998 lines
38 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Cross Platform and Multi Architecture Advanced Binary Emulation Framework
from __future__ import annotations
import os
import pefile
import pickle
import secrets
import ntpath
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, MutableMapping, NamedTuple, Optional, Mapping, Sequence, Tuple, Union
from unicorn import UcError
from unicorn.x86_const import UC_X86_REG_CR4, UC_X86_REG_CR8
from qiling.arch.x86_const import FS_SEGMENT_ADDR, GS_SEGMENT_ADDR
from qiling.const import QL_ARCH, QL_STATE
from qiling.exception import QlErrorArch
from qiling.os.const import POINTER
from qiling.os.windows.api import HINSTANCE, DWORD, LPVOID
from qiling.os.windows.fncc import CDECL
from qiling.os.windows.utils import has_lib_ext
from qiling.os.windows.structs import *
from .loader import QlLoader, Image
from logging import Logger
from qiling import Qiling
class QlPeCacheEntry(NamedTuple):
ba: int
data: bytearray
cmdlines: Sequence
import_symbols: MutableMapping[int, dict]
import_table: MutableMapping[Union[str, int], int]
class QlPeCache:
def cache_filename(path: str) -> str:
dirname, basename = os.path.split(path)
# canonicalize basename while preserving the path
path = os.path.join(dirname, basename.casefold())
return f'{path}.cache2'
def restore(self, path: str) -> Optional[QlPeCacheEntry]:
fcache = QlPeCache.cache_filename(path)
# check whether cache file exists and it is not older than the cached file itself
if os.path.exists(fcache) and os.stat(fcache).st_mtime > os.stat(path).st_mtime:
with open(fcache, "rb") as fcache_file:
return QlPeCacheEntry(*pickle.load(fcache_file))
return None
def save(self, path: str, entry: QlPeCacheEntry) -> None:
fcache = QlPeCache.cache_filename(path)
# cache this dll file
with open(fcache, "wb") as fcache_file:
pickle.dump(entry, fcache_file)
class Process:
# let linter recognize mixin members
cmdline: bytes
pe_image_address: int
stack_address: int
stack_size: int
dlls: MutableMapping[str, int]
import_address_table: MutableMapping[str, Mapping]
import_symbols: MutableMapping[int, Dict[str, Any]]
export_symbols: MutableMapping[int, Dict[str, Any]]
libcache: Optional[QlPeCache]
def __init__(self, ql: Qiling):
self.ql = ql
def __get_path_elements(self, name: str) -> Tuple[str, str]:
"""Translate DLL virtual path into host path.
name: dll virtual path; either absolute or relative
Returns: dll path on the host and dll basename in a canonicalized form
dirname, basename = ntpath.split(name)
if not has_lib_ext(basename):
basename = f'{basename}.dll'
# if only filename was specified assume it is located at the
# system32 folder to prevent potential dll hijacking
if not dirname:
dirname = self.ql.os.winsys
# reconstruct the dll virtual path
vpath = ntpath.join(dirname, basename)
return self.ql.os.path.virtual_to_host_path(vpath), basename.casefold()
def load_dll(self, name: str, is_driver: bool = False) -> int:
dll_path, dll_name = self.__get_path_elements(name)
if dll_name.startswith('api-ms-win-'):
# Usually we should not reach this point and instead imports from such DLLs should be redirected earlier
self.ql.log.debug(f'Refusing to load virtual DLL {dll_name}')
return 0
# see if this dll was already loaded
image = self.get_image_by_name(dll_name, casefold=True)
if image is not None:
return image.base
if not os.path.exists(dll_path):
# posix hosts may not find the requested filename if it was saved under a different case.
# For example, 'KernelBase.dll' may not be found because it is stored as 'kernelbase.dll'.
# try to locate the requested file while ignoring the case of its path elements.
dll_casefold_path = self.ql.os.path.host_casefold_path(dll_path)
if dll_casefold_path is None:
self.ql.log.error(f'Could not find DLL file: {dll_path}')
return 0
dll_path = dll_casefold_path
self.ql.log.info(f'Loading {dll_name} ...')
