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2023-02-20 23:38:24 +01:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""Generator of dynamically typed draft stubs for arbitrary modules.
The logic of this script can be split in three steps:
* parsing options and finding sources:
- use runtime imports be default (to find also C modules)
- or use mypy's mechanisms, if importing is prohibited
* (optionally) semantically analysing the sources using mypy (as a single set)
* emitting the stubs text:
- for Python modules: from ASTs using StubGenerator
- for C modules using runtime introspection and (optionally) Sphinx docs
During first and third steps some problematic files can be skipped, but any
blocking error during second step will cause the whole program to stop.
Basic usage:
$ stubgen foo.py bar.py some_directory
=> Generate out/foo.pyi, out/bar.pyi, and stubs for some_directory (recursively).
$ stubgen -m urllib.parse
=> Generate out/urllib/parse.pyi.
$ stubgen -p urllib
=> Generate stubs for whole urlib package (recursively).
For Python 2 mode, use --py2:
$ stubgen --py2 -m textwrap
For C modules, you can get more precise function signatures by parsing .rst (Sphinx)
documentation for extra information. For this, use the --doc-dir option:
$ stubgen --doc-dir <DIR>/Python-3.4.2/Doc/library -m curses
Note: The generated stubs should be verified manually.
- support stubs for C modules in Python 2 mode
- detect 'if PY2 / is_py2' etc. and either preserve those or only include Python 2 or 3 case
- maybe use .rst docs also for Python modules
- maybe export more imported names if there is no __all__ (this affects ssl.SSLError, for example)
- a quick and dirty heuristic would be to turn this on if a module has something like
'from x import y as _y'
- we don't seem to always detect properties ('closed' in 'io', for example)
import glob
import os
import os.path
import sys
import traceback
import argparse
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import (
List, Dict, Tuple, Iterable, Mapping, Optional, Set, Union, cast,
from typing_extensions import Final
import mypy.build
import mypy.parse
import mypy.traverser
import mypy.mixedtraverser
import mypy.util
from mypy import defaults
from mypy.modulefinder import (
ModuleNotFoundReason, FindModuleCache, SearchPaths, BuildSource, default_lib_path
from mypy.nodes import (
Expression, IntExpr, UnaryExpr, StrExpr, BytesExpr, NameExpr, FloatExpr, MemberExpr,
TupleExpr, ListExpr, ComparisonExpr, CallExpr, IndexExpr, EllipsisExpr,
ClassDef, MypyFile, Decorator, AssignmentStmt, TypeInfo,
IfStmt, ImportAll, ImportFrom, Import, FuncDef, FuncBase, Block,
Statement, OverloadedFuncDef, ARG_POS, ARG_STAR, ARG_STAR2, ARG_NAMED,
from mypy.stubgenc import generate_stub_for_c_module
from mypy.stubutil import (
default_py2_interpreter, CantImport, generate_guarded,
walk_packages, find_module_path_and_all_py2, find_module_path_and_all_py3,
report_missing, fail_missing, remove_misplaced_type_comments, common_dir_prefix
from mypy.stubdoc import parse_all_signatures, find_unique_signatures, Sig
from mypy.options import Options as MypyOptions
from mypy.types import (
Type, TypeStrVisitor, CallableType, UnboundType, NoneType, TupleType, TypeList, Instance,
AnyType, get_proper_type, OVERLOAD_NAMES
from mypy.visitor import NodeVisitor
from mypy.find_sources import create_source_list, InvalidSourceList
from mypy.build import build
from mypy.errors import CompileError, Errors
from mypy.traverser import all_yield_expressions, has_return_statement, has_yield_expression
from mypy.moduleinspect import ModuleInspect
# Common ways of naming package containing vendored modules.
# Avoid some file names that are unnecessary or likely to cause trouble (\n for end of path).
BLACKLIST: Final = [
'/six.py\n', # Likely vendored six; too dynamic for us to handle
'/vendored/', # Vendored packages
'/vendor/', # Vendored packages
# Special-cased names that are implicitly exported from the stub (from m import y as y).
# These names should be omitted from generated stubs.
# These methods are expected to always return a non-trivial value.
class Options:
"""Represents stubgen options.
This class is mutable to simplify testing.
def __init__(self,
pyversion: Tuple[int, int],
no_import: bool,
doc_dir: str,
search_path: List[str],
interpreter: str,
parse_only: bool,
ignore_errors: bool,
include_private: bool,
output_dir: str,
modules: List[str],
packages: List[str],
files: List[str],
verbose: bool,
quiet: bool,
export_less: bool) -> None:
# See parse_options for descriptions of the flags.
self.pyversion = pyversion
self.no_import = no_import
self.doc_dir = doc_dir
self.search_path = search_path
self.interpreter = interpreter
self.decointerpreter = interpreter
self.parse_only = parse_only
self.ignore_errors = ignore_errors
self.include_private = include_private
self.output_dir = output_dir
self.modules = modules
self.packages = packages
self.files = files
self.verbose = verbose
self.quiet = quiet
self.export_less = export_less
class StubSource:
"""A single source for stub: can be a Python or C module.
A simple extension of BuildSource that also carries the AST and
the value of __all__ detected at runtime.
def __init__(self, module: str, path: Optional[str] = None,
runtime_all: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> None:
self.source = BuildSource(path, module, None)
self.runtime_all = runtime_all
self.ast: Optional[MypyFile] = None
def module(self) -> str:
return self.source.module
def path(self) -> Optional[str]:
return self.source.path
# What was generated previously in the stub file. We keep track of these to generate
# nicely formatted output (add empty line between non-empty classes, for example).
EMPTY: Final = "EMPTY"
FUNC: Final = "FUNC"
CLASS: Final = "CLASS"
VAR: Final = "VAR"
# Indicates that we failed to generate a reasonable output
# for a given node. These should be manually replaced by a user.
class AnnotationPrinter(TypeStrVisitor):
"""Visitor used to print existing annotations in a file.
The main difference from TypeStrVisitor is a better treatment of
unbound types.
* This visitor doesn't add imports necessary for annotations, this is done separately
by ImportTracker.
* It can print all kinds of types, but the generated strings may not be valid (notably
callable types) since it prints the same string that reveal_type() does.
* For Instance types it prints the fully qualified names.
