: str
r13 :: object
r14, r15, r16 :: str
r17 :: object
r18 :: str
r19 :: int32
r20 :: bit
r21, r22, r23 :: str
r24 :: object
r25 :: str
r26 :: int32
r27 :: bit
r28 :: dict
r29 :: str
r30 :: list
r31, r32 :: ptr
r33 :: str
r34 :: object
r35, r36, r37 :: str
r38 :: object
r39 :: str
r40 :: int32
r41 :: bit
r42 :: str
r43 :: dict
r44 :: str
r45, r46 :: object
r47 :: dict
r48 :: str
r49 :: int32
r50 :: bit
r51 :: object
r52 :: str
r53, r54 :: object
r55 :: bool
r56 :: str
r57 :: tuple
r58 :: int32
r59 :: bit
r60 :: dict
r61 :: str
r62 :: int32
r63 :: bit
r64 :: object
r65 :: str
r66, r67 :: object
r68 :: str
r69 :: tuple
r70 :: int32
r71 :: bit
r72 :: dict
r73 :: str
r74 :: int32
r75 :: bit
r76, r77 :: object
r78 :: dict
r79 :: str
r80 :: object
r81 :: dict
r82 :: str
r83, r84 :: object
r85 :: tuple
r86 :: str
r87, r88 :: object
r89 :: bool
r90, r91 :: str
r92 :: tuple
r93 :: int32
r94 :: bit
r95 :: dict
r96 :: str
r97 :: int32
r98 :: bit
r0 = builtins :: module
r1 = load_address _Py_NoneStruct
r2 = r0 != r1
if r2 goto L2 else goto L1 :: bool
r3 = 'builtins'
r4 = PyImport_Import(r3)
builtins = r4 :: module
r5 = __main__.globals :: static
r6 = 'TypeVar'
r7 = 'Generic'
r8 = PyList_New(2)
r9 = get_element_ptr r8 ob_item :: PyListObject
r10 = load_mem r9 :: ptr*
set_mem r10, r6 :: builtins.object*
r11 = r10 + WORD_SIZE*1
set_mem r11, r7 :: builtins.object*
keep_alive r8
r12 = 'typing'
r13 = PyImport_ImportModuleLevelObject(r12, r5, 0, r8, 0)
typing = r13 :: module
r14 = 'typing'
r15 = 'TypeVar'
r16 = 'TypeVar'
r17 = CPyImport_ImportFrom(r13, r14, r15, r16)
r18 = 'TypeVar'
r19 = CPyDict_SetItem(r5, r18, r17)
r20 = r19 >= 0 :: signed
r21 = 'typing'
r22 = 'Generic'
r23 = 'Generic'
r24 = CPyImport_ImportFrom(r13, r21, r22, r23)
r25 = 'Generic'
r26 = CPyDict_SetItem(r5, r25, r24)
r27 = r26 >= 0 :: signed
r28 = __main__.globals :: static
r29 = 'trait'
r30 = PyList_New(1)
r31 = get_element_ptr r30 ob_item :: PyListObject
r32 = load_mem r31 :: ptr*
set_mem r32, r29 :: builtins.object*
keep_alive r30
r33 = 'mypy_extensions'
r34 = PyImport_ImportModuleLevelObject(r33, r28, 0, r30, 0)
mypy_extensions = r34 :: module
r35 = 'mypy_extensions'
r36 = 'trait'
r37 = 'trait'
r38 = CPyImport_ImportFrom(r34, r35, r36, r37)
r39 = 'trait'
r40 = CPyDict_SetItem(r28, r39, r38)
r41 = r40 >= 0 :: signed
r42 = 'T'
r43 = __main__.globals :: static
r44 = 'TypeVar'
r45 = CPyDict_GetItem(r43, r44)
r46 = PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs(r45, r42, 0)
r47 = __main__.globals :: static
r48 = 'T'
r49 = CPyDict_SetItem(r47, r48, r46)
r50 = r49 >= 0 :: signed
r51 = <error> :: object
r52 = '__main__'
r53 = __main__.C_template :: type
r54 = CPyType_FromTemplate(r53, r51, r52)
r55 = C_trait_vtable_setup()
r56 = '__mypyc_attrs__'
r57 = PyTuple_Pack(0)
r58 = PyObject_SetAttr(r54, r56, r57)
r59 = r58 >= 0 :: signed
__main__.C = r54 :: type
r60 = __main__.globals :: static
r61 = 'C'
r62 = CPyDict_SetItem(r60, r61, r54)
r63 = r62 >= 0 :: signed
r64 = <error> :: object