import_symbols = {}
import_table = {}
cached = None
loaded = False
if self.libcache:
cached = self.libcache.restore(dll_path)
if cached:
data = cached.data
image_base = cached.ba
image_size = self.ql.mem.align_up(len(data))
# verify whether we can load the dll to the same address it was loaded when it was cached.
# if not, the dll will have to be realoded in order to have its symbols relocated using the
# new address
if self.ql.mem.is_available(image_base, image_size):
import_symbols = cached.import_symbols
import_table = cached.import_table
for entry in cached.cmdlines:
self.set_cmdline(entry['name'], entry['address'], data)
self.ql.log.info(f'Loaded {dll_name} from cache')
loaded = True
# either file was not cached, or could not be loaded to the same location in memory
if not cached or not loaded:
dll = pefile.PE(dll_path, fast_load=True)
warnings = dll.get_warnings()
if warnings:
self.ql.log.debug(f'Warnings while loading {dll_name}:')
for warning in warnings:
self.ql.log.debug(f' - {warning}')
image_base = dll.OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase or self.dll_last_address
image_size = self.ql.mem.align_up(dll.OPTIONAL_HEADER.SizeOfImage)
relocate = False
self.ql.log.debug(f'DLL preferred base address: {image_base:#x}')
if (image_base + image_size) > self.ql.mem.max_mem_addr:
image_base = self.dll_last_address
self.ql.log.debug(f'DLL preferred base address exceeds memory upper bound, loading to: {image_base:#x}')
relocate = True
if not self.ql.mem.is_available(image_base, image_size):
image_base = self.ql.mem.find_free_space(image_size, minaddr=image_base, align=0x10000)
self.ql.log.debug(f'DLL preferred base address is taken, loading to: {image_base:#x}')
relocate = True
if relocate:
with ShowProgress(self.ql.log, 0.1337):
data = bytearray(dll.get_memory_mapped_image())
assert image_size >= len(data)
cmdlines = []
for sym in dll.DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT.symbols:
ea = image_base + sym.address
import_symbols[ea] = {
'name' : sym.name,
'ordinal' : sym.ordinal,
'dll' : dll_name.split('.')[0]
if sym.name:
import_table[sym.name] = ea
import_table[sym.ordinal] = ea
cmdline_entry = self.set_cmdline(sym.name, sym.address, data)
if cmdline_entry:
if self.libcache:
cached = QlPeCacheEntry(image_base, data, cmdlines, import_symbols, import_table)
self.libcache.save(dll_path, cached)
self.ql.log.info(f'Cached {dll_name}')
# Add dll to IAT
self.import_address_table[dll_name] = import_table
dll_base = image_base
dll_len = image_size
self.dll_size += dll_len
self.ql.mem.map(dll_base, dll_len, info=dll_name)
self.ql.mem.write(dll_base, bytes(data))
if dll_base == self.dll_last_address:
self.dll_last_address = self.ql.mem.align_up(self.dll_last_address + dll_len, 0x10000)
# add DLL to coverage images
self.images.append(Image(dll_base, dll_base + dll_len, dll_path))
# if this is NOT a driver, add dll to ldr data
if not is_driver:
if not cached or not loaded:
# parse directory entry import
self.ql.log.debug(f'Init imports for {dll_name}')
self.init_imports(dll, is_driver)
# calling DllMain is essential for dlls to initialize properly. however
# DllMain of system libraries may fail due to incomplete or inaccurate
# mock implementation. due to unicorn limitations, recovering from such
# errors may be possible only if the function was not invoked from within
# a hook.
# in case of a dll loaded from a hooked API call, failures would not be
# recoverable and we have to give up its DllMain.
if self.ql.emu_state is not QL_STATE.STARTED:
self.call_dll_entrypoint(dll, dll_base, dll_len, dll_name)
self.ql.log.info(f'Done loading {dll_name}')
return dll_base
def call_dll_entrypoint(self, dll: pefile.PE, dll_base: int, dll_len: int, dll_name: str):
entry_address = dll.OPTIONAL_HEADER.AddressOfEntryPoint
if dll.get_section_by_rva(entry_address) is None:
if dll_name in ('kernelbase.dll', 'kernel32.dll'):
self.ql.log.debug(f'Ignoring {dll_name} entry point')