# TODO: Generate valid string representation for callable types.
# TODO: Use short names for Instances.
def __init__(self, stubgen: 'StubGenerator') -> None:
self.stubgen = stubgen
def visit_any(self, t: AnyType) -> str:
s = super().visit_any(t)
return s
def visit_unbound_type(self, t: UnboundType) -> str:
s = t.name
if t.args:
s += f'[{self.args_str(t.args)}]'
return s
def visit_none_type(self, t: NoneType) -> str:
return "None"
def visit_type_list(self, t: TypeList) -> str:
return f'[{self.list_str(t.items)}]'
def args_str(self, args: Iterable[Type]) -> str:
"""Convert an array of arguments to strings and join the results with commas.
The main difference from list_str is the preservation of quotes for string
types = ['builtins.bytes', 'builtins.unicode']
res = []
for arg in args:
arg_str = arg.accept(self)
if isinstance(arg, UnboundType) and arg.original_str_fallback in types:
return ', '.join(res)
class AliasPrinter(NodeVisitor[str]):
"""Visitor used to collect type aliases _and_ type variable definitions.
Visit r.h.s of the definition to get the string representation of type alias.
def __init__(self, stubgen: 'StubGenerator') -> None:
self.stubgen = stubgen
def visit_call_expr(self, node: CallExpr) -> str:
# Call expressions are not usually types, but we also treat `X = TypeVar(...)` as a
# type alias that has to be preserved (even if TypeVar is not the same as an alias)
callee = node.callee.accept(self)
args = []
for name, arg, kind in zip(node.arg_names, node.args, node.arg_kinds):
if kind == ARG_POS:
elif kind == ARG_STAR:
args.append('*' + arg.accept(self))
elif kind == ARG_STAR2:
args.append('**' + arg.accept(self))
elif kind == ARG_NAMED:
raise ValueError(f"Unknown argument kind {kind} in call")
return f"{callee}({', '.join(args)})"
def visit_name_expr(self, node: NameExpr) -> str:
return node.name
def visit_member_expr(self, o: MemberExpr) -> str:
node: Expression = o
trailer = ''
while isinstance(node, MemberExpr):
trailer = '.' + node.name + trailer
node = node.expr
if not isinstance(node, NameExpr):
return node.name + trailer
def visit_str_expr(self, node: StrExpr) -> str:
return repr(node.value)
def visit_index_expr(self, node: IndexExpr) -> str:
base = node.base.accept(self)
index = node.index.accept(self)
return f"{base}[{index}]"
def visit_tuple_expr(self, node: TupleExpr) -> str:
return ", ".join(n.accept(self) for n in node.items)
def visit_list_expr(self, node: ListExpr) -> str:
return f"[{', '.join(n.accept(self) for n in node.items)}]"
def visit_ellipsis(self, node: EllipsisExpr) -> str:
return "..."
class ImportTracker:
"""Record necessary imports during stub generation."""
def __init__(self) -> None:
# module_for['foo'] has the module name where 'foo' was imported from, or None if
# 'foo' is a module imported directly; examples
# 'from pkg.m import f as foo' ==> module_for['foo'] == 'pkg.m'
# 'from m import f' ==> module_for['f'] == 'm'
# 'import m' ==> module_for['m'] == None
# 'import pkg.m' ==> module_for['pkg.m'] == None
# ==> module_for['pkg'] == None
self.module_for: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {}
# direct_imports['foo'] is the module path used when the name 'foo' was added to the
# namespace.
# import foo.bar.baz ==> direct_imports['foo'] == 'foo.bar.baz'
# ==> direct_imports['foo.bar'] == 'foo.bar.baz'
# ==> direct_imports['foo.bar.baz'] == 'foo.bar.baz'
self.direct_imports: Dict[str, str] = {}
# reverse_alias['foo'] is the name that 'foo' had originally when imported with an
# alias; examples
# 'import numpy as np' ==> reverse_alias['np'] == 'numpy'
# 'import foo.bar as bar' ==> reverse_alias['bar'] == 'foo.bar'
# 'from decimal import Decimal as D' ==> reverse_alias['D'] == 'Decimal'
self.reverse_alias: Dict[str, str] = {}
# required_names is the set of names that are actually used in a type annotation
self.required_names: Set[str] = set()
# Names that should be reexported if they come from another module
self.reexports: Set[str] = set()
def add_import_from(self, module: str, names: List[Tuple[str, Optional[str]]]) -> None:
for name, alias in names:
if alias:
# 'from {module} import {name} as {alias}'
self.module_for[alias] = module
self.reverse_alias[alias] = name
# 'from {module} import {name}'
self.module_for[name] = module
self.reverse_alias.pop(name, None)
self.direct_imports.pop(alias or name, None)
def add_import(self, module: str, alias: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
if alias:
# 'import {module} as {alias}'
self.module_for[alias] = None
self.reverse_alias[alias] = module
# 'import {module}'
name = module
# add module and its parent packages
while name:
self.module_for[name] = None
self.direct_imports[name] = module
self.reverse_alias.pop(name, None)
name = name.rpartition('.')[0]
def require_name(self, name: str) -> None:
def reexport(self, name: str) -> None:
"""Mark a given non qualified name as needed in __all__.
This means that in case it comes from a module, it should be
imported with an alias even is the alias is the same as the name.
def import_lines(self) -> List[str]:
"""The list of required import lines (as strings with python code)."""
result = []
# To summarize multiple names imported from a same module, we collect those
# in the `module_map` dictionary, mapping a module path to the list of names that should
# be imported from it. the names can also be alias in the form 'original as alias'
module_map: Mapping[str, List[str]] = defaultdict(list)
for name in sorted(self.required_names):
# If we haven't seen this name in an import statement, ignore it
if name not in self.module_for:
m = self.module_for[name]
if m is not None:
# This name was found in a from ... import ...
# Collect the name in the module_map
if name in self.reverse_alias:
name = f'{self.reverse_alias[name]} as {name}'
elif name in self.reexports:
name = f'{name} as {name}'
# This name was found in an import ...
# We can already generate the import line
if name in self.reverse_alias:
source = self.reverse_alias[name]
result.append(f"import {source} as {name}\n")
elif name in self.reexports:
assert '.' not in name # Because reexports only has nonqualified names
result.append(f"import {name} as {name}\n")
result.append(f"import {self.direct_imports[name]}\n")
# Now generate all the from ... import ... lines collected in module_map
for module, names in sorted(module_map.items()):
result.append(f"from {module} import {', '.join(sorted(names))}\n")
return result
def find_defined_names(file: MypyFile) -> Set[str]:
finder = DefinitionFinder()
return finder.names
class DefinitionFinder(mypy.traverser.TraverserVisitor):
"""Find names of things defined at the top level of a module."""