r65 = '__main__'
r66 = __main__.S_template :: type
r67 = CPyType_FromTemplate(r66, r64, r65)
r68 = '__mypyc_attrs__'
r69 = PyTuple_Pack(0)
r70 = PyObject_SetAttr(r67, r68, r69)
r71 = r70 >= 0 :: signed
__main__.S = r67 :: type
r72 = __main__.globals :: static
r73 = 'S'
r74 = CPyDict_SetItem(r72, r73, r67)
r75 = r74 >= 0 :: signed
r76 = __main__.C :: type
r77 = __main__.S :: type
r78 = __main__.globals :: static
r79 = 'Generic'
r80 = CPyDict_GetItem(r78, r79)
r81 = __main__.globals :: static
r82 = 'T'
r83 = CPyDict_GetItem(r81, r82)
r84 = PyObject_GetItem(r80, r83)
r85 = PyTuple_Pack(3, r76, r77, r84)
r86 = '__main__'
r87 = __main__.D_template :: type
r88 = CPyType_FromTemplate(r87, r85, r86)
r89 = D_trait_vtable_setup()
r90 = '__mypyc_attrs__'
r91 = '__dict__'
r92 = PyTuple_Pack(1, r91)
r93 = PyObject_SetAttr(r88, r90, r92)
r94 = r93 >= 0 :: signed
__main__.D = r88 :: type
r95 = __main__.globals :: static
r96 = 'D'
r97 = CPyDict_SetItem(r95, r96, r88)
r98 = r97 >= 0 :: signed
return 1
[case testIsInstance]
class A: pass
class B(A): pass
def f(x: A) -> B:
if isinstance(x, B):
return x
return B()
def f(x):
x :: __main__.A
r0 :: object
r1 :: ptr
r2 :: object
r3 :: bit
r4, r5 :: __main__.B
r0 = __main__.B :: type
r1 = get_element_ptr x ob_type :: PyObject
r2 = load_mem r1 :: builtins.object*
keep_alive x
r3 = r2 == r0
if r3 goto L1 else goto L2 :: bool
r4 = cast(__main__.B, x)
return r4
r5 = B()
return r5
[case testIsInstanceTuple]
from typing import Union
class R: pass
class A(R): pass
class B(R): pass
class C(R): pass
def f(x: R) -> Union[A, B]:
if isinstance(x, (A, B)):
return x
return A()
def f(x):
x :: __main__.R
r0 :: object
r1 :: ptr
r2 :: object
r3 :: bit
r4 :: bool
r5 :: object
r6 :: ptr
r7 :: object
r8 :: bit
r9 :: union[__main__.A, __main__.B]
r10 :: __main__.A
r0 = __main__.A :: type
r1 = get_element_ptr x ob_type :: PyObject
r2 = load_mem r1 :: builtins.object*
keep_alive x
r3 = r2 == r0
if r3 goto L1 else goto L2 :: bool
r4 = r3
goto L3
r5 = __main__.B :: type
r6 = get_element_ptr x ob_type :: PyObject
r7 = load_mem r6 :: builtins.object*
keep_alive x
r8 = r7 == r5
r4 = r8
if r4 goto L4 else goto L5 :: bool
r9 = cast(union[__main__.A, __main__.B], x)
return r9
r10 = A()
return r10
[case testIsInstanceFewSubclasses]
class R: pass
class A(R): pass
def f(x: object) -> R:
if isinstance(x, R):
return x
return A()
def f(x):
x, r0 :: object
r1 :: ptr
r2 :: object
r3 :: bit
r4 :: bool
r5 :: object
r6 :: ptr
r7 :: object
r8 :: bit
r9 :: __main__.R
r10 :: __main__.A
r0 = __main__.A :: type
r1 = get_element_ptr x ob_type :: PyObject
r2 = load_mem r1 :: builtins.object*
keep_alive x
r3 = r2 == r0
if r3 goto L1 else goto L2 :: bool
r4 = r3
goto L3
r5 = __main__.R :: type
r6 = get_element_ptr x ob_type :: PyObject
r7 = load_mem r6 :: builtins.object*
keep_alive x
r8 = r7 == r5
r4 = r8
if r4 goto L4 else goto L5 :: bool
r9 = cast(__main__.R, x)
return r9
r10 = A()
return r10
[case testIsInstanceFewSubclassesTrait]
from mypy_extensions import trait