# DllMain functions often call many APIs that may crash the program if they
# are not implemented correctly (if at all). here we blacklist the problematic
# DLLs whose DllMain functions are known to be crashing.
# the blacklist may be revisited from time to time to see if any of the file
# can be safely unlisted.
blacklist = {
32 : ('gdi32.dll',),
64 : ('gdi32.dll',)
if dll_name in blacklist:
self.ql.log.debug(f'Ignoring {dll_name} entry point (blacklisted)')
entry_point = dll_base + entry_address
exit_point = dll_base + dll_len - 16
args = (
(HINSTANCE, dll_base), # hinstDLL = base address of DLL
(DWORD, 1), # fdwReason = DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH
(LPVOID, 0) # lpReserved = 0
self.ql.log.info(f'Calling {dll_name} DllMain at {entry_point:#x}')
regs_state = self.ql.arch.regs.save()
fcall = self.ql.os.fcall_select(CDECL)
fcall.call_native(entry_point, args, exit_point)
# Execute the call to the entry point
self.ql.emu_start(entry_point, exit_point)
except UcError:
self.ql.log.error(f'Error encountered while running {dll_name} DllMain, bailing')
self.ql.log.info(f'Returned from {dll_name} DllMain')
def set_cmdline(self, name: bytes, address: int, memory: bytearray):
cmdln = {
b'_acmdln' : 1,
b'_wcmdln' : 2
clen = cmdln.get(name, None)
if clen is None:
return None
addr = self.ql.os.heap.alloc(len(self.cmdline) * clen)
memory[address:address + self.ql.arch.pointersize] = self.ql.pack(addr)
data = self.cmdline
if clen == 2:
data = data.decode('ascii').encode('UTF-16LE')
self.ql.mem.write(addr, data)
return {"name": name, "address": address}
def init_teb(self):
teb_struct = make_teb(self.ql.arch.bits)
teb_addr = self.structure_last_addr
peb_addr = self.ql.mem.align_up(teb_addr + teb_struct.sizeof(), 0x10)
teb_obj = teb_struct.volatile_ref(self.ql.mem, teb_addr)
teb_obj.StackBase = self.stack_address + self.stack_size
teb_obj.StackLimit = self.stack_address
teb_obj.TebAddress = teb_addr
teb_obj.PebAddress = peb_addr
self.ql.log.info(f'TEB is at {teb_addr:#x}')
self.structure_last_addr = peb_addr
self.TEB = teb_obj
def init_peb(self):
peb_struct = make_peb(self.ql.arch.bits)
peb_addr = self.structure_last_addr
ldr_addr = self.ql.mem.align_up(peb_addr + peb_struct.sizeof(), 0x10)
# we must set a heap, will try to retrieve this value. Is ok to be all \x00
peb_obj = peb_struct.volatile_ref(self.ql.mem, peb_addr)
peb_obj.ImageBaseAddress = self.pe_image_address
peb_obj.LdrAddress = ldr_addr
peb_obj.ProcessParameters = self.ql.os.heap.alloc(0x100)
peb_obj.ProcessHeap = self.ql.os.heap.alloc(0x100)
peb_obj.NumberOfProcessors = self.ql.os.profile.getint('HARDWARE', 'number_processors')
self.ql.log.info(f'PEB is at {peb_addr:#x}')
self.structure_last_addr = ldr_addr
self.PEB = peb_obj
def init_ldr_data(self):
ldr_struct = make_ldr_data(self.ql.arch.bits)
ldr_addr = self.structure_last_addr
nobj_addr = self.ql.mem.align_up(ldr_addr + ldr_struct.sizeof(), 0x10)
ldr_obj = ldr_struct.volatile_ref(self.ql.mem, ldr_addr)
ldr_obj.InLoadOrderModuleList.Flink = ldr_addr + ldr_struct.InLoadOrderModuleList.offset
ldr_obj.InLoadOrderModuleList.Blink = ldr_addr + ldr_struct.InLoadOrderModuleList.offset
ldr_obj.InMemoryOrderModuleList.Flink = ldr_addr + ldr_struct.InMemoryOrderModuleList.offset
ldr_obj.InMemoryOrderModuleList.Blink = ldr_addr + ldr_struct.InMemoryOrderModuleList.offset
