# Misc test cases (compile and run)

[case testAsync]
import asyncio
import sys

async def h() -> int:
    return 1

async def g() -> int:
    await asyncio.sleep(0.01)
    return await h()

async def f() -> int:
    return await g()

# sys.version_info >= (3, 7) fails with
# error: Unsupported left operand type for >= ("Tuple[int, int, int, str, int]")
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3 and sys.version_info[1] >= 7:
    result = asyncio.run(f())
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
    result = loop.run_until_complete(f())
assert result == 1

[typing fixtures/typing-full.pyi]

[file driver.py]
from native import f
import asyncio
import sys

if sys.version_info >= (3, 7):
    result = asyncio.run(f())
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
    result = loop.run_until_complete(f())
assert result == 1

[case testMaybeUninitVar]
class C:
    def __init__(self, x: int) -> None:
        self.x = x

def f(b: bool) -> None:
    u = C(1)
    while b:
        v = C(2)
        if v is not u:
[file driver.py]
from native import f

[case testUninitBoom]
def f(a: bool, b: bool) -> None:
    if a:
        x = 'lol'
    if b:

def g() -> None:
        y = 1
    except Exception:

[file driver.py]
from native import f, g
from testutil import assertRaises

f(True, True)
f(False, False)
with assertRaises(NameError):
    f(False, True)
with assertRaises(NameError):

[case testBuiltins]
y = 10
def f(x: int) -> None:
    d = globals()
    assert d['y'] == 10
    d['y'] = 20
    assert y == 20
[file driver.py]
from native import f

[case testOptional]
from typing import Optional

class A: pass

def f(x: Optional[A]) -> Optional[A]:
    return x

def g(x: Optional[A]) -> int:
    if x is None:
        return 1
    if x is not None:
        return 2
    return 3

def h(x: Optional[int], y: Optional[bool]) -> None:

[file driver.py]
from native import f, g, A
a = A()
assert f(None) is None
assert f(a) is a
assert g(None) == 1
assert g(a) == 2

[case testWith]
from typing import Any
class Thing:
    def __init__(self, x: str) -> None:
        self.x = x
    def __enter__(self) -> str:
        print('enter!', self.x)
        if self.x == 'crash':
            raise Exception('ohno')
        return self.x
    def __exit__(self, x: Any, y: Any, z: Any) -> None:
        print('exit!', self.x, y)

def foo(i: int) -> int:
    with Thing('a') as x:
        print("yooo?", x)
        if i == 0:
            return 10
        elif i == 1:
            raise Exception('exception!')
    return -1

def bar() -> None:
    with Thing('a') as x, Thing('b') as y:
        print("yooo?", x, y)

def baz() -> None:
    with Thing('a') as x, Thing('crash') as y:
        print("yooo?", x, y)

[file driver.py]
from native import foo, bar, baz
assert foo(0) == 10
print('== foo ==')
except Exception:
assert foo(2) == -1

print('== bar ==')

print('== baz ==')
except Exception:

enter! a
yooo? a
exit! a None
== foo ==
enter! a
yooo? a
exit! a exception!
enter! a
yooo? a
exit! a None
== bar ==
enter! a
enter! b
yooo? a b
exit! b None
exit! a None
== baz ==
enter! a
enter! crash
exit! a ohno

[case testDisplays]
from typing import List, Set, Tuple, Sequence, Dict, Any

def listDisplay(x: List[int], y: List[int]) -> List[int]:
    return [1, 2, *x, *y, 3]

def setDisplay(x: Set[int], y: Set[int]) -> Set[int]:
    return {1, 2, *x, *y, 3}

def tupleDisplay(x: Sequence[str], y: Sequence[str]) -> Tuple[str, ...]:
    return ('1', '2', *x, *y, '3')

def dictDisplay(x: str, y1: Dict[str, int], y2: Dict[str, int]) -> Dict[str, int]:
    return {x: 2, **y1, 'z': 3, **y2}

[file driver.py]
from native import listDisplay, setDisplay, tupleDisplay, dictDisplay
assert listDisplay([4], [5, 6]) == [1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 3]
assert setDisplay({4}, {5}) == {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
assert tupleDisplay(['4', '5'], ['6']) == ('1', '2', '4', '5', '6', '3')
assert dictDisplay('x', {'y1': 1}, {'y2': 2, 'z': 5}) == {'x': 2, 'y1': 1, 'y2': 2, 'z': 5}

[case testArbitraryLvalues]
from typing import List, Dict, Any

class O(object):
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self.x = 1

def increment_attr(a: Any) -> Any:
    a.x += 1
    return a

def increment_attr_o(o: O) -> O:
    o.x += 1
    return o

def increment_all_indices(l: List[int]) -> List[int]:
    for i in range(len(l)):
        l[i] += 1
    return l

def increment_all_keys(d: Dict[str, int]) -> Dict[str, int]:
    for k in d:
        d[k] += 1
    return d

[file driver.py]
from native import O, increment_attr, increment_attr_o, increment_all_indices, increment_all_keys

class P(object):
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self.x = 0

assert increment_attr(P()).x == 1
assert increment_attr_o(O()).x == 2
assert increment_all_indices([1, 2, 3]) == [2, 3, 4]
assert increment_all_keys({'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3}) == {'a':2, 'b':3, 'c':4}

[case testControlFlowExprs]
from typing import Tuple
def foo() -> object:
    return 'foo'
def bar() -> object:
    return 'bar'
def t(x: int) -> int:
    return x

def f(b: bool) -> Tuple[object, object, object]:
    x = foo() if b else bar()
    y = b or foo()
    z = b and foo()
    return (x, y, z)
def g() -> Tuple[object, object]:
    return (foo() or bar(), foo() and bar())

def nand(p: bool, q: bool) -> bool:
    if not (p and q):
        return True
    return False

def chained(x: int, y: int, z: int) -> bool:
    return t(x) < t(y) > t(z)

def chained2(x: int, y: int, z: int, w: int) -> bool:
    return t(x) < t(y) < t(z) < t(w)
[file driver.py]
from native import f, g, nand, chained, chained2
assert f(True) == ('foo', True, 'foo')
assert f(False) == ('bar', 'foo', False)
assert g() == ('foo', 'bar')

assert nand(True, True) == False
assert nand(True, False) == True
assert nand(False, True) == True
assert nand(False, False) == True

assert chained(10, 20, 15) == True
assert chained(10, 20, 30) == False
assert chained(21, 20, 30) == False
assert chained2(1, 2, 3, 4) == True
assert chained2(1, 0, 3, 4) == False
assert chained2(1, 2, 0, 4) == False









[case testMultipleAssignment]
from typing import Tuple, List, Any

def from_tuple(t: Tuple[int, str]) -> List[Any]:
    x, y = t
    return [y, x]

def from_tuple_sequence(t: Tuple[int, ...]) -> List[int]:
    x, y, z = t
    return [z, y, x]

def from_list(l: List[int]) -> List[int]:
    x, y = l
    return [y, x]

def from_list_complex(l: List[int]) -> List[int]:
    ll = l[:]
    ll[1], ll[0] = l
    return ll

def from_any(o: Any) -> List[Any]:
    x, y = o
    return [y, x]

def multiple_assignments(t: Tuple[int, str]) -> List[Any]:
    a, b = c, d = t
    e, f = g, h = 1, 2
    return [a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h]
[file driver.py]
from native import (
    from_tuple, from_tuple_sequence, from_list, from_list_complex, from_any, multiple_assignments

assert from_tuple((1, 'x')) == ['x', 1]

assert from_tuple_sequence((1, 5, 4)) == [4, 5, 1]
    from_tuple_sequence((1, 5))
except ValueError as e:
    assert 'not enough values to unpack (expected 3, got 2)' in str(e)
    assert False

assert from_list([3, 4]) == [4, 3]
    from_list([5, 4, 3])
except ValueError as e:
    assert 'too many values to unpack (expected 2)' in str(e)
    assert False

assert from_list_complex([7, 6]) == [6, 7]
    from_list_complex([5, 4, 3])
except ValueError as e:
    assert 'too many values to unpack (expected 2)' in str(e)
    assert False

assert from_any('xy') == ['y', 'x']

assert multiple_assignments((4, 'x')) == [4, 'x', 4, 'x', 1, 2, 1, 2]

