575 lines
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import contextlib
import importlib.metadata
import inspect
import logging
import os
import platform
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import threading
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, NoReturn, Tuple, Union
import jpype
from jpype import imports, _jpype
from importlib.machinery import ModuleSpec
from . import __version__
from .javac import java_compile
from .script import PyGhidraScript
from .version import ApplicationInfo, ExtensionDetails, MINIMUM_GHIDRA_VERSION
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _silence_java_output(stdout=True, stderr=True):
from java.io import OutputStream, PrintStream
from java.lang import System
out = System.out
err = System.err
null = PrintStream(OutputStream.nullOutputStream())
# The user's Java SecurityManager might not allow this
with contextlib.suppress(jpype.JException):
if stdout:
if stderr:
with contextlib.suppress(jpype.JException):
def _load_entry_points(group: str, *args):
Loads any entry point callbacks registered by external python packages.
entry_points = importlib.metadata.entry_points()
if hasattr(entry_points, 'select'):
entries = entry_points.select(group=group)
entries = entry_points.get(group, None)
if entries is None:
for entry in entries:
name = entry.name
callback = entry.load()
# Give launcher to callback so they can edit vmargs, install plugins, etc.
logger.debug(f"Calling {group} entry point: {name}")
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Failed to run {group} entry point {name} with error: {e}")
class _PyhidraImportLoader:
""" (internal) Finder hook for importlib to handle Python mod conflicts. """
def find_spec(self, name, path, target=None):
# If jvm is not started then there is nothing to find.
if not _jpype.isStarted():
return None
if name.endswith('_') and _jpype.isPackage(name[:-1]):
return ModuleSpec(name, self)
def create_module(self, spec):
return _jpype._JPackage(spec.name[:-1])
def exec_module(self, fullname):
class PyhidraLauncher:
Base pyhidra launcher
def __init__(self, verbose=False, *, install_dir: Path = None):
Initializes a new `PyhidraLauncher`.
:param verbose: True to enable verbose output when starting Ghidra.
:param install_dir: Ghidra installation directory.
(Defaults to the GHIDRA_INSTALL_DIR environment variable)
:raises ValueError: If the Ghidra installation directory is invalid.
self._layout = None
self._java_home = None
install_dir = install_dir or os.getenv("GHIDRA_INSTALL_DIR")
self._install_dir = self._validate_install_dir(install_dir)
self._plugins: List[Tuple[Path, ExtensionDetails]] = []
self.verbose = verbose
ghidra_dir = self._install_dir / "Ghidra"
self.class_path = [str(ghidra_dir / "Framework" / "Utility" / "lib" / "Utility.jar")]
self.class_files = []
self.vm_args = self._jvm_args(self._install_dir)
self.args = []
self.app_info = ApplicationInfo.from_file(ghidra_dir / "application.properties")
def _jvm_args(cls, install_dir: Path) -> List[str]:
suffix = "_" + platform.system().upper()
option_pattern: re.Pattern = re.compile(fr"VMARGS(?:{suffix})?=(.+)")
properties = []
launch_properties = install_dir / "support" / "launch.properties"
with open(launch_properties, "r", encoding='utf-8') as fd:
# this file is small so just read it at once
for line in fd.readlines():
match = option_pattern.match(line)
if match:
arg = match.group(1)
name, sep, value = arg.partition('=')
# unquote any values because quotes are automatically added during JVM startup
if value.startswith('"') and value.endswith('"'):
value = value.removeprefix('"').removesuffix('"')
properties.append(name + sep + value)
return properties
def extension_path(self) -> Path:
if not self._layout:
raise RuntimeError("extension_path cannot be obtained until launcher starts.")
return Path(self._layout.getUserSettingsDir().getPath()) / "Extensions"
def java_home(self) -> Path:
if not self._java_home:
launch_support = self.install_dir / "support" / "LaunchSupport.jar"
if not launch_support.exists():
raise ValueError(f"{launch_support} does not exist")
cmd = f'java -cp "{launch_support}" LaunchSupport "{self.install_dir}" -jdk_home -save'
home = subprocess.check_output(cmd, encoding="utf-8", shell=True)
self._java_home = Path(home.rstrip())
return self._java_home
def java_home(self, path: Path):
self._java_home = Path(path)
def install_dir(self) -> Path:
return self._install_dir
def _validate_install_dir(cls, install_dir: Union[Path, str]) -> Path:
Validates and sets the Ghidra installation directory.
if not install_dir:
msg = (
"Please set the GHIDRA_INSTALL_DIR environment variable "
"or `install_dir` during the Launcher construction to the "
"directory where Ghidra is installed."
cls._report_fatal_error("GHIDRA_INSTALL_DIR is not set", msg, ValueError(msg))
# both the directory and the application.properties file must exist
install_dir = Path(install_dir)
if not install_dir.exists():
msg = f"{install_dir} does not exist"
cls._report_fatal_error("Invalid Ghidra Installation Directory", msg, ValueError(msg))
path = install_dir / "Ghidra" / "application.properties"
if not path.exists():
msg = "The Ghidra installation does not contain the required " + \
"application.properties file"
cls._report_fatal_error("Corrupt Ghidra Installation", msg, ValueError(msg))
return install_dir
def add_classpaths(self, *args):
Add additional entries to the classpath when starting the JVM
self.class_path += args
def add_vmargs(self, *args):
Add additional vmargs for launching the JVM
self.vm_args += args
def add_class_files(self, *args):
Add additional entries to be added the classpath after Ghidra has been fully loaded.