ldr_obj.InInitializationOrderModuleList.Flink = ldr_addr + ldr_struct.InInitializationOrderModuleList.offset
ldr_obj.InInitializationOrderModuleList.Blink = ldr_addr + ldr_struct.InInitializationOrderModuleList.offset
self.ql.log.info(f'LDR is at {ldr_addr:#x}')
self.structure_last_addr = nobj_addr
self.LDR = ldr_obj
def add_ldr_data_table_entry(self, dll_name: str):
entry_struct = make_ldr_data_table_entry(self.ql.arch.bits)
entry_addr = self.ql.os.heap.alloc(entry_struct.sizeof())
def populate_unistr(obj, s: str) -> None:
encoded = s.encode('utf-16le')
ucslen = len(encoded)
ucsbuf = self.ql.os.heap.alloc(ucslen + 2)
self.ql.mem.write(ucsbuf, encoded + b'\x00\x00')
obj.Length = ucslen
obj.MaximumLength = ucslen + 2
obj.Buffer = ucsbuf
image = self.get_image_by_name(dll_name, casefold=True)
assert image, 'image should have been added to loader.images first'
with entry_struct.ref(self.ql.mem, entry_addr) as entry_obj:
entry_obj.DllBase = image.base
populate_unistr(entry_obj.FullDllName, ntpath.join(self.ql.os.winsys, dll_name))
populate_unistr(entry_obj.BaseDllName, dll_name)
# Flink
if self.ldr_list:
with entry_struct.ref(self.ql.mem, self.ldr_list[-1]) as flink:
entry_obj.InLoadOrderLinks.Flink = flink.InLoadOrderLinks.Flink
entry_obj.InMemoryOrderLinks.Flink = flink.InMemoryOrderLinks.Flink
entry_obj.InInitializationOrderLinks.Flink = flink.InInitializationOrderLinks.Flink
flink.InLoadOrderLinks.Flink = entry_addr + entry_struct.InLoadOrderLinks.offset
flink.InMemoryOrderLinks.Flink = entry_addr + entry_struct.InMemoryOrderLinks.offset
flink.InInitializationOrderLinks.Flink = entry_addr + entry_struct.InInitializationOrderLinks.offset
# a volatile ref to self.PEB.LdrAddress
flink = self.LDR
entry_obj.InLoadOrderLinks.Flink = flink.InLoadOrderModuleList.Flink
entry_obj.InMemoryOrderLinks.Flink = flink.InMemoryOrderModuleList.Flink
entry_obj.InInitializationOrderLinks.Flink = flink.InInitializationOrderModuleList.Flink
flink.InLoadOrderModuleList.Flink = entry_addr + entry_struct.InLoadOrderLinks.offset
flink.InMemoryOrderModuleList.Flink = entry_addr + entry_struct.InMemoryOrderLinks.offset
flink.InInitializationOrderModuleList.Flink = entry_addr + entry_struct.InInitializationOrderLinks.offset
# Blink
blink = self.LDR
entry_obj.InLoadOrderLinks.Blink = blink.InLoadOrderModuleList.Blink
entry_obj.InMemoryOrderLinks.Blink = blink.InMemoryOrderModuleList.Blink
entry_obj.InInitializationOrderLinks.Blink = blink.InInitializationOrderModuleList.Blink
blink.InLoadOrderModuleList.Blink = entry_addr + entry_struct.InLoadOrderLinks.offset
blink.InMemoryOrderModuleList.Blink = entry_addr + entry_struct.InMemoryOrderLinks.offset
blink.InInitializationOrderModuleList.Blink = entry_addr + entry_struct.InInitializationOrderLinks.offset
def directory_exists(pe: pefile.PE, entry: str) -> bool:
ent = pefile.DIRECTORY_ENTRY[entry]
return pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.DATA_DIRECTORY[ent].VirtualAddress != 0
def init_imports(self, pe: pefile.PE, is_driver: bool):
if not Process.directory_exists(pe, 'IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT'):
dll_name = entry.dll.decode().casefold()
self.ql.log.debug(f'Requesting imports from {dll_name}')
orig_dll_name = dll_name
redirected = False
if dll_name.startswith('api-ms-win-'):