[case testUnpack]
from typing import List

a, *b = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

*c, d = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

e, *f = [1,2]

j, *k, l = [1, 2, 3]

m, *n, o = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

p, q, r, *s, t = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]

tup = (1,2,3)
y, *z = tup

def unpack1(l : List[int]) -> None:
    *v1, v2, v3 = l

def unpack2(l : List[int]) -> None:
    v1, *v2, v3 = l

def unpack3(l : List[int]) -> None:
    v1, v2, *v3 = l

[file driver.py]
from native import a, b, c, d, e, f, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, y, z
from native import unpack1, unpack2, unpack3
from testutil import assertRaises

assert a == 1
assert b == [2,3,4,5]
assert c == [1,2,3,4]
assert d == 5
assert e == 1
assert f == [2]
assert j == 1
assert k == [2]
assert l == 3
assert m == 1
assert n == [2,3,4,5]
assert o == 6
assert p == 1
assert q == 2
assert r == 3
assert s == [4,5,6,7,8,9]
assert t == 10
assert y == 1
assert z == [2,3]

with assertRaises(ValueError, "not enough values to unpack"):

with assertRaises(ValueError, "not enough values to unpack"):

with assertRaises(ValueError, "not enough values to unpack"):


[case testModuleTopLevel]
x = 1

def f() -> None:
    print(x + 1)

def g() -> None:
    global x
    x = 77

[file driver.py]
import native
native.x = 5


[case testComprehensions]
from typing import List

# A list comprehension
l = [str(x) + "     " + str(y) + "   " + str(x*y) for x in range(10)
     if x != 6 if x != 5 for y in range(x) if y*x != 8]

# Test short-circuiting as well
def pred(x: int) -> bool:
    if x > 6:
        raise Exception()
    return x > 3
# If we fail to short-circuit, pred(x) will be called with x=7
# eventually and will raise an exception.
l2 = [x for x in range(10) if x <= 6 if pred(x)]

src = ['x']

def f() -> List[str]:
    global src
    res = src
    src = []
    return res

l3 = [s for s in f()]
l4 = [s for s in f()]

# A dictionary comprehension
d = {k: k*k for k in range(10) if k != 5 if k != 6}

# A set comprehension
s = {str(x) + "     " + str(y) + "   " + str(x*y) for x in range(10)
     if x != 6 if x != 5 for y in range(x) if y*x != 8}

[file driver.py]
from native import l, l2, l3, l4, d, s
for a in l:
assert l3 == ['x']
assert l4 == []
for k in sorted(d):
    print(k, d[k])
for a in sorted(s):
1     0   0
2     0   0
2     1   2
3     0   0
3     1   3
3     2   6
4     0   0
4     1   4
4     3   12
7     0   0
7     1   7
7     2   14
7     3   21
7     4   28
7     5   35
7     6   42
8     0   0
8     2   16
8     3   24
8     4   32
8     5   40
8     6   48
8     7   56
9     0   0
9     1   9
9     2   18
9     3   27
9     4   36
9     5   45
9     6   54
9     7   63
9     8   72
(4, 5, 6)
0 0
1 1
2 4
3 9
4 16
7 49
8 64
9 81
1     0   0
2     0   0
2     1   2
3     0   0
3     1   3
3     2   6
4     0   0
4     1   4
4     3   12
7     0   0
7     1   7
7     2   14
7     3   21
7     4   28
7     5   35
7     6   42
8     0   0
8     2   16
8     3   24
8     4   32
8     5   40
8     6   48
8     7   56
9     0   0
9     1   9
9     2   18
9     3   27
9     4   36
9     5   45
9     6   54
9     7   63
9     8   72

[case testDummyTypes]
from typing import Tuple, List, Dict, NamedTuple
from typing_extensions import Literal, TypedDict, NewType

class A:

T = List[A]
U = List[Tuple[int, str]]
Z = List[List[int]]
D = Dict[int, List[int]]
N = NewType('N', int)
G = Tuple[int, str]
def foo(x: N) -> int:
    return x
z = N(10)
Lol = NamedTuple('Lol', (('a', int), ('b', T)))
x = Lol(1, [])
def take_lol(x: Lol) -> int:
    return x.a

TD = TypedDict('TD', {'a': int})
def take_typed_dict(x: TD) -> int:
    return x['a']

def take_literal(x: Literal[1, 2, 3]) -> None:

[file driver.py]
import sys
from native import *

if sys.version_info[:3] > (3, 5, 2):
    assert "%s %s %s %s" % (T, U, Z, D) == "typing.List[native.A] typing.List[typing.Tuple[int, str]] typing.List[typing.List[int]] typing.Dict[int, typing.List[int]]"
print(take_typed_dict({'a': 20}))
except Exception as e:

