import json from functools import partial from time import time from urllib.parse import urlencode from geopy.exc import ( ConfigurationError, GeocoderAuthenticationFailure, GeocoderServiceError, ) from geopy.geocoders.base import DEFAULT_SENTINEL, Geocoder, _synchronized from geopy.location import Location from geopy.util import logger __all__ = ("ArcGIS", ) DEFAULT_WKID = 4326 class ArcGIS(Geocoder): """Geocoder using the ERSI ArcGIS API. Documentation at: """ _TOKEN_EXPIRED = 498 auth_path = '/sharing/generateToken' geocode_path = '/arcgis/rest/services/World/GeocodeServer/findAddressCandidates' reverse_path = '/arcgis/rest/services/World/GeocodeServer/reverseGeocode' def __init__( self, username=None, password=None, *, referer=None, token_lifetime=60, scheme=None, timeout=DEFAULT_SENTINEL, proxies=DEFAULT_SENTINEL, user_agent=None, ssl_context=DEFAULT_SENTINEL, adapter_factory=None, auth_domain='', domain='' ): """ :param str username: ArcGIS username. Required if authenticated mode is desired. :param str password: ArcGIS password. Required if authenticated mode is desired. :param str referer: Required if authenticated mode is desired. `Referer` HTTP header to send with each request, e.g., ``''``. This is tied to an issued token, so fielding queries for multiple referrers should be handled by having multiple ArcGIS geocoder instances. :param int token_lifetime: Desired lifetime, in minutes, of an ArcGIS-issued token. :param str scheme: See :attr:`geopy.geocoders.options.default_scheme`. If authenticated mode is in use, it must be ``'https'``. :param int timeout: See :attr:`geopy.geocoders.options.default_timeout`. :param dict proxies: See :attr:`geopy.geocoders.options.default_proxies`. :param str user_agent: See :attr:`geopy.geocoders.options.default_user_agent`. :type ssl_context: :class:`ssl.SSLContext` :param ssl_context: See :attr:`geopy.geocoders.options.default_ssl_context`. :param callable adapter_factory: See :attr:`geopy.geocoders.options.default_adapter_factory`. .. versionadded:: 2.0 :param str auth_domain: Domain where the target ArcGIS auth service is hosted. Used only in authenticated mode (i.e. username, password and referer are set). :param str domain: Domain where the target ArcGIS service is hosted. """ super().__init__( scheme=scheme, timeout=timeout, proxies=proxies, user_agent=user_agent, ssl_context=ssl_context, adapter_factory=adapter_factory, ) if username or password or referer: if not (username and password and referer): raise ConfigurationError( "Authenticated mode requires username," " password, and referer" ) if self.scheme != 'https': raise ConfigurationError( "Authenticated mode requires scheme of 'https'" ) self.username = username self.password = password self.referer = referer self.auth_domain = auth_domain.strip('/') self.auth_api = ( '%s://%s%s' % (self.scheme, self.auth_domain, self.auth_path) ) self.token_lifetime = token_lifetime * 60 # store in seconds self.domain = domain.strip('/') self.api = ( '%s://%s%s' % (self.scheme, self.domain, self.geocode_path) ) self.reverse_api = ( '%s://%s%s' % (self.scheme, self.domain, self.reverse_path) ) # Mutable state self.token = None self.token_expiry = None def geocode(self, query, *, exactly_one=True, timeout=DEFAULT_SENTINEL, out_fields=None): """ Return a location point by address. :param str query: The address or query you wish to geocode. :param bool exactly_one: Return one result or a list of results, if available. :param int timeout: Time, in seconds, to wait for the geocoding service to respond before raising a :class:`geopy.exc.GeocoderTimedOut` exception. Set this only if you wish to override, on this call only, the value set during the geocoder's initialization. :param out_fields: A list of output fields to be returned in the attributes field of the raw data. This can be either a python list/tuple of fields or a comma-separated string. See for a list of supported output fields. If you want to return all supported output fields, set ``out_fields="*"``. :type out_fields: str or iterable :rtype: ``None``, :class:`geopy.location.Location` or a list of them, if ``exactly_one=False``. """ params = {'singleLine': query, 'f': 'json'} if exactly_one: params['maxLocations'] = 1 if out_fields is not None: if isinstance(out_fields, str): params['outFields'] = out_fields else: params['outFields'] = ",".join(out_fields) url = "?".join((self.api, urlencode(params))) logger.debug("%s.geocode: %s", self.__class__.