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# Urwid html fragment output wrapper for "screen shots"
# Copyright (C) 2004-2007 Ian Ward
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# Urwid web site: https://urwid.org/
HTML PRE-based UI implementation
from __future__ import annotations
import typing
from urwid import util
from urwid.display_common import AttrSpec, BaseScreen
from urwid.event_loop import ExitMainLoop
if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
from typing_extensions import Literal
# replace control characters with ?'s
_trans_table = "?" * 32 + "".join([chr(x) for x in range(32, 256)])
_default_foreground = 'black'
_default_background = 'light gray'
class HtmlGeneratorSimulationError(Exception):
class HtmlGenerator(BaseScreen):
# class variables
fragments = []
sizes = []
keys = []
started = True
def __init__(self):
self.colors = 16
self.bright_is_bold = False # ignored
self.has_underline = True # ignored
self.register_palette_entry(None, _default_foreground, _default_background)
def set_terminal_properties(
colors: int | None = None,
bright_is_bold: bool | None = None,
has_underline: bool | None = None,
) -> None:
if colors is None:
colors = self.colors
if bright_is_bold is None:
bright_is_bold = self.bright_is_bold
if has_underline is None:
has_underline = self.has_underline
self.colors = colors
self.bright_is_bold = bright_is_bold
self.has_underline = has_underline
def set_mouse_tracking(self, enable=True):
"""Not yet implemented"""
def set_input_timeouts(self, *args):
def reset_default_terminal_palette(self, *args):
def draw_screen(self, size, r ):
"""Create an html fragment from the render object.
Append it to HtmlGenerator.fragments list.
# collect output in l
l = []
cols, rows = size
assert r.rows() == rows
if r.cursor is not None:
cx, cy = r.cursor
cx = cy = None
y = -1
for row in r.content():
y += 1
col = 0
for a, cs, run in row:
run = run.decode().translate(_trans_table)
if isinstance(a, AttrSpec):
aspec = a
aspec = self._palette[a][
{1: 1, 16: 0, 88:2, 256:3}[self.colors]]
if y == cy and col <= cx:
run_width = util.calc_width(run, 0,
if col+run_width > cx:
aspec, cx-col))
l.append(html_span(run, aspec))
col += run_width
l.append(html_span(run, aspec))
# add the fragment to the list
self.fragments.append( f"<pre>{''.join(l)}</pre>" )
def clear(self):
Force the screen to be completely repainted on the next
call to draw_screen().
(does nothing for html_fragment)
def get_cols_rows(self):
"""Return the next screen size in HtmlGenerator.sizes."""
if not self.sizes:
raise HtmlGeneratorSimulationError("Ran out of screen sizes to return!")
return self.sizes.pop(0)
def get_input(self, raw_keys: Literal[False]) -> list[str]:
def get_input(self, raw_keys: Literal[True]) -> tuple[list[str], list[int]]:
def get_input(self, raw_keys: bool = False) -> list[str] | tuple[list[str], list[int]]:
"""Return the next list of keypresses in HtmlGenerator.keys."""
if not self.keys:
raise ExitMainLoop()
if raw_keys:
return (self.keys.pop(0), [])
return self.keys.pop(0)
_default_aspec = AttrSpec(_default_foreground, _default_background)
(_d_fg_r, _d_fg_g, _d_fg_b, _d_bg_r, _d_bg_g, _d_bg_b) = _default_aspec.get_rgb_values()
def html_span(s, aspec, cursor: int = -1):
fg_r, fg_g, fg_b, bg_r, bg_g, bg_b = aspec.get_rgb_values()
# use real colours instead of default fg/bg
if fg_r is None:
fg_r, fg_g, fg_b = _d_fg_r, _d_fg_g, _d_fg_b
if bg_r is None:
bg_r, bg_g, bg_b = _d_bg_r, _d_bg_g, _d_bg_b
html_fg = f"#{fg_r:02x}{fg_g:02x}{fg_b:02x}"
html_bg = f"#{bg_r:02x}{bg_g:02x}{bg_b:02x}"
if aspec.standout:
html_fg, html_bg = html_bg, html_fg
extra = (";text-decoration:underline" * aspec.underline + ";font-weight:bold" * aspec.bold)
def html_span(fg, bg, s):
if not s: return ""
return f'<span style="color:{fg};background:{bg}{extra}">{html_escape(s)}</span>'
if cursor >= 0:
c_off, _ign = util.calc_text_pos(s, 0, len(s), cursor)
c2_off = util.move_next_char(s, c_off, len(s))
return (html_span(html_fg, html_bg, s[:c_off]) +
html_span(html_bg, html_fg, s[c_off:c2_off]) +
html_span(html_fg, html_bg, s[c2_off:]))
return html_span(html_fg, html_bg, s)
def html_escape(text: str) -> str:
"""Escape text so that it will be displayed safely within HTML"""
text = text.replace('&','&amp;')
text = text.replace('<','&lt;')
text = text.replace('>','&gt;')
return text
def screenshot_init(sizes: list[tuple[int, int]], keys: list[list[str]]) -> None:
Replace curses_display.Screen and raw_display.Screen class with
Call this function before executing an application that uses
curses_display.Screen to have that code use HtmlGenerator instead.
sizes -- list of ( columns, rows ) tuples to be returned by each call
to HtmlGenerator.get_cols_rows()
keys -- list of lists of keys to be returned by each call to
Lists of keys may include "window resize" to force the application to
call get_cols_rows and read a new screen size.
For example, the following call will prepare an application to:
1. start in 80x25 with its first call to get_cols_rows()
2. take a screenshot when it calls draw_screen(..)
3. simulate 5 "down" keys from get_input()
4. take a screenshot when it calls draw_screen(..)
5. simulate keys "a", "b", "c" and a "window resize"
6. resize to 20x10 on its second call to get_cols_rows()
7. take a screenshot when it calls draw_screen(..)
8. simulate a "Q" keypress to quit the application
screenshot_init( [ (80,25), (20,10) ],
[ ["down"]*5, ["a","b","c","window resize"], ["Q"] ] )
for (row, col) in sizes:
assert isinstance(row, int)
assert row > 0 and col > 0
except (AssertionError, ValueError):
raise Exception("sizes must be in the form [ (col1,row1), (col2,row2), ...]")
for l in keys:
assert isinstance(l, list)
for k in l:
assert isinstance(k, str)
except (AssertionError, ValueError):
raise Exception("keys must be in the form [ [keyA1, keyA2, ..], [keyB1, ..], ...]")
from . import curses_display
curses_display.Screen = HtmlGenerator
from . import raw_display
raw_display.Screen = HtmlGenerator
HtmlGenerator.sizes = sizes
HtmlGenerator.keys = keys
def screenshot_collect():
"""Return screenshots as a list of HTML fragments."""
l = HtmlGenerator.fragments
HtmlGenerator.fragments = []
return l