# We check that the type is the real underlying type
except Exception as e:
# ... but not that it is a valid literal value
Lol(a=1, b=[])

[case testClassBasedTypedDict]
from typing_extensions import TypedDict

class TD(TypedDict):
    a: int

class TD2(TD):
    b: int

class TD3(TypedDict, total=False):
    c: int

class TD4(TD3, TD2, total=False):
    d: int

def test_typed_dict() -> None:
    d = TD(a=5)
    assert d['a'] == 5
    assert type(d) == dict
    # TODO: This doesn't work yet
    # assert TD.__annotations__ == {'a': int}

def test_inherited_typed_dict() -> None:
    d = TD2(a=5, b=3)
    assert d['a'] == 5
    assert d['b'] == 3
    assert type(d) == dict

def test_non_total_typed_dict() -> None:
    d3 = TD3(c=3)
    d4 = TD4(a=1, b=2, c=3, d=4)
    assert d3['c'] == 3
    assert d4['d'] == 4

[case testClassBasedNamedTuple]
from typing import NamedTuple
import sys

# Class-based NamedTuple requires Python 3.6+
version = sys.version_info[:2]
if version[0] == 3 and version[1] < 6:

class NT(NamedTuple):
    a: int

def test_named_tuple() -> None:
    t = NT(a=1)
    assert t.a == 1
    assert type(t) is NT
    assert isinstance(t, tuple)
    assert not isinstance(tuple([1]), NT)

[case testUnion]
from typing import Union

class A:
    def __init__(self, x: int) -> None:
        self.x = x
    def f(self, y: int) -> int:
        return y + self.x

class B:
    def __init__(self, x: object) -> None:
        self.x = x
    def f(self, y: object) -> object:
        return y

def f(x: Union[A, str]) -> object:
    if isinstance(x, A):
        return x.x
        return x + 'x'

def g(x: int) -> Union[A, int]:
    if x == 0:
        return A(1)
        return x + 1

def get(x: Union[A, B]) -> object:
    return x.x

def call(x: Union[A, B]) -> object:
    return x.f(5)

[file driver.py]
from native import A, B, f, g, get, call
assert f('a') == 'ax'
assert f(A(4)) == 4
assert isinstance(g(0), A)
assert g(2) == 3
assert get(A(5)) == 5
assert get(B('x')) == 'x'
assert call(A(4)) == 9
assert call(B('x')) == 5
except TypeError:
    assert False

[case testAnyAll]
from typing import Iterable

def call_any_nested(l: Iterable[Iterable[int]], val: int = 0) -> int:
    res = any(i == val for l2 in l for i in l2)
    return 0 if res else 1

def call_any(l: Iterable[int], val: int = 0) -> int:
    res = any(i == val for i in l)
    return 0 if res else 1

def call_all(l: Iterable[int], val: int = 0) -> int:
    res = all(i == val for i in l)
    return 0 if res else 1

[file driver.py]
from native import call_any, call_all, call_any_nested

zeros = [0, 0, 0]
ones = [1, 1, 1]
mixed_001 = [0, 0, 1]
mixed_010 = [0, 1, 0]
mixed_100 = [1, 0, 0]
mixed_011 = [0, 1, 1]
mixed_101 = [1, 0, 1]
mixed_110 = [1, 1, 0]

assert call_any([]) == 1
assert call_any(zeros) == 0
assert call_any(ones) == 1
assert call_any(mixed_001) == 0
assert call_any(mixed_010) == 0
assert call_any(mixed_100) == 0
assert call_any(mixed_011) == 0
assert call_any(mixed_101) == 0
assert call_any(mixed_110) == 0

assert call_all([]) == 0
assert call_all(zeros) == 0
assert call_all(ones) == 1
assert call_all(mixed_001) == 1
assert call_all(mixed_010) == 1
assert call_all(mixed_100) == 1
assert call_all(mixed_011) == 1
assert call_all(mixed_101) == 1
assert call_all(mixed_110) == 1

assert call_any_nested([[1, 1, 1], [1, 1], []]) == 1
assert call_any_nested([[1, 1, 1], [0, 1], []]) == 0

