React App

In order to use the scraped data a react app was developed. The main thing this app does is show a map, with icons for each house, while also showing the distance and travel time:


The app works using the generated out.json file from the scrape project. This file is compiled in the app. This makes the loading of the App quite slow. Also a lot of markers has some impact on the performance of the app.


Copy the generated out.json file that was generated in the usse scrape project to src/locations.json, next you can run the app:

npm run start

This should start a server running the app.


A dockerfile was created in order to serve the application on Wintergreen. To use the dockerfile you can simply use the bash script: and run it to run the docker container:


Several commands are supported:

./ remove
./ rebuild


To recreate the app you can run:

./ recreate


The app also has filters for price and distance to various locations:
