""" :class:`.YahooPlaceFinder` geocoder. """ try: from requests import get, Request from requests_oauthlib import OAuth1 requests_missing = False except ImportError: requests_missing = True from geopy.geocoders.base import Geocoder, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT from geopy.exc import GeocoderParseError from geopy.location import Location from geopy.compat import string_compare, text_type __all__ = ("YahooPlaceFinder", ) class YahooPlaceFinder(Geocoder): # pylint: disable=W0223 """ Geocoder that utilizes the Yahoo! BOSS PlaceFinder API. Documentation at: https://developer.yahoo.com/boss/geo/docs/ """ def __init__( self, consumer_key, consumer_secret, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, proxies=None, user_agent=None, ): # pylint: disable=R0913 """ :param str consumer_key: Key provided by Yahoo. :param str consumer_secret: Secret corresponding to the key provided by Yahoo. :param int timeout: Time, in seconds, to wait for the geocoding service to respond before raising a :class:`geopy.exc.GeocoderTimedOut` exception. :param dict proxies: If specified, routes this geocoder"s requests through the specified proxy. E.g., {"https": ""}. For more information, see documentation on :class:`urllib2.ProxyHandler`. .. versionadded:: 0.96 :param str user_agent: Use a custom User-Agent header. .. versionadded:: 1.12.0 """ if requests_missing: raise ImportError( 'requests-oauthlib is needed for YahooPlaceFinder.' ' Install with `pip install geopy -e ".[placefinder]"`.' ) super(YahooPlaceFinder, self).__init__( timeout=timeout, proxies=proxies, user_agent=user_agent ) self.consumer_key = text_type(consumer_key) self.consumer_secret = text_type(consumer_secret) self.auth = OAuth1( client_key=self.consumer_key, client_secret=self.consumer_secret, signature_method="HMAC-SHA1", signature_type="AUTH_HEADER", ) self.api = "https://yboss.yahooapis.com/geo/placefinder" @staticmethod def _filtered_results(results, min_quality, valid_country_codes): """ Returns only the results that meet the minimum quality threshold and are located in expected countries. """ if min_quality: results = [ loc for loc in results if int(loc.raw["quality"]) > min_quality ] if valid_country_codes: results = [ loc for loc in results if loc.raw["countrycode"] in valid_country_codes ] return results def _parse_response(self, content): """ Returns the parsed result of a PlaceFinder API call. """ try: placefinder = ( content["bossresponse"]["placefinder"] ) if not len(placefinder) or not len(placefinder.get("results", [])): return None results = [ Location( self.humanize(place), (float(place["latitude"]), float(place["longitude"])), raw=place ) for place in placefinder["results"] ] except (KeyError, ValueError): raise GeocoderParseError("Error parsing PlaceFinder result") return results @staticmethod def humanize(location): """ Returns a human readable representation of a raw PlaceFinder location """ return ", ".join([ location[line] for line in ["line1", "line2", "line3", "line4"] if location[line] ]) def geocode( self, query, exactly_one=True, timeout=None, min_quality=0, reverse=False, valid_country_codes=None, with_timezone=False, ): # pylint: disable=W0221,R0913 """ Geocode a location query. :param str query: The address or query you wish to geocode. :param bool exactly_one: Return one result or a list of results, if available. :param int min_quality: :param bool reverse: :param valid_country_codes: :type valid_country_codes: list or tuple :param bool with_timezone: Include the timezone in the response's `raw` dictionary (as `timezone`). """ params = { "location": query, "flags": "J", # JSON } if reverse: params["gflags"] = "R" if exactly_one: params["count"] = "1" if with_timezone: params['flags'] += 'T' #Return timezone response = self._call_geocoder( self.api, timeout=timeout, requester=get, params=params, auth=self.auth, ) results = self._parse_response(response) if results is None: return None results = self._filtered_results( results, min_quality, valid_country_codes, ) if exactly_one: return results[0] else: return results def reverse(self, query, exactly_one=True, timeout=None): """ Returns a reverse geocoded location using Yahoo"s PlaceFinder API. :param query: The coordinates for which you wish to obtain the closest human-readable addresses. :type query: :class:`geopy.point.Point`, list or tuple of (latitude, longitude), or string as "%(latitude)s, %(longitude)s" :param bool exactly_one: Return one result or a list of results, if available. """ query = self._coerce_point_to_string(query) if isinstance(query, string_compare): query = query.replace(" ", "") # oauth signature failure; todo return self.geocode( query, exactly_one=exactly_one, timeout=timeout, reverse=True )