# TODO: Assignment statements etc.
def __init__(self) -> None:
# Short names of things defined at the top level.
self.names: Set[str] = set()
def visit_class_def(self, o: ClassDef) -> None:
# Don't recurse into classes, as we only keep track of top-level definitions.
def visit_func_def(self, o: FuncDef) -> None:
# Don't recurse, as we only keep track of top-level definitions.
def find_referenced_names(file: MypyFile) -> Set[str]:
finder = ReferenceFinder()
return finder.refs
class ReferenceFinder(mypy.mixedtraverser.MixedTraverserVisitor):
"""Find all name references (both local and global)."""
# TODO: Filter out local variable and class attribute references
def __init__(self) -> None:
# Short names of things defined at the top level.
self.refs: Set[str] = set()
def visit_block(self, block: Block) -> None:
if not block.is_unreachable:
def visit_name_expr(self, e: NameExpr) -> None:
def visit_instance(self, t: Instance) -> None:
def visit_unbound_type(self, t: UnboundType) -> None:
if t.name:
def visit_tuple_type(self, t: TupleType) -> None:
# Ignore fallback
for item in t.items:
def visit_callable_type(self, t: CallableType) -> None:
# Ignore fallback
for arg in t.arg_types:
def add_ref(self, fullname: str) -> None:
class StubGenerator(mypy.traverser.TraverserVisitor):
"""Generate stub text from a mypy AST."""
def __init__(self,
_all_: Optional[List[str]], pyversion: Tuple[int, int],
include_private: bool = False,
analyzed: bool = False,
export_less: bool = False) -> None:
# Best known value of __all__.
self._all_ = _all_
self._output: List[str] = []
self._decorators: List[str] = []
self._import_lines: List[str] = []
# Current indent level (indent is hardcoded to 4 spaces).
self._indent = ''
# Stack of defined variables (per scope).
self._vars: List[List[str]] = [[]]
# What was generated previously in the stub file.
self._state = EMPTY
self._toplevel_names: List[str] = []
self._pyversion = pyversion
self._include_private = include_private
self.import_tracker = ImportTracker()
# Was the tree semantically analysed before?
self.analyzed = analyzed
# Disable implicit exports of package-internal imports?
self.export_less = export_less
# Add imports that could be implicitly generated
self.import_tracker.add_import_from("typing", [("NamedTuple", None)])
# Names in __all__ are required
for name in _all_ or ():
if name not in IGNORED_DUNDERS:
self.defined_names: Set[str] = set()
# Short names of methods defined in the body of the current class
self.method_names: Set[str] = set()
def visit_mypy_file(self, o: MypyFile) -> None:
self.module = o.fullname # Current module being processed
self.path = o.path
self.defined_names = find_defined_names(o)
self.referenced_names = find_referenced_names(o)
known_imports = {
"_typeshed": ["Incomplete"],
"typing": ["Any", "TypeVar"],
"collections.abc": ["Generator"],
for pkg, imports in known_imports.items():
for t in imports:
if t not in self.defined_names:
alias = None
alias = '_' + t
self.import_tracker.add_import_from(pkg, [(t, alias)])
undefined_names = [name for name in self._all_ or []
if name not in self._toplevel_names]
if undefined_names:
if self._state != EMPTY:
self.add('# Names in __all__ with no definition:\n')
for name in sorted(undefined_names):
self.add(f'# {name}\n')
def visit_overloaded_func_def(self, o: OverloadedFuncDef) -> None:
"""@property with setters and getters, or @overload chain"""
overload_chain = False
for item in o.items:
if not isinstance(item, Decorator):
if self.is_private_name(item.func.name, item.func.fullname):
is_abstract, is_overload = self.process_decorator(item)
if not overload_chain:
self.visit_func_def(item.func, is_abstract=is_abstract, is_overload=is_overload)
if is_overload:
overload_chain = True
elif overload_chain and is_overload:
self.visit_func_def(item.func, is_abstract=is_abstract, is_overload=is_overload)
# skip the overload implementation and clear the decorator we just processed
def visit_func_def(self, o: FuncDef, is_abstract: bool = False,
is_overload: bool = False) -> None:
if (self.is_private_name(o.name, o.fullname)
or self.is_not_in_all(o.name)
or (self.is_recorded_name(o.name) and not is_overload)):
if not self._indent and self._state not in (EMPTY, FUNC) and not o.is_awaitable_coroutine:
if not self.is_top_level():
self_inits = find_self_initializers(o)
for init, value in self_inits:
if init in self.method_names:
# Can't have both an attribute and a method/property with the same name.
init_code = self.get_init(init, value)
if init_code:
# dump decorators, just before "def ..."
for s in self._decorators:
self.add(f"{self._indent}{'async ' if o.is_coroutine else ''}def {o.name}(")
args: List[str] = []
for i, arg_ in enumerate(o.arguments):
var = arg_.variable
kind = arg_.kind
name = var.name
annotated_type = (o.unanalyzed_type.arg_types[i]
if isinstance(o.unanalyzed_type, CallableType) else None)
# I think the name check is incorrect: there are libraries which
# name their 0th argument other than self/cls
is_self_arg = i == 0 and name == 'self'
is_cls_arg = i == 0 and name == 'cls'
annotation = ""
if annotated_type and not is_self_arg and not is_cls_arg:
# Luckily, an argument explicitly annotated with "Any" has
# type "UnboundType" and will not match.
if not isinstance(get_proper_type(annotated_type), AnyType):
annotation = f": {self.print_annotation(annotated_type)}"
if kind.is_named() and not any(arg.startswith('*') for arg in args):
if arg_.initializer:
if not annotation:
typename = self.get_str_type_of_node(arg_.initializer, True, False)
if typename == '':
annotation = '=...'
annotation = f': {typename} = ...'
annotation += ' = ...'