# DLLs starting with this prefix contain no actual code. Instead, the windows loader loads the actual
# code from one of the main windows dlls.
# see https://github.com/lucasg/Dependencies for correct replacement dlls
# The correct way to find the dll that replaces all symbols from this dll involves using the hashmap
# inside of apisetschema.dll (see https://lucasg.github.io/2017/10/15/Api-set-resolution/ ).
# Currently, we use a simpler, more hacky approach, that seems to work in a lot of cases: we just scan
# through some key dlls and hope that we find the requested symbols there. some symbols may appear on
# more than one dll though; in that case we proceed to the next symbol to see which key dll includes it.
# Note: You might be tempted to load the actual dll (dll_name), because they also contain a reference to
# the replacement dll. However, chances are, that these dlls do not exist in the rootfs and maybe they
# don't even exist on windows. Therefore this approach is a bad idea.
# DLLs that seem to contain most of the requested symbols
key_dlls = (
imports = iter(entry.imports)
failed = False
fallback = None
while not redirected and not failed:
# find all possible redirection options by scanning key dlls for the current imported symbol
imp = next(imports, None)
redirection_options = [fallback] if imp is None else [filename for filename in key_dlls if filename in self.import_address_table and imp.name in self.import_address_table[filename]]
# no redirection options: failed to redirect dll
if not redirection_options:
failed = True
# exactly one redirection options: use it
elif len(redirection_options) == 1:
key_dll = redirection_options[0]
redirected = True
# more than one redirection options: remember one of them and proceed to next symbol
fallback = redirection_options[-1]
if not redirected:
self.ql.log.warning(f'Failed to resolve {dll_name}')
self.ql.log.debug(f'Redirecting {dll_name} to {key_dll}')
dll_name = key_dll
unbound_imports = [imp for imp in entry.imports if not imp.bound]
if unbound_imports:
# Only load dll if encountered unbound symbol
if not redirected:
dll_base = self.load_dll(entry.dll.decode(), is_driver)
if not dll_base:
for imp in unbound_imports:
iat = self.import_address_table[dll_name]
if imp.name:
if imp.name not in iat:
self.ql.log.debug(f'Error in loading function {imp.name.decode()} ({orig_dll_name}){", probably misdirected" if redirected else ""}')
addr = iat[imp.name]
addr = iat[imp.ordinal]
self.ql.mem.write_ptr(imp.address, addr)
def init_exports(self, pe: pefile.PE):
if not Process.directory_exists(pe, 'IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT'):
# Do a full load if IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT is present so we can load the exports
# address corner case for malformed export tables where IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT exists, but DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT does not
if not hasattr(pe, 'DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT'):
iat = {}
# parse directory entry export
for entry in pe.DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT.symbols:
ea = self.pe_image_address + entry.address
self.export_symbols[ea] = {
'name' : entry.name,
'ordinal' : entry.ordinal
if entry.name:
iat[entry.name] = ea
iat[entry.ordinal] = ea
dll_name = os.path.basename(self.path)
self.import_address_table[dll_name.casefold()] = iat
def init_driver_object(self):
drv_addr = self.structure_last_addr
drvobj_cls = make_driver_object(self.ql.arch.bits)
nobj_addr = self.ql.mem.align_up(drv_addr + drvobj_cls.sizeof(), 0x10)
self.ql.log.info(f'DriverObject is at {drv_addr:#x}')