[case testSum]
[typing fixtures/typing-full.pyi]
from typing import Any, List

def test_sum_of_numbers() -> None:
    assert sum(x for x in [1, 2, 3]) == 6
    assert sum(x for x in [0.0, 1.2, 2]) == 6.2
    assert sum(x for x in [1, 1j]) == 1 + 1j

def test_sum_callables() -> None:
    assert sum((lambda x: x == 0)(x) for x in []) == 0
    assert sum((lambda x: x == 0)(x) for x in [0]) == 1
    assert sum((lambda x: x == 0)(x) for x in [0, 0, 0]) == 3
    assert sum((lambda x: x == 0)(x) for x in [0, 1, 0]) == 2
    assert sum((lambda x: x % 2 == 0)(x) for x in range(2**10)) == 2**9

def test_sum_comparisons() -> None:
    assert sum(x == 0 for x in []) == 0
    assert sum(x == 0 for x in [0]) == 1
    assert sum(x == 0 for x in [0, 0, 0]) == 3
    assert sum(x == 0 for x in [0, 1, 0]) == 2
    assert sum(x % 2 == 0 for x in range(2**10)) == 2**9

def test_sum_multi() -> None:
    assert sum(i + j == 0 for i, j in zip([0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0])) == 2

def test_sum_misc() -> None:
    # misc cases we do optimize (note, according to sum's helptext, we don't need to support
    # non-numeric cases, but CPython and mypyc both do anyway)
    assert sum(c == 'd' for c in 'abcdd') == 2
    # misc cases we do not optimize
    assert sum([0, 1]) == 1
    assert sum([0, 1], 1) == 2

def test_sum_start_given() -> None:
    a = 1
    assert sum((x == 0 for x in [0, 1]), a) == 2
    assert sum(((lambda x: x == 0)(x) for x in []), 1) == 1
    assert sum(((lambda x: x == 0)(x) for x in [0]), 1) == 2
    assert sum(((lambda x: x == 0)(x) for x in [0, 0, 0]), 1) == 4
    assert sum(((lambda x: x == 0)(x) for x in [0, 1, 0]), 1) == 3
    assert sum(((lambda x: x % 2 == 0)(x) for x in range(2**10)), 1) == 2**9 + 1
    assert sum((x for x in [1, 1j]), 2j) == 1 + 3j
    assert sum((c == 'd' for c in 'abcdd'), 1) == 3

[case testNoneStuff]
from typing import Optional
class A:
    x: int

def lol(x: A) -> None:
    setattr(x, 'x', 5)

def none() -> None:

def arg(x: Optional[A]) -> bool:
    return x is None

[file driver.py]
import native

# Catch refcounting failures
for i in range(10000):

[case testBorrowRefs]
def make_garbage(arg: object) -> None:
    b = True
    while b:
        arg = None
        b = False

[file driver.py]
from native import make_garbage
import sys

def test():
    x = object()
    r0 = sys.getrefcount(x)
    r1 = sys.getrefcount(x)
    assert r0 == r1


[case testFinalStaticRunFail]
if False:
    from typing import Final

if bool():
    x: 'Final' = [1]

def f() -> int:
    return x[0]

[file driver.py]
from native import f
except NameError as e:
value for final name "x" was not set

[case testFinalStaticRunListTupleInt]
if False:
    from typing import Final

x: 'Final' = [1]
y: 'Final' = (1, 2)
z: 'Final' = 1 + 1

def f() -> int:
    return x[0]
def g() -> int:
    return y[0]
def h() -> int:
    return z - 1

[file driver.py]
from native import f, g, h, x, y, z
(1, 2)

[case testCheckVersion]
import sys

# We lie about the version we are running in tests if it is 3.5, so
# that hits a crash case.
if sys.version_info[:2] == (3, 10):
    def version() -> int:
        return 10
elif sys.version_info[:2] == (3, 9):
    def version() -> int:
        return 9
elif sys.version_info[:2] == (3, 8):
    def version() -> int:
        return 8
elif sys.version_info[:2] == (3, 7):
    def version() -> int:
        return 7
elif sys.version_info[:2] == (3, 6):
    def version() -> int:
        return 6
    raise Exception("we don't support this version yet!")

[file driver.py]
import sys
version = sys.version_info[:2]

    import native
    assert version != (3, 5), "3.5 should fail!"
    assert native.version() == sys.version_info[1]
except RuntimeError:
    assert version == (3, 5), "only 3.5 should fail!"