arg = name + annotation
elif kind == ARG_STAR:
arg = f'*{name}{annotation}'
elif kind == ARG_STAR2:
arg = f'**{name}{annotation}'
arg = name + annotation
retname = None
if o.name != '__init__' and isinstance(o.unanalyzed_type, CallableType):
if isinstance(get_proper_type(o.unanalyzed_type.ret_type), AnyType):
# Luckily, a return type explicitly annotated with "Any" has
# type "UnboundType" and will enter the else branch.
retname = None # implicit Any
retname = self.print_annotation(o.unanalyzed_type.ret_type)
elif isinstance(o, FuncDef) and (o.is_abstract or o.name in METHODS_WITH_RETURN_VALUE):
# Always assume abstract methods return Any unless explicitly annotated. Also
# some dunder methods should not have a None return type.
retname = None # implicit Any
elif has_yield_expression(o):
yield_name = 'None'
send_name = 'None'
return_name = 'None'
for expr, in_assignment in all_yield_expressions(o):
if expr.expr is not None and not self.is_none_expr(expr.expr):
yield_name = 'Incomplete'
if in_assignment:
send_name = 'Incomplete'
if has_return_statement(o):
return_name = 'Incomplete'
generator_name = self.typing_name('Generator')
retname = f'{generator_name}[{yield_name}, {send_name}, {return_name}]'
elif not has_return_statement(o) and not is_abstract:
retname = 'None'
retfield = ''
if retname is not None:
retfield = ' -> ' + retname
self.add(', '.join(args))
self.add(f"){retfield}: ...\n")
self._state = FUNC
def is_none_expr(self, expr: Expression) -> bool:
return isinstance(expr, NameExpr) and expr.name == "None"
def visit_decorator(self, o: Decorator) -> None:
if self.is_private_name(o.func.name, o.func.fullname):
is_abstract, _ = self.process_decorator(o)
self.visit_func_def(o.func, is_abstract=is_abstract)
def process_decorator(self, o: Decorator) -> Tuple[bool, bool]:
"""Process a series of decorators.
Only preserve certain special decorators such as @abstractmethod.
Return a pair of booleans:
- True if any of the decorators makes a method abstract.
- True if any of the decorators is typing.overload.
is_abstract = False
is_overload = False
for decorator in o.original_decorators:
if isinstance(decorator, NameExpr):
i_is_abstract, i_is_overload = self.process_name_expr_decorator(decorator, o)
is_abstract = is_abstract or i_is_abstract
is_overload = is_overload or i_is_overload
elif isinstance(decorator, MemberExpr):
i_is_abstract, i_is_overload = self.process_member_expr_decorator(decorator, o)
is_abstract = is_abstract or i_is_abstract
is_overload = is_overload or i_is_overload
return is_abstract, is_overload
def process_name_expr_decorator(self, expr: NameExpr, context: Decorator) -> Tuple[bool, bool]:
"""Process a function decorator of form @foo.
Only preserve certain special decorators such as @abstractmethod.
Return a pair of booleans:
- True if the decorator makes a method abstract.
- True if the decorator is typing.overload.
is_abstract = False
is_overload = False
name = expr.name
if name in ('property', 'staticmethod', 'classmethod'):
elif self.import_tracker.module_for.get(name) in ('asyncio',
self.add_coroutine_decorator(context.func, name, name)
elif self.refers_to_fullname(name, 'abc.abstractmethod'):
is_abstract = True
elif self.refers_to_fullname(name, 'abc.abstractproperty'):
is_abstract = True
elif self.refers_to_fullname(name, OVERLOAD_NAMES):
is_overload = True
return is_abstract, is_overload
def refers_to_fullname(self, name: str, fullname: Union[str, Tuple[str, ...]]) -> bool:
if isinstance(fullname, tuple):
return any(self.refers_to_fullname(name, fname) for fname in fullname)
module, short = fullname.rsplit('.', 1)
return (self.import_tracker.module_for.get(name) == module and
(name == short or
self.import_tracker.reverse_alias.get(name) == short))
def process_member_expr_decorator(self, expr: MemberExpr, context: Decorator) -> Tuple[bool,
"""Process a function decorator of form @foo.bar.
Only preserve certain special decorators such as @abstractmethod.
Return a pair of booleans:
- True if the decorator makes a method abstract.
- True if the decorator is typing.overload.
is_abstract = False
is_overload = False
if expr.name == 'setter' and isinstance(expr.expr, NameExpr):
elif (isinstance(expr.expr, NameExpr) and
(expr.expr.name == 'abc' or
self.import_tracker.reverse_alias.get(expr.expr.name) == 'abc') and
expr.name in ('abstractmethod', 'abstractproperty')):
if expr.name == 'abstractproperty':
self.add_decorator('%s' % ('property'))
self.add_decorator('{}.{}'.format(expr.expr.name, 'abstractmethod'))
is_abstract = True
elif expr.name == 'coroutine':
if (isinstance(expr.expr, MemberExpr) and
expr.expr.name == 'coroutines' and
isinstance(expr.expr.expr, NameExpr) and
(expr.expr.expr.name == 'asyncio' or
self.import_tracker.reverse_alias.get(expr.expr.expr.name) ==
'%s.coroutines.coroutine' %
elif (isinstance(expr.expr, NameExpr) and
(expr.expr.name in ('asyncio', 'types') or
self.import_tracker.reverse_alias.get(expr.expr.name) in
('asyncio', 'asyncio.coroutines', 'types'))):
expr.expr.name + '.coroutine',
elif (isinstance(expr.expr, NameExpr) and
(expr.expr.name in TYPING_MODULE_NAMES or
self.import_tracker.reverse_alias.get(expr.expr.name) in TYPING_MODULE_NAMES) and
expr.name == 'overload'):
is_overload = True
return is_abstract, is_overload
def visit_class_def(self, o: ClassDef) -> None:
self.method_names = find_method_names(o.defs.body)
sep: Optional[int] = None
if not self._indent and self._state != EMPTY:
sep = len(self._output)
self.add(f'{self._indent}class {o.name}')
base_types = self.get_base_types(o)
if base_types:
for base in base_types:
if isinstance(o.metaclass, (NameExpr, MemberExpr)):
meta = o.metaclass.accept(AliasPrinter(self))
base_types.append('metaclass=' + meta)
elif self.analyzed and o.info.is_abstract:
elif self.analyzed and o.info.is_protocol:
type_str = 'Protocol'
if o.info.type_vars:
type_str += f'[{", ".join(o.info.type_vars)}]'
if base_types:
self.add(f"({', '.join(base_types)})")
n = len(self._output)
self._indent += ' '
self._indent = self._indent[:-4]
if len(self._output) == n:
if self._state == EMPTY_CLASS and sep is not None:
self._output[sep] = ''
self._output[-1] = self._output[-1][:-1] + ' ...\n'
self._state = EMPTY_CLASS
self._state = CLASS
self.method_names = set()
def get_base_types(self, cdef: ClassDef) -> List[str]:
"""Get list of base classes for a class."""
