260 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Cross Platform and Multi Architecture Advanced Binary Emulation Framework
import os
from os import PathLike
from typing import Any, Callable, MutableMapping, Union
from .path import QlOsPath
from .filestruct import ql_file
QlPath = Union['PathLike[str]', str, 'PathLike[bytes]', bytes]
# All mapped objects should inherit this class.
# Note this object is compatible with ql_file.
# Q: Why not derive from ql_file directly?
# A: ql_file assumes that it holds a path with a corresponding fd, but
# a QlFsMappedObject doesn't have to be associated with a path or fd
# and thus the default implementation may cause unexpected behaviors.
# Simply let it crash if the method is not implemented.
# A quick way to create a QlFsMappedObject is `ql_file.open` or `open`.
class QlFsMappedObject:
def __init__(self):
def read(self, expected_len):
raise NotImplementedError("QlFsMappedObject method not implemented: read")
def write(self, buffer):
raise NotImplementedError("QlFsMappedObject method not implemented: write")
def fileno(self):
raise NotImplementedError("QlFsMappedObject method not implemented: fileno")
def lseek(self, lseek_offset, lseek_origin):
raise NotImplementedError("QlFsMappedObject method not implemented: lseek")
def close(self):
raise NotImplementedError("QlFsMappedObject method not implemented: close")
def fstat(self):
raise NotImplementedError("QlFsMappedObject method not implemented: fstat")
def ioctl(self, ioctl_cmd, ioctl_arg):
raise NotImplementedError("QlFsMappedObject method not implemented: ioctl")
def tell(self):
raise NotImplementedError("QlFsMappedObject method not implemented: tell")
def dup(self):
raise NotImplementedError("QlFsMappedObject method not implemented: dup")
def readline(self, end = b'\n'):
raise NotImplementedError("QlFsMappedObject method not implemented: readline")
def name(self):
raise NotImplementedError("QlFsMappedObject property not implemented: name")
class QlFsMapper:
def __init__(self, path: QlOsPath):
self._mapping: MutableMapping[str, Any] = {}
self.path = path
def __contains__(self, vpath: str) -> bool:
# canonicalize the path first
absvpath = self.path.virtual_abspath(vpath)
return absvpath in self._mapping
def has_mapping(self, vpath: str) -> bool:
"""Check whether a specific virtrual path has a binding.
vpath: virtual path name to check
Returns: `True` if the specified virtual path has been bound, `False` otherwise.
return vpath in self
def __len__(self) -> int:
return len(self._mapping)
def mapping_count(self) -> int:
"""Count of currently existing bindings.
return len(self)
def __open_mapped(self, absvpath: str, opener: Callable, *args) -> Any:
"""Internal method user for opening an existing mapped object.
absvpath: absolute virtual path name
opener: a method to use to open the target host path
*args: arguments to the opener method
mapped = self._mapping[absvpath]
# mapped to a file name on the host file system
if isinstance(mapped, str):
obj = opener(mapped, *args)
# mapped to a class or a method
elif callable(mapped):
obj = mapped()
# mapped to another kind of object
obj = mapped
return obj
def __open_new(self, absvpath: str, opener: Callable, *args) -> Any:
hpath = self.path.virtual_to_host_path(absvpath)
if not self.path.is_safe_host_path(hpath):
raise PermissionError(f'unsafe path: {hpath}')
return opener(hpath, *args)
def open_ql_file(self, vpath: str, flags: int, mode: int):
absvpath = self.path.virtual_abspath(vpath)
opener = self.__open_mapped if self.has_mapping(absvpath) else self.__open_new
return opener(absvpath, ql_file.open, flags, mode)
def open(self, vpath: str, mode: str):
absvpath = self.path.virtual_abspath(vpath)
opener = self.__open_mapped if self.has_mapping(absvpath) else self.__open_new
return opener(absvpath, open, mode)
def file_exists(self, vpath: str) -> bool:
"""Check whether a file exists on the virtual file system.
vpath: virtual path name to check
Returns: `True` if the specified virtual path has an existing mapping or
resolves to an existing file on the virtual file system. `False` otherwise.
if self.has_mapping(vpath):
return True
hpath = self.path.virtual_to_host_path(vpath)
if not self.path.is_safe_host_path(hpath):
raise PermissionError(f'unsafe path: {hpath}')
return os.path.isfile(hpath)
def create_empty_file(self, vpath: str) -> bool:
if not self.file_exists(vpath):
f = self.open(vpath, "w+")
except OSError:
# for some reason, we could not create an empty file.
return False
return True
def __fspath(self, path: QlPath) -> str:
"""Similar to os.fspath, this method takes a path-like object and returns
its string representation.
if isinstance(path, PathLike):
path = path.__fspath__()
if isinstance(path, str):
return path
elif isinstance(path, bytes):
return path.decode('utf-8')
raise TypeError(path)
def add_mapping(self, vpath: QlPath, binding: Union[QlPath, QlFsMappedObject, Callable], *, force: bool = False) -> None:
"""Create a new mapping in the virtual filesystem.
vpath: a virtual path to bind
binding: a target to use whenever the bound virtual path is referenced. such a target can be
either a path on the host filesystem, an object instance or a class. the behavior of the mapping
is determined by the bound object type:
[*] a string: bind a path on the host filesystem (e.g. "/dev/urandom"). use with caution!
[*] an object: bind an object instance which will be returned each time the virtual path is opened
[*] a class: bind a class that will be instantiated each time the virtual path is opened
force: when set to `True`, re-mapping an existing vpath becomes possible. In such case, the
old mapping will be discarded
`KeyError`: in case the specified vpath has already been mapped (default behavior).
vpath = self.__fspath(vpath)
absvpath = self.path.virtual_abspath(vpath)
if self.has_mapping(absvpath) and not force:
raise KeyError(f'mapping already exists: "{absvpath}"')
if isinstance(binding, (str, bytes, PathLike)):
binding = self.__fspath(binding)
self._mapping[absvpath] = binding
def remove_mapping(self, vpath: QlPath) -> None:
"""Remove a mapping from the fs mapper.
vpath: bound virtual path to remove
`KeyError`: in case the specified vpath has no mapping
vpath = self.__fspath(vpath)
absvpath = self.path.virtual_abspath(vpath)
if not self.has_mapping(absvpath):
raise KeyError(absvpath)
del self._mapping[absvpath]
def rename_mapping(self, old_vpath: str, new_vpath: str) -> None:
old_absvpath = self.path.virtual_abspath(old_vpath)
# vpath to rename does not exist
if not self.has_mapping(old_absvpath):
raise KeyError(old_vpath)
new_absvpath = self.path.virtual_abspath(new_vpath)
# new vpath already exists
if self.has_mapping(new_absvpath):
raise KeyError(new_vpath)
# avoid renaming to the same vapth
if old_absvpath == new_absvpath:
binding = self._mapping[old_absvpath]
# remove old mapping and add a new one instead
self._mapping[new_absvpath] = binding
del self._mapping[old_absvpath]