class B: pass
class R: pass
class A(B, R): pass
class C(B, R): pass
def f(x: object) -> R:
if isinstance(x, R):
return x
return A()
def f(x):
x, r0 :: object
r1 :: ptr
r2 :: object
r3 :: bit
r4 :: bool
r5 :: object
r6 :: ptr
r7 :: object
r8 :: bit
r9 :: __main__.R
r10 :: __main__.A
r0 = __main__.A :: type
r1 = get_element_ptr x ob_type :: PyObject
r2 = load_mem r1 :: builtins.object*
keep_alive x
r3 = r2 == r0
if r3 goto L1 else goto L2 :: bool
r4 = r3
goto L3
r5 = __main__.C :: type
r6 = get_element_ptr x ob_type :: PyObject
r7 = load_mem r6 :: builtins.object*
keep_alive x
r8 = r7 == r5
r4 = r8
if r4 goto L4 else goto L5 :: bool
r9 = cast(__main__.R, x)
return r9
r10 = A()
return r10
[case testIsInstanceManySubclasses]
class R: pass
class A(R): pass
class B(R): pass
class C(R): pass
def f(x: object) -> R:
if isinstance(x, R):
return x
return B()
def f(x):
x, r0 :: object
r1 :: bool
r2 :: __main__.R
r3 :: __main__.B
r0 = __main__.R :: type
r1 = CPy_TypeCheck(x, r0)
if r1 goto L1 else goto L2 :: bool
r2 = cast(__main__.R, x)
return r2
r3 = B()
return r3
[case testFakeSuper]
class A:
def __init__(self, x: int) -> None:
self.x = x
class B(A):
def __init__(self, x: int, y: int) -> None:
A.__init__(self, x)
self.y = y
def A.__init__(self, x):
self :: __main__.A
x :: int
self.x = x
return 1
def B.__init__(self, x, y):
self :: __main__.B
x, y :: int
r0 :: None
r0 = A.__init__(self, x)
self.y = y
return 1
[case testClassMethod]
class C:
def foo(x: int) -> int: return 10 + x
def bar(cls, x: int) -> int: return 10 + x
def lol() -> int:
return C.foo(1) + C.bar(2)
def C.foo(x):
x, r0 :: int
r0 = CPyTagged_Add(20, x)
return r0
def C.bar(cls, x):
cls :: object
x, r0 :: int
r0 = CPyTagged_Add(20, x)
return r0
def lol():
r0 :: int
r1 :: object
r2, r3 :: int
r0 = C.foo(2)
r1 = __main__.C :: type
r2 = C.bar(r1, 4)
r3 = CPyTagged_Add(r0, r2)
return r3
[case testSuper1]
class A:
def __init__(self, x: int) -> None:
self.x = x
class B(A):
def __init__(self, x: int, y: int) -> None:
self.y = y
def A.__init__(self, x):
self :: __main__.A
x :: int
self.x = x
return 1
def B.__init__(self, x, y):
self :: __main__.B
x, y :: int
r0 :: None
r0 = A.__init__(self, x)
self.y = y
return 1
[case testSuper2]
from mypy_extensions import trait
class T:
def foo(self) -> None: pass
class X(T):
def foo(self) -> None:
def T.foo(self):
self :: __main__.T
return 1
def X.foo(self):
self :: __main__.X
r0 :: None
r0 = T.foo(self)
return 1
[case testSuperCallToObjectInitIsOmitted]
class C:
def __init__(self) -> None:
class D: pass
class E(D):
def __init__(self) -> None:
class F(C):
def __init__(self) -> None:
class DictSubclass(dict):
def __init__(self) -> None:
def C.__init__(self):
self :: __main__.C
return 1
def E.__init__(self):
self :: __main__.E
return 1
def F.__init__(self):
self :: __main__.F
r0 :: None
r0 = C.__init__(self)
return 1
def DictSubclass.__init__(self):
self :: dict
r0 :: object
r1 :: str
r2, r3, r4 :: object
r5 :: str
r6, r7 :: object