[case testTypeErrorMessages]
from typing import Tuple
class A:
class B:

def f(x: B) -> None:
def g(x: Tuple[int, A]) -> None:
[file driver.py]
from testutil import assertRaises
from native import A, f, g

class Busted:
Busted.__module__ = None

with assertRaises(TypeError, "int"):
with assertRaises(TypeError, "native.A"):
with assertRaises(TypeError, "tuple[None, native.A]"):
    f((None, A()))
with assertRaises(TypeError, "tuple[tuple[int, str], native.A]"):
    f(((1, "ha"), A()))
with assertRaises(TypeError, "tuple[<50 items>]"):

with assertRaises(TypeError, "errored formatting real type!"):

with assertRaises(TypeError, "tuple[int, native.A] object expected; got tuple[int, int]"):
    g((20, 30))

[case testComprehensionShadowBinder]
def foo(x: object) -> object:
    if isinstance(x, list):
        return tuple(x for x in x), x
    return None

[file driver.py]
from native import foo

assert foo(None) == None
assert foo([1, 2, 3]) == ((1, 2, 3), [1, 2, 3])

[case testAllLiterals]
# Test having all sorts of literals in a single file

def test_str() -> None:
    assert '' == eval("''")
    assert len('foo bar' + str()) == 7
    assert 'foo bar' == eval("'foo bar'")
    assert 'foo\u1245\0bar' == eval("'foo' + chr(0x1245) + chr(0) + 'bar'")
    assert 'foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345' == eval("'foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345'")
    assert 'Zoobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar123' == eval("'Zoobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar123'")

def test_bytes() -> None:
    assert b'' == eval("b''")
    assert b'foo bar' == eval("b'foo bar'")
    assert b'\xafde' == eval(r"b'\xafde'")
    assert b'foo\xde\0bar' == eval("b'foo' + bytes([0xde, 0]) + b'bar'")
    assert b'foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345' == eval("b'foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345foobar12345'")

def test_int() -> None:
    assert 2875872359823758923758923759 == eval('2875872359823758923758923759')
    assert -552875872359823758923758923759 == eval('-552875872359823758923758923759')

def test_float() -> None:
    assert 1.5 == eval('1.5')
    assert -3.75 == eval('-3.75')
    assert 2.5e10 == eval('2.5e10')
    assert 2.5e50 == eval('2.5e50')
    assert 2.5e1000 == eval('2.5e1000')
    assert -2.5e1000 == eval('-2.5e1000')

def test_complex() -> None:
    assert 1.5j == eval('1.5j')
    assert 1.5j + 2.5 == eval('2.5 + 1.5j')
    assert -3.75j == eval('-3.75j')
    assert 2.5e10j == eval('2.5e10j')
    assert 2.5e50j == eval('2.5e50j')
    assert 2.5e1000j == eval('2.5e1000j')
    assert 2.5e1000j + 3.5e2000 == eval('3.5e2000 + 2.5e1000j')
    assert -2.5e1000j == eval('-2.5e1000j')

[case testUnreachableExpressions]
from typing import cast
import sys

A = sys.platform == 'x' and foobar
B = sys.platform == 'x' and sys.foobar
C = sys.platform == 'x' and f(a, -b, 'y') > [c + e, g(y=2)]
C = sys.platform == 'x' and cast(a, b[c])
C = sys.platform == 'x' and (lambda x: y + x)
# TODO: This still doesn't work
# C = sys.platform == 'x' and (x for y in z)

assert not A
assert not B
assert not C

[case testDoesntSegfaultWhenTopLevelFails]
# make the initial import fail
assert False

class C:
    def __init__(self):
        self.x = 1
        self.y = 2
def test() -> None:
    a = C()
[file driver.py]
# load native, cause PyInit to be run, create the module but don't finish initializing the globals
    import native
    # try accessing those globals that were never properly initialized
    import native
# should fail with AssertionError due to `assert False` in other function
except AssertionError:

[case testRepeatedUnderscoreFunctions]
def _(arg): pass
def _(arg): pass

[case testUnderscoreFunctionsInMethods]

class A:
    def _(arg): pass
    def _(arg): pass
class B(A):
    def _(arg): pass
    def _(arg): pass

[case testGlobalRedefinition_toplevel]
# mypy: allow-redefinition
i = 0
i += 1
i = "foo"
i += i
i = b"foo"

def test_redefinition() -> None:
    assert i == b"foo"