base_types: List[str] = []
for base in cdef.base_type_exprs:
if isinstance(base, NameExpr):
if base.name != 'object':
elif isinstance(base, MemberExpr):
modname = get_qualified_name(base.expr)
elif isinstance(base, IndexExpr):
p = AliasPrinter(self)
return base_types
def visit_block(self, o: Block) -> None:
# Unreachable statements may be partially uninitialized and that may
# cause trouble.
if not o.is_unreachable:
def visit_assignment_stmt(self, o: AssignmentStmt) -> None:
foundl = []
for lvalue in o.lvalues:
if isinstance(lvalue, NameExpr) and self.is_namedtuple(o.rvalue):
assert isinstance(o.rvalue, CallExpr)
self.process_namedtuple(lvalue, o.rvalue)
if (self.is_top_level() and
isinstance(lvalue, NameExpr) and not self.is_private_name(lvalue.name) and
# it is never an alias with explicit annotation
not o.unanalyzed_type and self.is_alias_expression(o.rvalue)):
self.process_typealias(lvalue, o.rvalue)
if isinstance(lvalue, TupleExpr) or isinstance(lvalue, ListExpr):
items = lvalue.items
if isinstance(o.unanalyzed_type, TupleType): # type: ignore
annotations: Iterable[Optional[Type]] = o.unanalyzed_type.items
annotations = [None] * len(items)
items = [lvalue]
annotations = [o.unanalyzed_type]
sep = False
found = False
for item, annotation in zip(items, annotations):
if isinstance(item, NameExpr):
init = self.get_init(item.name, o.rvalue, annotation)
if init:
found = True
if not sep and not self._indent and \
self._state not in (EMPTY, VAR):
init = '\n' + init
sep = True
if all(foundl):
self._state = VAR
def is_namedtuple(self, expr: Expression) -> bool:
if not isinstance(expr, CallExpr):
return False
callee = expr.callee
return ((isinstance(callee, NameExpr) and callee.name.endswith('namedtuple')) or
(isinstance(callee, MemberExpr) and callee.name == 'namedtuple'))
def process_namedtuple(self, lvalue: NameExpr, rvalue: CallExpr) -> None:
if self._state != EMPTY:
if isinstance(rvalue.args[1], StrExpr):
items = rvalue.args[1].value.replace(',', ' ').split()
elif isinstance(rvalue.args[1], (ListExpr, TupleExpr)):
list_items = cast(List[StrExpr], rvalue.args[1].items)
items = [item.value for item in list_items]
self.add(f'{self._indent}{lvalue.name}: Incomplete')
self.add(f'{self._indent}class {lvalue.name}(NamedTuple):')
if len(items) == 0:
self.add(' ...\n')
for item in items:
self.add(f'{self._indent} {item}: Incomplete\n')
self._state = CLASS
def is_alias_expression(self, expr: Expression, top_level: bool = True) -> bool:
"""Return True for things that look like target for an alias.
Used to know if assignments look like type aliases, function alias,
or module alias.
# Assignment of TypeVar(...) are passed through
if (isinstance(expr, CallExpr) and
isinstance(expr.callee, NameExpr) and
expr.callee.name == 'TypeVar'):
return True
elif isinstance(expr, EllipsisExpr):
return not top_level
elif isinstance(expr, NameExpr):
if expr.name in ('True', 'False'):
return False
elif expr.name == 'None':
return not top_level
return not self.is_private_name(expr.name)
elif isinstance(expr, MemberExpr) and self.analyzed:
# Also add function and module aliases.
return ((top_level and isinstance(expr.node, (FuncDef, Decorator, MypyFile))
or isinstance(expr.node, TypeInfo)) and
not self.is_private_member(expr.node.fullname))
elif (isinstance(expr, IndexExpr) and isinstance(expr.base, NameExpr) and
not self.is_private_name(expr.base.name)):
if isinstance(expr.index, TupleExpr):
indices = expr.index.items
indices = [expr.index]
if expr.base.name == 'Callable' and len(indices) == 2:
args, ret = indices
if isinstance(args, EllipsisExpr):
indices = [ret]
elif isinstance(args, ListExpr):
indices = args.items + [ret]
return False
return all(self.is_alias_expression(i, top_level=False) for i in indices)
return False
def process_typealias(self, lvalue: NameExpr, rvalue: Expression) -> None:
p = AliasPrinter(self)
self.add(f"{lvalue.name} = {rvalue.accept(p)}\n")
def visit_if_stmt(self, o: IfStmt) -> None:
# Ignore if __name__ == '__main__'.
expr = o.expr[0]
if (isinstance(expr, ComparisonExpr) and
isinstance(expr.operands[0], NameExpr) and
isinstance(expr.operands[1], StrExpr) and
expr.operands[0].name == '__name__' and
'__main__' in expr.operands[1].value):
def visit_import_all(self, o: ImportAll) -> None:
self.add_import_line(f"from {'.' * o.relative}{o.id} import *\n")
def visit_import_from(self, o: ImportFrom) -> None:
exported_names: Set[str] = set()
import_names = []
module, relative = translate_module_name(o.id, o.relative)
if self.module:
full_module, ok = mypy.util.correct_relative_import(
self.module, relative, module, self.path.endswith('.__init__.py')
if not ok:
full_module = module
full_module = module
if module == '__future__':
return # Not preserved
for name, as_name in o.names:
if name == 'six':
# Vendored six -- translate into plain 'import six'.
self.visit_import(Import([('six', None)]))
exported = False
if as_name is None and self.module and (self.module + '.' + name) in EXTRA_EXPORTED:
# Special case certain names that should be exported, against our general rules.
exported = True
is_private = self.is_private_name(name, full_module + '.' + name)
if (as_name is None
and name not in self.referenced_names
and (not self._all_ or name in IGNORED_DUNDERS)
and not is_private
and module not in ('abc', 'asyncio') + TYPING_MODULE_NAMES):
# An imported name that is never referenced in the module is assumed to be
# exported, unless there is an explicit __all__. Note that we need to special
# case 'abc' since some references are deleted during semantic analysis.
exported = True
top_level = full_module.split('.')[0]
if (as_name is None
and not self.export_less
and (not self._all_ or name in IGNORED_DUNDERS)
and self.module
and not is_private
and top_level in (self.module.split('.')[0],
'_' + self.module.split('.')[0])):
# Export imports from the same package, since we can't reliably tell whether they
# are part of the public API.
exported = True
if exported:
as_name = name
import_names.append((name, as_name))
self.import_tracker.add_import_from('.' * relative + module, import_names)
self._vars[-1].extend(alias or name for name, alias in import_names)
for name, alias in import_names:
self.record_name(alias or name)
if self._all_:
# Include "import from"s that import names defined in __all__.
names = [name for name, alias in o.names
if name in self._all_ and alias is None and name not in IGNORED_DUNDERS]
def visit_import(self, o: Import) -> None:
for id, as_id in o.ids:
self.import_tracker.add_import(id, as_id)
if as_id is None:
target_name = id.split('.')[0]
target_name = as_id
def get_init(self, lvalue: str, rvalue: Expression,
annotation: Optional[Type] = None) -> Optional[str]:
"""Return initializer for a variable.
Return None if we've generated one already or if the variable is internal.
if lvalue in self._vars[-1]:
# We've generated an initializer already for this variable.
return None
# TODO: Only do this at module top level.
if self.is_private_name(lvalue) or self.is_not_in_all(lvalue):
return None
if annotation is not None:
typename = self.print_annotation(annotation)
if (isinstance(annotation, UnboundType) and not annotation.args and
annotation.name == 'Final' and
self.import_tracker.module_for.get('Final') in TYPING_MODULE_NAMES):
# Final without type argument is invalid in stubs.
final_arg = self.get_str_type_of_node(rvalue)
typename += f'[{final_arg}]'
typename = self.get_str_type_of_node(rvalue)
return f'{self._indent}{lvalue}: {typename}\n'
def add(self, string: str) -> None:
"""Add text to generated stub."""
def add_decorator(self, name: str) -> None:
if not self._indent and self._state not in (EMPTY, FUNC):
def clear_decorators(self) -> None:
def typing_name(self, name: str) -> str:
if name in self.defined_names:
# Avoid name clash between name from typing and a name defined in stub.
return '_' + name
return name
def add_typing_import(self, name: str) -> None:
"""Add a name to be imported from typing, unless it's imported already.
The import will be internal to the stub.
name = self.typing_name(name)
def add_abc_import(self, name: str) -> None:
"""Add a name to be imported from collections.abc, unless it's imported already.
The import will be internal to the stub.
name = self.typing_name(name)
def add_import_line(self, line: str) -> None:
"""Add a line of text to the import section, unless it's already there."""
if line not in self._import_lines:
def add_coroutine_decorator(self, func: FuncDef, name: str, require_name: str) -> None:
func.is_awaitable_coroutine = True
def output(self) -> str:
"""Return the text for the stub."""
imports = ''
if self._import_lines:
imports += ''.join(self._import_lines)
imports += ''.join(self.import_tracker.import_lines())
if imports and self._output:
imports += '\n'
return imports + ''.join(self._output)
def is_not_in_all(self, name: str) -> bool:
if self.is_private_name(name):
return False
if self._all_:
return self.is_top_level() and name not in self._all_
return False
def is_private_name(self, name: str, fullname: Optional[str] = None) -> bool:
if self._include_private:
return False
if fullname in EXTRA_EXPORTED:
return False
return name.startswith('_') and (not name.endswith('__')
def is_private_member(self, fullname: str) -> bool:
parts = fullname.split('.')
for part in parts:
if self.is_private_name(part):
return True
return False
def get_str_type_of_node(self, rvalue: Expression,
can_infer_optional: bool = False,
can_be_any: bool = True) -> str:
if isinstance(rvalue, IntExpr):
return 'int'
if isinstance(rvalue, StrExpr):
return 'str'
if isinstance(rvalue, BytesExpr):
return 'bytes'
if isinstance(rvalue, FloatExpr):
return 'float'
if isinstance(rvalue, UnaryExpr) and isinstance(rvalue.expr, IntExpr):
return 'int'
if isinstance(rvalue, NameExpr) and rvalue.name in ('True', 'False'):
return 'bool'
if can_infer_optional and \
isinstance(rvalue, NameExpr) and rvalue.name == 'None':
return f"{self.typing_name('Incomplete')} | None"
if can_be_any:
return self.typing_name('Incomplete')
return ''
def print_annotation(self, t: Type) -> str:
printer = AnnotationPrinter(self)
return t.accept(printer)
def is_top_level(self) -> bool:
"""Are we processing the top level of a file?"""
return self._indent == ''
def record_name(self, name: str) -> None:
"""Mark a name as defined.
This only does anything if at the top level of a module.
if self.is_top_level():
def is_recorded_name(self, name: str) -> bool:
"""Has this name been recorded previously?"""
return self.is_top_level() and name in self._toplevel_names
def find_method_names(defs: List[Statement]) -> Set[str]:
# TODO: Traverse into nested definitions
result = set()
for defn in defs:
if isinstance(defn, FuncDef):
elif isinstance(defn, Decorator):
elif isinstance(defn, OverloadedFuncDef):
for item in defn.items:
return result
class SelfTraverser(mypy.traverser.TraverserVisitor):
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.results: List[Tuple[str, Expression]] = []
def visit_assignment_stmt(self, o: AssignmentStmt) -> None:
lvalue = o.lvalues[0]
if (isinstance(lvalue, MemberExpr) and
isinstance(lvalue.expr, NameExpr) and
lvalue.expr.name == 'self'):
self.results.append((lvalue.name, o.rvalue))
def find_self_initializers(fdef: FuncBase) -> List[Tuple[str, Expression]]:
"""Find attribute initializers in a method.