r0 = builtins :: module
r1 = 'super'
r2 = CPyObject_GetAttr(r0, r1)
r3 = __main__.DictSubclass :: type
r4 = PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs(r2, r3, self, 0)
r5 = '__init__'
r6 = CPyObject_GetAttr(r4, r5)
r7 = PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs(r6, 0)
return 1
[case testClassVariable]
from typing import ClassVar
class A:
x = 10 # type: ClassVar[int]
def f() -> int:
return A.x
def f():
r0 :: object
r1 :: str
r2 :: object
r3 :: int
r0 = __main__.A :: type
r1 = 'x'
r2 = CPyObject_GetAttr(r0, r1)
r3 = unbox(int, r2)
return r3
[case testNoEqDefined]
class A:
def f(a: A, b: A) -> bool:
return a == b
def f2(a: A, b: A) -> bool:
return a != b
def f(a, b):
a, b :: __main__.A
r0 :: bit
r0 = a == b
return r0
def f2(a, b):
a, b :: __main__.A
r0 :: bit
r0 = a != b
return r0
[case testEqDefined]
class Base:
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
return False
class Derived(Base):
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
return True
def f(a: Base, b: Base) -> bool:
return a == b
def f2(a: Base, b: Base) -> bool:
return a != b
def fOpt(a: Derived, b: Derived) -> bool:
return a == b
def fOpt2(a: Derived, b: Derived) -> bool:
return a != b
def Base.__eq__(self, other):
self :: __main__.Base
other, r0 :: object
r0 = box(bool, 0)
return r0
def Base.__ne__(__mypyc_self__, rhs):
__mypyc_self__ :: __main__.Base
rhs, r0, r1 :: object
r2 :: bit
r3 :: int32
r4 :: bit
r5 :: bool
r6 :: object
r0 = __mypyc_self__.__eq__(rhs)
r1 = load_address _Py_NotImplementedStruct
r2 = r0 == r1
if r2 goto L2 else goto L1 :: bool
r3 = PyObject_Not(r0)
r4 = r3 >= 0 :: signed
r5 = truncate r3: int32 to builtins.bool
r6 = box(bool, r5)
return r6
return r1
def Derived.__eq__(self, other):
self :: __main__.Derived
other, r0 :: object
r0 = box(bool, 1)
return r0
def f(a, b):
a, b :: __main__.Base
r0 :: object
r1 :: bool
r0 = PyObject_RichCompare(a, b, 2)
r1 = unbox(bool, r0)
return r1
def f2(a, b):
a, b :: __main__.Base
r0 :: object
r1 :: bool
r0 = PyObject_RichCompare(a, b, 3)
r1 = unbox(bool, r0)
return r1
def fOpt(a, b):
a, b :: __main__.Derived
r0 :: object
r1 :: bool
r0 = a.__eq__(b)
r1 = unbox(bool, r0)
return r1
def fOpt2(a, b):
a, b :: __main__.Derived
r0 :: object
r1 :: bool
r0 = a.__ne__(b)
r1 = unbox(bool, r0)
return r1
[case testEqDefinedLater]
def f(a: 'Base', b: 'Base') -> bool:
return a == b
def f2(a: 'Base', b: 'Base') -> bool:
return a != b
def fOpt(a: 'Derived', b: 'Derived') -> bool:
return a == b
def fOpt2(a: 'Derived', b: 'Derived') -> bool:
return a != b
class Base:
class Derived(Base):
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
return True
def f(a, b):
a, b :: __main__.Base
r0 :: object
r1 :: bool
r0 = PyObject_RichCompare(a, b, 2)
r1 = unbox(bool, r0)
return r1
def f2(a, b):
a, b :: __main__.Base
r0 :: object
r1 :: bool
r0 = PyObject_RichCompare(a, b, 3)
r1 = unbox(bool, r0)
return r1
def fOpt(a, b):
a, b :: __main__.Derived
r0 :: object
r1 :: bool
r0 = a.__eq__(b)
r1 = unbox(bool, r0)