# note: driver object is volatile; no need to flush its contents to mem
self.structure_last_addr = nobj_addr
self.driver_object_address = drv_addr
self.driver_object = drvobj_cls.volatile_ref(self.ql.mem, drv_addr)
def init_registry_path(self):
regpath_addr = self.structure_last_addr
ucstrtype = make_unicode_string(self.ql.arch.bits)
regpath_obj = ucstrtype(
Buffer=regpath_addr # FIXME: pointing to self? this does not seem right
nobj_addr = self.ql.mem.align_up(regpath_addr + ucstrtype.sizeof(), 0x10)
self.ql.log.info(f'RegistryPath is at {regpath_addr:#x}')
regpath_obj.save_to(self.ql.mem, regpath_addr)
self.structure_last_addr = nobj_addr
self.regitry_path_address = regpath_addr
def init_eprocess(self):
eproc_addr = self.structure_last_addr
eproc_struct = make_eprocess(self.ql.arch.bits)
nobj_addr = self.ql.mem.align_up(eproc_addr + eproc_struct.sizeof(), 0x10)
with eproc_struct.ref(self.ql.mem, eproc_addr) as eproc_obj:
eproc_obj.dummy = b''
self.structure_last_addr = nobj_addr
self.eprocess_address = eproc_addr
def init_ki_user_shared_data(self):
sysconf = self.ql.os.profile['SYSTEM']
osconf = self.ql.os.profile[f'OS{self.ql.arch.bits}']
kusd_addr = osconf.getint('KI_USER_SHARED_DATA')
kust_struct = KUSER_SHARED_DATA
self.ql.mem.map(kusd_addr, self.ql.mem.align_up(kust_struct.sizeof()), info='[kuser shared data]')
# initialize an instance with a few key fields
kusd_obj = kust_struct.volatile_ref(self.ql.mem, kusd_addr)
kusd_obj.ImageNumberLow = 0x014c # IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386
kusd_obj.ImageNumberHigh = 0x8664 # IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64
kusd_obj.NtSystemRoot = self.ql.os.windir
kusd_obj.NtProductType = sysconf.getint('productType')
kusd_obj.NtMajorVersion = sysconf.getint('majorVersion')
kusd_obj.NtMinorVersion = sysconf.getint('minorVersion')
kusd_obj.KdDebuggerEnabled = 0
kusd_obj.NXSupportPolicy = 0 # NX_SUPPORT_POLICY_ALWAYSOFF
self.ql.os.KUSER_SHARED_DATA = kusd_obj
def init_security_cookie(self, pe: pefile.PE, image_base: int):
if not Process.directory_exists(pe, 'IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_LOAD_CONFIG'):
cookie_rva = pe.DIRECTORY_ENTRY_LOAD_CONFIG.struct.SecurityCookie - pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase
# get a random cookie value but keep the two most significant bytes zeroes
# rol rcx, 10h ; rcx = cookie
# test cx, 0FFFFh
cookie = secrets.randbits(self.ql.arch.bits - 16)
self.ql.mem.write_ptr(cookie_rva + image_base, cookie)
class QlLoaderPE(QlLoader, Process):
def __init__(self, ql: Qiling, libcache: bool):
self.ql = ql
self.path = self.ql.path
self.libcache = QlPeCache() if libcache else None
def run(self):
self.init_dlls = (
self.sys_dlls = (
if self.ql.code:
pe = None
self.is_driver = False
pe = pefile.PE(self.path, fast_load=True)
self.is_driver = pe.is_driver()
ossection = f'OS{self.ql.arch.bits}'
self.stack_address = self.ql.os.profile.getint(ossection, 'stack_address')
self.stack_size = self.ql.os.profile.getint(ossection, 'stack_size')
self.image_address = self.ql.os.profile.getint(ossection, 'image_address')
self.dll_address = self.ql.os.profile.getint(ossection, 'dll_address')
self.entry_point = self.ql.os.profile.getint(ossection, 'entry_point')
self.structure_last_addr = {
self.import_symbols = {}
self.export_symbols = {}
self.import_address_table = {}
self.ldr_list = []
self.pe_image_address = 0
self.pe_image_size = 0
self.dll_size = 0
self.dll_last_address = self.dll_address
# not used, but here to remain compatible with ql.do_bin_patch
self.load_address = 0
cmdline = ntpath.join(self.ql.os.userprofile, 'Desktop', self.ql.targetname)