Return a list of pairs (attribute name, r.h.s. expression).
traverser = SelfTraverser()
return traverser.results
def get_qualified_name(o: Expression) -> str:
if isinstance(o, NameExpr):
return o.name
elif isinstance(o, MemberExpr):
return f'{get_qualified_name(o.expr)}.{o.name}'
def remove_blacklisted_modules(modules: List[StubSource]) -> List[StubSource]:
return [module for module in modules
if module.path is None or not is_blacklisted_path(module.path)]
def is_blacklisted_path(path: str) -> bool:
return any(substr in (normalize_path_separators(path) + '\n')
for substr in BLACKLIST)
def normalize_path_separators(path: str) -> str:
if sys.platform == 'win32':
return path.replace('\\', '/')
return path
def collect_build_targets(options: Options, mypy_opts: MypyOptions) -> Tuple[List[StubSource],
"""Collect files for which we need to generate stubs.
Return list of Python modules and C modules.
if options.packages or options.modules:
if options.no_import:
py_modules = find_module_paths_using_search(options.modules,
c_modules: List[StubSource] = []
# Using imports is the default, since we can also find C modules.
py_modules, c_modules = find_module_paths_using_imports(options.modules,
# Use mypy native source collection for files and directories.
source_list = create_source_list(options.files, mypy_opts)
except InvalidSourceList as e:
raise SystemExit(str(e)) from e
py_modules = [StubSource(m.module, m.path) for m in source_list]
c_modules = []
py_modules = remove_blacklisted_modules(py_modules)
return py_modules, c_modules
def find_module_paths_using_imports(modules: List[str],
packages: List[str],
interpreter: str,
pyversion: Tuple[int, int],
verbose: bool,
quiet: bool) -> Tuple[List[StubSource],
"""Find path and runtime value of __all__ (if possible) for modules and packages.
This function uses runtime Python imports to get the information.
with ModuleInspect() as inspect:
py_modules: List[StubSource] = []
c_modules: List[StubSource] = []
found = list(walk_packages(inspect, packages, verbose))
modules = modules + found
modules = [mod
for mod in modules
if not is_non_library_module(mod)] # We don't want to run any tests or scripts
for mod in modules:
if pyversion[0] == 2:
result = find_module_path_and_all_py2(mod, interpreter)
result = find_module_path_and_all_py3(inspect, mod, verbose)
except CantImport as e:
tb = traceback.format_exc()
if verbose:
if not quiet:
report_missing(mod, e.message, tb)
if not result:
path, runtime_all = result
py_modules.append(StubSource(mod, path, runtime_all))
return py_modules, c_modules
def is_non_library_module(module: str) -> bool:
"""Does module look like a test module or a script?"""
if module.endswith((
'.conftest', # Used by pytest
'.setup', # Typically an install script
return True
if module.split('.')[-1].startswith('test_'):
return True
if ('.tests.' in module
or '.test.' in module
or '.testing.' in module
or '.SelfTest.' in module):
return True
return False
def translate_module_name(module: str, relative: int) -> Tuple[str, int]:
for alt in 'six.moves', 'six':
substr = f'{pkg}.{alt}'
if (module.endswith('.' + substr)
or (module == substr and relative)):
return alt, 0
if '.' + substr + '.' in module:
return alt + '.' + module.partition('.' + substr + '.')[2], 0
return module, relative
def find_module_paths_using_search(modules: List[str], packages: List[str],
search_path: List[str],
pyversion: Tuple[int, int]) -> List[StubSource]:
"""Find sources for modules and packages requested.
This function just looks for source files at the file system level.
This is used if user passes --no-import, and will not find C modules.
Exit if some of the modules or packages can't be found.
result: List[StubSource] = []
typeshed_path = default_lib_path(mypy.build.default_data_dir(), pyversion, None)
search_paths = SearchPaths(('.',) + tuple(search_path), (), (), tuple(typeshed_path))
cache = FindModuleCache(search_paths, fscache=None, options=None)
for module in modules:
m_result = cache.find_module(module)
if isinstance(m_result, ModuleNotFoundReason):
fail_missing(module, m_result)
module_path = None
module_path = m_result
result.append(StubSource(module, module_path))
for package in packages:
p_result = cache.find_modules_recursive(package)
if p_result:
fail_missing(package, ModuleNotFoundReason.NOT_FOUND)
sources = [StubSource(m.module, m.path) for m in p_result]
result = [m for m in result if not is_non_library_module(m.module)]
return result
def mypy_options(stubgen_options: Options) -> MypyOptions:
"""Generate mypy options using the flag passed by user."""
options = MypyOptions()
options.follow_imports = 'skip'
options.incremental = False
options.ignore_errors = True
options.semantic_analysis_only = True
options.python_version = stubgen_options.pyversion
options.show_traceback = True
options.transform_source = remove_misplaced_type_comments
return options
def parse_source_file(mod: StubSource, mypy_options: MypyOptions) -> None:
"""Parse a source file.
On success, store AST in the corresponding attribute of the stub source.
If there are syntax errors, print them and exit.
assert mod.path is not None, "Not found module was not skipped"
with open(mod.path, 'rb') as f:
data = f.read()
source = mypy.util.decode_python_encoding(data, mypy_options.python_version)
errors = Errors()
mod.ast = mypy.parse.parse(source, fnam=mod.path, module=mod.module,
errors=errors, options=mypy_options)
mod.ast._fullname = mod.module
if errors.is_blockers():
# Syntax error!
for m in errors.new_messages():
def generate_asts_for_modules(py_modules: List[StubSource],
parse_only: bool,
mypy_options: MypyOptions,
verbose: bool) -> None:
"""Use mypy to parse (and optionally analyze) source files."""
if not py_modules:
return # Nothing to do here, but there may be C modules
if verbose:
print(f'Processing {len(py_modules)} files...')
if parse_only:
for mod in py_modules:
parse_source_file(mod, mypy_options)
# Perform full semantic analysis of the source set.
res = build([module.source for module in py_modules], mypy_options)
except CompileError as e:
raise SystemExit(f"Critical error during semantic analysis: {e}") from e
for mod in py_modules:
mod.ast = res.graph[mod.module].tree
# Use statically inferred __all__ if there is no runtime one.
if mod.runtime_all is None:
mod.runtime_all = res.manager.semantic_analyzer.export_map[mod.module]
def generate_stub_from_ast(mod: StubSource,
target: str,
parse_only: bool = False,
pyversion: Tuple[int, int] = defaults.PYTHON3_VERSION,
include_private: bool = False,
export_less: bool = False) -> None:
"""Use analysed (or just parsed) AST to generate type stub for single file.
