240 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Cross Platform and Multi Architecture Advanced Binary Emulation Framework
This module is intended for general purpose functions that are only used in qiling.os
from typing import Callable, Iterable, Iterator, List, MutableMapping, Sequence, Tuple, TypeVar, Union
from uuid import UUID
from qiling import Qiling
from qiling.const import QL_VERBOSE
# TODO: separate windows-specific implementation
from qiling.os.windows.structs import make_unicode_string
class QlOsUtils:
ELLIPSIS_PREF = r'__qlva_'
def __init__(self, ql: Qiling):
self.ql = ql
def read_string(self, address: int, encoding: str, maxlen: int = 0) -> str:
"""Read a null-terminated string from memory.
address : starting address
encoding: string encoding to use
maxlen : limit number of characters to read before reaching null terminator,
0 for unlimited length
Returns: decoded string
terminator = '\x00'.encode(encoding)
data = bytearray()
charlen = len(terminator)
strlen = 0
while True:
char = self.ql.mem.read(address, charlen)
if char == terminator:
data += char
strlen += 1
if strlen == maxlen:
address += charlen
s = data.decode(encoding, errors='backslashreplace')
return s
def read_wstring(self, address: int, maxlen: int = 0) -> str:
"""Read a null-terminated wide string from memory.
return self.read_string(address, 'utf-16le', maxlen)
def read_cstring(self, address: int, maxlen: int = 0) -> str:
"""Read a null-terminated ASCII string from memory.
return self.read_string(address, 'latin1', maxlen)
def read_guid(self, address: int) -> UUID:
raw_guid = self.ql.mem.read(address, 16)
return UUID(bytes_le=bytes(raw_guid))
def stringify(s: str) -> str:
"""Decorate a string with quotation marks.
return f'"{repr(s)[1:-1]}"'
def print_function(self, address: int, fname: str, pargs: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]], ret: Union[int, str, None], passthru: bool):
'''Print out function invocation detais.
address: fucntion address
fnamr: function name
pargs: processed args list: a sequence of 2-tuples consisting of arg names paired to string representation of arg values
ret: function return value, or None if no such value
passthru: whether this is a passthrough invocation (no frame unwinding)
if fname.startswith('hook_'):
fname = fname[5:]
def __assign_arg(name: str, value: str) -> str:
# ignore arg names generated by variadric functions
if name.startswith(QlOsUtils.ELLIPSIS_PREF):
name = ''
return f'{name} = {value}' if name else f'{value}'
# arguments list
fargs = ', '.join(__assign_arg(name, value) for name, value in pargs)
if type(ret) is int:
ret = f'{ret:#x}'
# optional prefixes and suffixes
fret = f' = {ret}' if ret is not None else ''
fpass = f' (PASSTHRU)' if passthru else ''
faddr = f'{address:#0{self.ql.arch.bits // 4 + 2}x}: ' if self.ql.verbose >= QL_VERBOSE.DEBUG else ''
log = f'{faddr}{fname}({fargs}){fret}{fpass}'
if self.ql.verbose >= QL_VERBOSE.DEBUG:
def __common_printf(self, format: str, va_args: Iterator[int], wstring: bool) -> Tuple[str, Sequence[int]]:
import re
# https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/c-runtime-library/format-specification-syntax-printf-and-wprintf-functions
# %[flags][width][.precision][size]type
fmtstr = re.compile(r'''%
(?P<flags>[-+0 #]+)?
''', re.VERBOSE)
T = TypeVar('T')
def __dup(iterator: Iterator[T], out: List[T]) -> Iterator[T]:
"""A wrapper iterator to record iterator elements as they are being yielded.
for elem in iterator:
yield elem
repl_args = [] # processed arguments
orig_args = [] # original arguments
va_list = __dup(va_args, orig_args)
read_string = self.read_wstring if wstring else self.read_cstring
def __repl(m: re.Match) -> str:
"""Convert printf format string tokens into Python's.
if m['follows'] == '%':
return '%%'
flags = m['flags'] or ''
fill = ' ' if ' ' in flags else ''
align = '<' if '-' in flags else ''
sign = '+' if '+' in flags else ''
pound = '#' if '#' in flags else ''
zeros = '0' if '0' in flags else ''
width = m['width'] or ''
if width == '*':
width = f'{next(va_list)}'
prec = m['precision'] or ''
if prec == '*':
prec = f'{next(va_list)}'
if prec:
prec = f'.{prec}'
typ = m['type']
arg = next(va_list)
if typ in 'sS':
typ = 's'
arg = read_string(arg)
elif typ == 'Z':
# note: ANSI_STRING and UNICODE_STRING have identical layout
ucstr_struct = make_unicode_string(self.ql.arch.bits)
with ucstr_struct.ref(self.ql.mem, arg) as ucstr_obj:
typ = 's'
arg = read_string(ucstr_obj.Buffer)
elif typ == 'p':
pound = '#'
typ = 'x'
return f'%{fill}{align}{sign}{pound}{zeros}{width}{prec}{typ}'
out = fmtstr.sub(__repl, format)
return out % tuple(repl_args), orig_args
def va_list(self, ptr: int) -> Iterator[int]:
while True:
yield self.ql.mem.read_ptr(ptr)
ptr += self.ql.arch.pointersize
def sprintf(self, buff: int, format: str, va_args: Iterator[int], wstring: bool = False) -> Tuple[int, Callable]:
out, args = self.__common_printf(format, va_args, wstring)
enc = 'utf-16le' if wstring else 'utf-8'
self.ql.mem.write(buff, (out + '\x00').encode(enc))
return len(out), self.__update_ellipsis(args)
def printf(self, format: str, va_args: Iterator[int], wstring: bool = False) -> Tuple[int, Callable]:
out, args = self.__common_printf(format, va_args, wstring)
enc = 'utf-8'
return len(out), self.__update_ellipsis(args)
def __update_ellipsis(self, args: Iterable[int]) -> Callable[[MutableMapping], None]:
def __do_update(params: MutableMapping) -> None:
params.update((f'{QlOsUtils.ELLIPSIS_PREF}{i}', a) for i, a in enumerate(args))
return __do_update