cmdargs = ' '.join(f'"{arg}"' if ' ' in arg else arg for arg in self.argv[1:])
self.cmdline = bytes(f'{cmdline} {cmdargs}\x00', "utf-8")
def load(self, pe: Optional[pefile.PE]):
# set stack pointer
self.ql.log.info("Initiate stack address at 0x%x " % self.stack_address)
self.ql.mem.map(self.stack_address, self.stack_size, info="[stack]")
if pe is not None:
image_name = os.path.basename(self.path)
image_base = pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase
image_size = self.ql.mem.align_up(pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.SizeOfImage)
# if default base address is taken, use the one specified in profile
if not self.ql.mem.is_available(image_base, image_size):
image_base = self.image_address
self.entry_point = image_base + pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.AddressOfEntryPoint
self.pe_image_address = image_base
self.pe_image_size = image_size
self.ql.log.info(f'Loading {self.path} to {image_base:#x}')
self.ql.log.info(f'PE entry point at {self.entry_point:#x}')
self.ql.mem.map(image_base, image_size, info=f'{image_name}')
self.images.append(Image(image_base, image_base + pe.NT_HEADERS.OPTIONAL_HEADER.SizeOfImage, os.path.abspath(self.path)))
if self.is_driver:
# set IRQ Level in CR8 to PASSIVE_LEVEL
self.ql.arch.regs.write(UC_X86_REG_CR8, 0)
# setup CR4, enabling: DE, PSE, PAE, MCE, PGE, OSFXSR and OSXMMEXCPT.
# some drivers may check this at initialized
self.ql.arch.regs.write(UC_X86_REG_CR4, 0b0000011011111000)
# initialize thread information block
# add image to ldr table
# done manipulating pe file; write its contents into memory
self.ql.mem.write(image_base, bytes(pe.get_memory_mapped_image()))
if self.is_driver:
# security cookie can be written only after image has been loaded to memory
self.init_security_cookie(pe, image_base)
# Stack should not init at the very bottom. Will cause errors with Dlls
top_of_stack = self.stack_address + self.stack_size - 0x1000
if self.ql.arch.type == QL_ARCH.X86:
bp_reg = 'ebp'
sp_reg = 'esp'
elif self.ql.arch.type == QL_ARCH.X8664:
bp_reg = 'rbp'
sp_reg = 'rsp'
raise QlErrorArch(f'unexpected arch type: {self.ql.arch.type}')
# we are about to load some dlls and call their DllMain functions.
# the stack should be set first
self.ql.arch.regs.write(bp_reg, top_of_stack)
self.ql.arch.regs.write(sp_reg, top_of_stack)
# load system dlls
for each in self.sys_dlls:
super().load_dll(each, self.is_driver)
# parse directory entry import
self.ql.log.debug(f'Init imports for {self.path}')
super().init_imports(pe, self.is_driver)
self.ql.log.debug(f'Done loading {self.path}')
if pe.is_driver():
args = (
(POINTER, self.driver_object_address),
(POINTER, self.regitry_path_address)
self.ql.log.debug('Setting up call frame for DriverEntry:')
self.ql.log.debug(f' PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject : {args[0][1]:#010x}')
self.ql.log.debug(f' PUNICODE_STRING RegistryPath : {args[1][1]:#010x}')
# We know that a driver will return, so if the user did not configure stop
# options, write a sentinel return value
ret = None if self.ql.stop_options else self.ql.stack_write(0, 0xdeadc0de)
# set up call frame for DriverEntry
self.ql.os.fcall.call_native(self.entry_point, args, ret)
elif pe.is_dll():
args = (
(POINTER, image_base),
self.ql.log.debug('Setting up call frame for DllMain:')
self.ql.log.debug(f' HINSTANCE hinstDLL : {args[0][1]:#010x}')
self.ql.log.debug(f' DWORD fdwReason : {args[1][1]:#010x}')
self.ql.log.debug(f' LPVOID lpReserved : {args[2][1]:#010x}')
# set up call frame for DllMain
self.ql.os.fcall.call_native(self.entry_point, args, None)