If directory for target doesn't exist it will created. Existing stub
will be overwritten.
gen = StubGenerator(mod.runtime_all,
analyzed=not parse_only,
assert mod.ast is not None, "This function must be used only with analyzed modules"
# Write output to file.
subdir = os.path.dirname(target)
if subdir and not os.path.isdir(subdir):
with open(target, 'w') as file:
def collect_docs_signatures(doc_dir: str) -> Tuple[Dict[str, str], Dict[str, str]]:
"""Gather all function and class signatures in the docs.
Return a tuple (function signatures, class signatures).
Currently only used for C modules.
all_sigs: List[Sig] = []
all_class_sigs: List[Sig] = []
for path in glob.glob(f'{doc_dir}/*.rst'):
with open(path) as f:
loc_sigs, loc_class_sigs = parse_all_signatures(f.readlines())
all_sigs += loc_sigs
all_class_sigs += loc_class_sigs
sigs = dict(find_unique_signatures(all_sigs))
class_sigs = dict(find_unique_signatures(all_class_sigs))
return sigs, class_sigs
def generate_stubs(options: Options) -> None:
"""Main entry point for the program."""
mypy_opts = mypy_options(options)
py_modules, c_modules = collect_build_targets(options, mypy_opts)
# Collect info from docs (if given):
sigs = class_sigs = None # type: Optional[Dict[str, str]]
if options.doc_dir:
sigs, class_sigs = collect_docs_signatures(options.doc_dir)
# Use parsed sources to generate stubs for Python modules.
generate_asts_for_modules(py_modules, options.parse_only, mypy_opts, options.verbose)
files = []
for mod in py_modules:
assert mod.path is not None, "Not found module was not skipped"
target = mod.module.replace('.', '/')
if os.path.basename(mod.path) == '__init__.py':
target += '/__init__.pyi'
target += '.pyi'
target = os.path.join(options.output_dir, target)
with generate_guarded(mod.module, target, options.ignore_errors, options.verbose):
generate_stub_from_ast(mod, target,
options.parse_only, options.pyversion,
# Separately analyse C modules using different logic.
for mod in c_modules:
if any(py_mod.module.startswith(mod.module + '.')
for py_mod in py_modules + c_modules):
target = mod.module.replace('.', '/') + '/__init__.pyi'
target = mod.module.replace('.', '/') + '.pyi'
target = os.path.join(options.output_dir, target)
with generate_guarded(mod.module, target, options.ignore_errors, options.verbose):
generate_stub_for_c_module(mod.module, target, sigs=sigs, class_sigs=class_sigs)
num_modules = len(py_modules) + len(c_modules)
if not options.quiet and num_modules > 0:
print('Processed %d modules' % num_modules)
if len(files) == 1:
print(f'Generated {files[0]}')
print(f'Generated files under {common_dir_prefix(files)}' + os.sep)
HEADER = """%(prog)s [-h] [--py2] [more options, see -h]
[-m MODULE] [-p PACKAGE] [files ...]"""
Generate draft stubs for modules.
Stubs are generated in directory ./out, to avoid overriding files with
manual changes. This directory is assumed to exist.
def parse_options(args: List[str]) -> Options:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='stubgen',
parser.add_argument('--py2', action='store_true',
help="run in Python 2 mode (default: Python 3 mode)")
parser.add_argument('--ignore-errors', action='store_true',
help="ignore errors when trying to generate stubs for modules")
parser.add_argument('--no-import', action='store_true',
help="don't import the modules, just parse and analyze them "
"(doesn't work with C extension modules and might not "
"respect __all__)")
parser.add_argument('--parse-only', action='store_true',
help="don't perform semantic analysis of sources, just parse them "
"(only applies to Python modules, might affect quality of stubs)")
parser.add_argument('--include-private', action='store_true',
help="generate stubs for objects and members considered private "
"(single leading underscore and no trailing underscores)")
parser.add_argument('--export-less', action='store_true',
help=("don't implicitly export all names imported from other modules "
"in the same package"))
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true',
help="show more verbose messages")
parser.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', action='store_true',
help="show fewer messages")
parser.add_argument('--doc-dir', metavar='PATH', default='',
help="use .rst documentation in PATH (this may result in "
"better stubs in some cases; consider setting this to "
parser.add_argument('--search-path', metavar='PATH', default='',
help="specify module search directories, separated by ':' "
"(currently only used if --no-import is given)")
parser.add_argument('--python-executable', metavar='PATH', dest='interpreter', default='',
help="use Python interpreter at PATH (only works for "
"Python 2 right now)")
parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', metavar='PATH', dest='output_dir', default='out',
help="change the output directory [default: %(default)s]")
parser.add_argument('-m', '--module', action='append', metavar='MODULE',
dest='modules', default=[],
help="generate stub for module; can repeat for more modules")
parser.add_argument('-p', '--package', action='append', metavar='PACKAGE',
dest='packages', default=[],
help="generate stubs for package recursively; can be repeated")
parser.add_argument(metavar='files', nargs='*', dest='files',
help="generate stubs for given files or directories")
ns = parser.parse_args(args)
pyversion = defaults.PYTHON2_VERSION if ns.py2 else sys.version_info[:2]
if not ns.interpreter:
ns.interpreter = sys.executable if pyversion[0] == 3 else default_py2_interpreter()
if ns.modules + ns.packages and ns.files:
parser.error("May only specify one of: modules/packages or files.")
if ns.quiet and ns.verbose:
parser.error('Cannot specify both quiet and verbose messages')
# Create the output folder if it doesn't already exist.
if not os.path.exists(ns.output_dir):
return Options(pyversion=pyversion,
def main() -> None:
# Make sure that the current directory is in sys.path so that
# stubgen can be run on packages in the current directory.
if not ('' in sys.path or '.' in sys.path):
sys.path.insert(0, '')
options = parse_options(sys.argv[1:])
if __name__ == '__main__':