Open Street Maps

Much like Google Maps, Openstreetmaps is a map that allows you to navigate the world. The main difference being that OSM is free and can be self hosted. However there is not a plug-and-play solution that will host your own maps. It turns out that hosting your own maps, including geolocation and calculating distances is quite a big task, especially if you want to suppor the whole world.


Open Source Routing Machine (OSRM) is a project that allows you to calculate distances from a OSM map. See more about the project here


Setting OSRM up is straightforward, but it requires you to the same docker container several times. In short the commands for the Netherlands are as follows:

#Download The Netherlands
mkdir -p data/
cd data/

cd ../
docker run --name osrm-backend -t -v "${PWD}/data:/data" osrm/osrm-backend osrm-extract -p /opt/car.lua /data/netherlands-latest.osm.pbf

# Process the data
docker run -a osrm-backend -t -v "${PWD}/data:/data" osrm/osrm-backend osrm-contract /data/netherlands-latest.osrm
docker run -t -v "${PWD}/data:/data" osrm/osrm-backend osrm-partition /data/netherlands-latest.osrm
docker run -t -v "${PWD}/data:/data" osrm/osrm-backend osrm-customize /data/netherlands-latest.osrm

# Finaly run the routing engine
docker run -t -i -p 5998:5000 -v "${PWD}/data:/data" osrm/osrm-backend osrm-routed --algorithm mld /data/netherlands-latest.osrm

Now you can use curl to do requests to port 5998.


When using Google Maps coordinates to send requests to OSRM, make sure that the Longitude and Latitude coordinates are not swapped.


As it turns out, OSRM is a very good routing engine but it can’t do geolocation. To solve this Nominatim was used to resolve postal codes to coordinates.

$ cat
#! /bin/bash

docker run -it \
-e PBF_PATH=/nominatim/data/netherlands-latest.osm.pbf \
-v "${PWD}/data:/nominatim/data" \
-p 5999:8080 \
--name nominatim \

This will result in a website that is accessible on port 5999 to which you can send queries.

IP Firewall

Procesing routing data is hard. In order to prevent bots from misusing these interfaces a firewall rule was added to only allow incomming traffic from specific ip addresses.

$ sudo ufw allow from <ip_addr> to any port 5998
$ sudo ufw allow from <ip_addr> to any port 5999