elif pe is None:
self.ql.mem.map(self.entry_point, self.ql.os.code_ram_size, info="[shellcode]")
# write shellcode to memory
self.ql.mem.write(self.entry_point, self.ql.code)
top_of_stack = self.stack_address + self.stack_size
if self.ql.arch.type == QL_ARCH.X86:
bp_reg = 'ebp'
sp_reg = 'esp'
elif self.ql.arch.type == QL_ARCH.X8664:
bp_reg = 'rbp'
sp_reg = 'rsp'
raise QlErrorArch(f'unexpected arch type: {self.ql.arch.type}')
self.ql.arch.regs.write(bp_reg, top_of_stack)
self.ql.arch.regs.write(sp_reg, top_of_stack)
# load dlls
for each in self.init_dlls:
super().load_dll(each, self.is_driver)
# move entry_point to ql.os
self.ql.os.entry_point = self.entry_point
self.init_sp = self.ql.arch.regs.arch_sp
class ShowProgress:
"""Display a progress animation while performing a time consuming task.
>>> with ShowProgress(logger, 0.15):
... do_some_time_consuming_task()
# animation frames: a sequence of chars or strings to display. any sequence of string elements
# may be used as long as they are of the same length.
# for example: ['> ', '>> ', ' >> ', ' >>', ' >', ' ']
_frames_ = r'/-\|'
# animation marker: this is used to tell animation log records from the rest.
_marker_ = r'$__ql_anim__'
def __init__(self, logger: Logger, interval: float) -> None:
from typing import List, Callable
from threading import Thread, Event
def show_animation():
i = 0
while not self.stopped.wait(interval):
frame = self._frames_[i % len(self._frames_)]
i += 1
self.stopped = Event()
self.thread = Thread(target=show_animation)
self.logger = logger
self.handlers_restorers: List[Callable[[], None]] = []
def __setup_handlers(self):
from logging import Filter, Formatter, LogRecord, StreamHandler
# while progress animation is useful on tty streams, it is not very useful on log files
# and most probably just flood the log files with animation frames.
# to avoid such flooding an animation filter is added to the non-tty stream handlers to
# filter out the animation records. in addition, tty stream handlers are assigned with
# an animation formatter to display the animation frames nicely.
# when the animation context exits, all the changes made to the handlers are reverted.
def has_anim_marker(rec: LogRecord) -> bool:
"""Tell whether a log record is an animation record or not.
return rec.getMessage().startswith(ShowProgress._marker_)
def strip_anim_marker(rec: LogRecord) -> None:
"""Remove animation marker from log record.
rec.message = rec.message[len(ShowProgress._marker_):]
class AnimFormatter(Formatter):
"""A log record formatter that removes animation markers.
def formatMessage(self, record: LogRecord) -> str:
if has_anim_marker(record):
return super().formatMessage(record)
class AnimFilter(Filter):
"""A log record filter that thwarts animation records.
def filter(self, record: LogRecord) -> bool:
return not has_anim_marker(record)
# the animation frames will be displayed within brackets
anim_formatter = AnimFormatter('[%(message)s]')
anim_filter = AnimFilter()
for h in self.logger.handlers:
# if this is a tty stream handler, modify some of its attributes to
# let the animation display correctly
if isinstance(h, StreamHandler) and h.stream.isatty():
orig_terminator = h.terminator
orig_formatter = h.formatter
h.terminator = '\r'
def __restore_modified() -> None:
h.terminator = orig_terminator
restorer = __restore_modified
# otherwise, apply a filter that will ignore animation records
def __restore_silenced() -> None:
restorer = __restore_silenced
def __restore_handlers(self) -> None:
for restorer in self.handlers_restorers:
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, extype, value, traceback):