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2023-02-20 23:38:24 +01:00
Metadata-Version: 2.1
Name: diot
Version: 0.1.6
Summary: Python dictionary with dot notation.
Home-page: https://github.com/pwwang/diot
License: MIT
Author: pwwang
Author-email: pwwang@pwwang.com
Requires-Python: >=3.7,<4.0
Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9
Requires-Dist: inflection (>=0.5,<0.6)
Project-URL: Repository, https://github.com/pwwang/diot
Description-Content-Type: text/markdown
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Python dictionary with dot notation (A re-implementation of [python-box](https://github.com/cdgriffith/Box) with some issues fixed and simplified)
from diot import Diot
movie_data = {
"movies": {
"Spaceballs": {
"imdb stars": 7.1,
"rating": "PG",
"length": 96,
"director": "Mel Brooks",
"stars": [{"name": "Mel Brooks", "imdb": "nm0000316", "role": "President Skroob"},
{"name": "John Candy","imdb": "nm0001006", "role": "Barf"},
{"name": "Rick Moranis", "imdb": "nm0001548", "role": "Dark Helmet"}
"Robin Hood: Men in Tights": {
"imdb stars": 6.7,
"rating": "PG-13",
"length": 104,
"director": "Mel Brooks",
"stars": [
{"name": "Cary Elwes", "imdb": "nm0000144", "role": "Robin Hood"},
{"name": "Richard Lewis", "imdb": "nm0507659", "role": "Prince John"},
{"name": "Roger Rees", "imdb": "nm0715953", "role": "Sheriff of Rottingham"},
{"name": "Amy Yasbeck", "imdb": "nm0001865", "role": "Marian"}
# Box is a conversion_box by default, pass in `conversion_box=False` to disable that behavior
# Explicitly tell Diot to convert dict/list inside
movie_diot = Diot(movie_data)
# 6.7
# 'Mel Brooks'
# Different as box, you have to use Diot for new data in a list
Diot({"name": "Bill Pullman", "imdb": "nm0000597", "role": "Lone Starr"}))
# 'Lone Starr'
## Install
pip install -U diot
## API
## Usage
### Diot
Instantiated the same ways as `dict`
Diot({'data': 2, 'count': 5})
Diot(data=2, count=5)
Diot({'data': 2, 'count': 1}, count=5)
Diot([('data', 2), ('count', 5)])
# All will create
# Diot([('data', 2), ('count', 5)], diot_nest = True, diot_transform = 'safe')
Same as `python-box`, `Diot` is a subclass of dict which overrides some base functionality to make sure everything stored in the dict can be accessed as an attribute or key value.
diot = Diot({'data': 2, 'count': 5})
diot.data == diot['data'] == getattr(diot, 'data')
By default, diot uses a safe transformation to transform keys into safe names that can be accessed by `diot.xxx`
dt = Diot({"321 Is a terrible Key!": "yes, really"})
# 'yes, really'
Different as `python-box`, duplicate attributes are not allowed.
dt = Diot({"!bad!key!": "yes, really", ".bad.key.": "no doubt"})
# KeyError
Use different transform functions:
dt = Diot(oneTwo = 12, diot_transform = 'snake_case')
# or use alias:
# dt = SnakeDiot(oneTwo = 12)
dt.one_two == dt['one_two'] == dt['oneTwo'] == 12
dt = Diot(one_two = 12, diot_transform = 'camel_case')
# or use alias:
# dt = CamelDiot(one_two = 12)
dt.oneTwo == dt['one_two'] == dt['oneTwo'] == 12
dt = Diot(one_two = 12, diot_transform = 'upper')
dt.ONE_TWO == dt['one_two'] == dt['ONETWO'] == 12
dt = Diot(ONE_TWO = 12, diot_transform = 'lower')
dt.one_two == dt['ONE_TWO'] == dt['one_two'] == 12
Use your own transform function:
import inflection
dt = Diot(post = 10, diot_transform = inflection.pluralize)
dt.posts == dt['posts'] == dt['post'] == 10
### OrderedDiot
diot_of_order = OrderedDiot()
diot_of_order.c = 1
diot_of_order.a = 2
diot_of_order.d = 3
list(diot_of_order.keys()) == ['c', 'a', 'd']
# insertion allowed for OrderedDiot
od = OrderedDiot()
od.insert(0, "c", "d")
od.insert(None, "x", "y")
od.insert_before('c', "e", "f")
od.insert_after("a", ("g", "h"))
od2 = OrderedDiot()
od2.a1 = 'b1'
od2.c1 = 'd1'
od.insert(-1, od2)
od3 = OrderedDiot()
od3.a2 = 'b2'
od3.c2 = 'd2'
od.insert_before('c', od3)
### FrozenDiot
fd = FrozenDiot(a=1, b=3)
fd.c = 3 # DiotFrozenError
with fd.thaw():
fd.c = 3
fd.c == 3
### Missing key handler
d = Diot(a=1, b=2, diot_missing=ValueError)
d['c'] # ValueError
d.c # AttributeError from ValueError
d = Diot(a=1, b=2, diot_missing=ValueError("Custom message"))
d = Diot(a=1, b=2, diot_missing=None)
# d.c is None
d = Diot(a=1, b=2, diot_missing=lambda key, diot: diot.a + diot.b)
# d.c == 3
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