__name__, url) callback = partial(self._parse_geocode, exactly_one=exactly_one) return self._authenticated_call_geocoder(url, callback, timeout=timeout) def _parse_geocode(self, response, exactly_one): if 'error' in response: raise GeocoderServiceError(str(response['error'])) # Success; convert from the ArcGIS JSON format. if not len(response['candidates']): return None geocoded = [] for resource in response['candidates']: geometry = resource['location'] geocoded.append( Location( resource['address'], (geometry['y'], geometry['x']), resource ) ) if exactly_one: return geocoded[0] return geocoded def reverse(self, query, *, exactly_one=True, timeout=DEFAULT_SENTINEL, distance=None): """ Return an address by location point. :param query: The coordinates for which you wish to obtain the closest human-readable addresses. :type query: :class:`geopy.point.Point`, list or tuple of ``(latitude, longitude)``, or string as ``"%(latitude)s, %(longitude)s"``. :param bool exactly_one: Return one result or a list of results, if available. :param int timeout: Time, in seconds, to wait for the geocoding service to respond before raising a :class:`geopy.exc.GeocoderTimedOut` exception. Set this only if you wish to override, on this call only, the value set during the geocoder's initialization. :param int distance: Distance from the query location, in meters, within which to search. ArcGIS has a default of 100 meters, if not specified. :rtype: ``None``, :class:`geopy.location.Location` or a list of them, if ``exactly_one=False``. """ location = self._coerce_point_to_string(query, "%(lon)s,%(lat)s") wkid = DEFAULT_WKID params = {'location': location, 'f': 'json', 'outSR': wkid} if distance is not None: params['distance'] = distance url = "?".join((self.reverse_api, urlencode(params))) logger.debug("%s.reverse: %s", self.__class__.__name__, url) callback = partial(self._parse_reverse, exactly_one=exactly_one) return self._authenticated_call_geocoder(url, callback, timeout=timeout) def _parse_reverse(self, response, exactly_one): if not len(response): return None if 'error' in response: # if response['error']['code'] == 400: # 'details': ['Unable to find address for the specified location.']} try: if 'Unable to find' in response['error']['details'][0]: return None except (KeyError, IndexError): pass raise GeocoderServiceError(str(response['error'])) if response['address'].get('Address'): address = ( "%(Address)s, %(City)s, %(Region)s %(Postal)s," " %(CountryCode)s" % response['address'] ) else: address = response['address']['LongLabel'] location = Location( address, (response['location']['y'], response['location']['x']), response['address'] ) if exactly_one: return location else: return [location] def _authenticated_call_geocoder( self, url, parse_callback, *, timeout=DEFAULT_SENTINEL ): if not self.username: return self._call_geocoder(url, parse_callback, timeout=timeout) def query_callback(): call_url = "&".join((url, urlencode({"token": self.token}))) headers = {"Referer": self.referer} return self._call_geocoder( call_url, partial(maybe_reauthenticate_callback, from_token=self.token), timeout=timeout, headers=headers, ) def maybe_reauthenticate_callback(response, *, from_token): if "error" in response: if response["error"]["code"] == self._TOKEN_EXPIRED: return self._refresh_authentication_token( query_retry_callback, timeout=timeout, from_token=from_token ) return parse_callback(response) def query_retry_callback(): call_url = "&".join((url, urlencode({"token": self.token}))) headers = {"Referer": self.referer} return self._call_geocoder( call_url, parse_callback, timeout=timeout, headers=headers ) if self.token is None or int(time()) > self.token_expiry: return self._refresh_authentication_token( query_callback, timeout=timeout, from_token=self.token ) else: return query_callback() @_synchronized def _refresh_authentication_token(self, callback_success, *, timeout, from_token): if from_token != self.token: # Token has already been updated by a concurrent call. return callback_success() token_request_arguments = { 'username': self.username, 'password': self.password, 'referer': self.referer, 'expiration': self.token_lifetime, 'f': 'json' } url = "?".join((self.auth_api, urlencode(token_request_arguments))) logger.debug( "%s._refresh_authentication_token: %s", self.__class__.__name__, url ) def cb(response): if "token" not in response: raise GeocoderAuthenticationFailure( "Missing token in auth request." "Request URL: %s; response JSON: %s" % (url, json.dumps(response)) ) self.token = response["token"] self.token_expiry = int(time()) + self.token_lifetime return callback_success() return self._call_geocoder(url, cb, timeout=timeout)