return r1
def fOpt2(a, b):
a, b :: __main__.Derived
r0 :: str
r1 :: object
r2 :: bool
r0 = '__ne__'
r1 = CPyObject_CallMethodObjArgs(a, r0, b, 0)
r2 = unbox(bool, r1)
return r2
def Derived.__eq__(self, other):
self :: __main__.Derived
other, r0 :: object
r0 = box(bool, 1)
return r0
def Derived.__ne__(__mypyc_self__, rhs):
__mypyc_self__ :: __main__.Derived
rhs, r0, r1 :: object
r2 :: bit
r3 :: int32
r4 :: bit
r5 :: bool
r6 :: object
r0 = __mypyc_self__.__eq__(rhs)
r1 = load_address _Py_NotImplementedStruct
r2 = r0 == r1
if r2 goto L2 else goto L1 :: bool
r3 = PyObject_Not(r0)
r4 = r3 >= 0 :: signed
r5 = truncate r3: int32 to builtins.bool
r6 = box(bool, r5)
return r6
return r1
[case testDefaultVars]
from typing import ClassVar, Optional
class A:
x = 10
def lol(self) -> None:
self.x = 100
LOL = 'lol'
class B(A):
y = LOL
z: Optional[str] = None
b = True
bogus = None # type: int
def A.lol(self):
self :: __main__.A
r0 :: bool
self.x = 200; r0 = is_error
return 1
def A.__mypyc_defaults_setup(__mypyc_self__):
__mypyc_self__ :: __main__.A
__mypyc_self__.x = 20
return 1
def B.__mypyc_defaults_setup(__mypyc_self__):
__mypyc_self__ :: __main__.B
r0 :: dict
r1 :: str
r2 :: object
r3 :: str
r4 :: object
__mypyc_self__.x = 20
r0 = __main__.globals :: static
r1 = 'LOL'
r2 = CPyDict_GetItem(r0, r1)
r3 = cast(str, r2)
__mypyc_self__.y = r3
r4 = box(None, 1)
__mypyc_self__.z = r4
__mypyc_self__.b = 1
return 1
[case testSubclassDictSpecalized]
from typing import Dict
class WelpDict(Dict[str, int]):
def foo(x: WelpDict) -> None:
# we care that the specalized op gets used
def foo(x):
x :: dict
r0 :: int32
r1 :: bit
r0 = CPyDict_Update(x, x)
r1 = r0 >= 0 :: signed
return 1
[case testNoSpuriousLinearity]
# Make sure that the non-trait MRO linearity check isn't affected by processing order
class A(B): pass
class B(C): pass
class C: pass
[case testDeletableSemanticAnalysis]
class Err1:
__deletable__ = 'x' # E: "__deletable__" must be initialized with a list or tuple expression
class Err2:
__deletable__ = [
1 # E: Invalid "__deletable__" item; string literal expected
class Err3:
__deletable__ = ['x', ['y'], 'z'] # E: Invalid "__deletable__" item; string literal expected
class Err4:
__deletable__ = (1,) # E: Invalid "__deletable__" item; string literal expected
a = ['x']
class Err5:
__deletable__ = a # E: "__deletable__" must be initialized with a list or tuple expression
class Ok1:
__deletable__ = ('x',)
x: int
class Ok2:
__deletable__ = ['x']
x: int
[case testInvalidDeletableAttribute]
class NotDeletable:
__deletable__ = ['x']
x: int
y: int
def g(o: NotDeletable) -> None:
del o.x
del o.y # E: "y" cannot be deleted \
# N: Using "__deletable__ = ['<attr>']" in the class body enables "del obj.<attr>"
class Base:
x: int
class Deriv(Base):
__deletable__ = ['x'] # E: Attribute "x" not defined in "Deriv" (defined in "Base")
class UndefinedDeletable:
__deletable__ = ['x'] # E: Attribute "x" not defined
class DeletableProperty:
__deletable__ = ['prop'] # E: Cannot make property "prop" deletable
def prop(self) -> int:
return 5
[case testFinalDeletable]
from typing import Final
class DeletableFinal1:
x: Final[int] # E: Deletable attribute cannot be final
__deletable__ = ['x']
def __init__(self, x: int) -> None:
self.x = x
class DeletableFinal2:
X: Final = 0 # E: Deletable attribute cannot be final
__deletable__ = ['X']
[case testNeedAnnotateClassVar]
from typing import Final, ClassVar, Type
class C:
a = 'A'
b: str = 'B'
f: Final = 'F'
c: ClassVar = 'C'
class D(C):
def f() -> None:
C.a # E: Cannot access instance attribute "a" through class object \
# N: (Hint: Use "x: Final = ..." or "x: ClassVar = ..." to define a class attribute)
C.b # E: Cannot access instance attribute "b" through class object \
# N: (Hint: Use "x: Final = ..." or "x: ClassVar = ..." to define a class attribute)
D.a # E: Cannot access instance attribute "a" through class object \
# N: (Hint: Use "x: Final = ..." or "x: ClassVar = ..." to define a class attribute)
D.b # E: Cannot access instance attribute "b" through class object \
# N: (Hint: Use "x: Final = ..." or "x: ClassVar = ..." to define a class attribute)
def g(c: Type[C], d: Type[D]) -> None:
c.a # E: Cannot access instance attribute "a" through class object \
# N: (Hint: Use "x: Final = ..." or "x: ClassVar = ..." to define a class attribute)
d.a # E: Cannot access instance attribute "a" through class object \
# N: (Hint: Use "x: Final = ..." or "x: ClassVar = ..." to define a class attribute)
[case testSetAttributeWithDefaultInInit]
class C:
s = ''
def __init__(self, s: str) -> None:
self.s = s
def C.__init__(self, s):
self :: __main__.C
s :: str
r0 :: bool
self.s = s; r0 = is_error
return 1
def C.__mypyc_defaults_setup(__mypyc_self__):
__mypyc_self__ :: __main__.C
r0 :: str
r0 = ''
__mypyc_self__.s = r0
return 1
[case testBorrowAttribute]
def f(d: D) -> int:
return d.c.x
class C:
x: int
class D:
c: C
def f(d):
d :: __main__.D
r0 :: __main__.C
r1 :: int
r0 = borrow d.c
r1 = r0.x
keep_alive d
return r1
[case testNoBorrowOverPropertyAccess]
class C:
d: D
class D:
def e(self) -> E:
return E()
class E:
x: int
def f(c: C) -> int:
return c.d.e.x
def D.e(self):
self :: __main__.D
r0 :: __main__.E
r0 = E()
return r0
def f(c):
c :: __main__.C
r0 :: __main__.D
r1 :: __main__.E
r2 :: int
r0 = c.d
r1 = r0.e
r2 = r1.x
return r2
[case testBorrowResultOfCustomGetItemInIfStatement]
from typing import List
class C:
def __getitem__(self, x: int) -> List[int]:
return []
def f(x: C) -> None:
# In this case the keep_alive must come before the branch, as otherwise
# reference count transform will get confused.
if x[1][0] == 2:
y = 1
y = 2
def C.__getitem__(self, x):
self :: __main__.C
x :: int
r0 :: list
r0 = PyList_New(0)
return r0
def f(x):
x :: __main__.C
r0 :: list
r1 :: object
r2 :: int
r3 :: bit
y :: int
r0 = x.__getitem__(2)
r1 = CPyList_GetItemShortBorrow(r0, 0)
r2 = unbox(int, r1)
r3 = r2 == 4
keep_alive r0
if r3 goto L1 else goto L2 :: bool
y = 2
goto L3
y = 4
return 1