This ensures that all of Ghidra is available so classes depending on it can be properly loaded.
self.class_files += args
def _report_fatal_error(cls, title: str, msg: str, cause: Exception) -> NoReturn:
logger.error("%s: %s", title, msg)
raise cause
def check_ghidra_version(self):
Checks if the currently installed Ghidra version is supported.
The launcher will report the problem and terminate if it is not supported.
if self.app_info.version < MINIMUM_GHIDRA_VERSION:
msg = f"Ghidra version {self.app_info.version} is not supported" + os.linesep + \
f"The minimum required version is {MINIMUM_GHIDRA_VERSION}"
self._report_fatal_error("Unsupported Version", msg, ValueError(msg))
def start(self, **jpype_kwargs):
Starts Jpype connection to Ghidra (if not already started).
if jpype.isJVMStarted():
# Before starting up, give launcher to installed entry points so they can do their thing.
_load_entry_points("pyhidra.setup", self)
pyhidra_details = ExtensionDetails(
description="Native Python Plugin",
author="Department of Defense Cyber Crime Center (DC3)",
# Merge classpath
jpype_kwargs['classpath'] = self.class_path + jpype_kwargs.get('classpath', [])
# force convert strings (required by pyhidra)
jpype_kwargs['convertStrings'] = True
# set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the correct one so jpype uses it
os.environ['JAVA_HOME'] = str(self.java_home)
None, # indicates to use JAVA_HOME as the jvm path
# Install hook into python importlib
# import and create a temporary GhidraApplicationLayout this can be
# used without initializing Ghidra to obtain the correct Extension path
from ghidra import GhidraApplicationLayout
self._layout = GhidraApplicationLayout()
# uninstall any outdated plugins before initializing Ghidra to ensure they are loaded correctly
for _, details in self._plugins:
logger.warning("failed to uninstall plugin %s", details.name)
from ghidra import GhidraLauncher
self._layout = GhidraLauncher.initializeGhidraEnvironment()
# install the Pyhidra plugin.
from pyhidra.java import plugin
needs_reload = self._install_plugin(Path(plugin.__file__).parent, pyhidra_details)
if needs_reload:
# "restart" Ghidra
self._layout = GhidraLauncher.initializeGhidraEnvironment()
needs_reload = False
from java.lang import System
# manually check the classpath for the pyhidra plugin to
# help diagnose confusing errors (GH #31)
# this will help in the future too if Extensions are ever moved outside
# of the Ghidra user settings directory
jar_path = self._get_plugin_jar_path("pyhidra")
except Exception as e:
self._report_fatal_error("An error occured launching Ghidra", str(e), e)
# NOTE: be very careful not to cause an exception here because there will be
# no indication of a problem in GUI mode unless started with pyhidra -g -v
CLASSPATH_PROPERTY = "java.class.path"
classpath = System.getProperty(CLASSPATH_PROPERTY)
if classpath is None:
# this is impossible but a helpful message is
# better than "'NoneType' object hsas no attribute 'split'"
msg = f"Required Java property {CLASSPATH_PROPERTY} not found"
self._report_fatal_error(f"No Classpath", msg, RuntimeError(msg))
# ensure it is a Python string (not Java string) and then split the classpath
classpath = str(classpath).split(os.pathsep)
if str(jar_path) not in classpath:
title = "Classpath Setup Error"
msg = "Pyhidra plugin is not in the system classpath"
# Ghidra uses this property depending on JVM configuration
ext_classpath = System.getProperty("java.class.path.ext")
if ext_classpath is None:
logger.debug("plugin path: %s\nclasspath: %s", jar_path, '\n'.join(classpath))
self._report_fatal_error(title, msg, RuntimeError(msg))
classpath = str(ext_classpath).split(os.pathsep)
if str(jar_path) not in classpath:
logger.debug("plugin path: %s\nclasspath: %s", jar_path, '\n'.join(classpath))
self._report_fatal_error(title, msg, RuntimeError(msg))
# import it at the end so interfaces in our java code may be implemented
from pyhidra.java.plugin.plugin import PyPhidraPlugin
# Add extra class paths
# Do this before installing plugins incase dependencies are needed
if self.class_files:
from java.lang import ClassLoader
gcl = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()
for path in self.class_files:
# Install extra plugins.
for source_path, details in self._plugins:
needs_reload = self._install_plugin(source_path, details) or needs_reload
except Exception as e:
# we should always warn if a plugin failed to compile
logger.warn(e, exc_info=e)
if needs_reload:
# "restart" Ghidra
self._layout = GhidraLauncher.initializeGhidraEnvironment()
# import properties to register the property customizer
from . import properties as _
except Exception as e:
self._report_fatal_error("An error occured launching Ghidra", str(e), e)
def get_install_path(self, plugin_name: str) -> Path:
Obtains the path for installation of a given plugin.
return self.extension_path / plugin_name
def _get_plugin_jar_path(self, plugin_name: str) -> Path:
return self.get_install_path(plugin_name) / "lib" / (plugin_name + ".jar")
def uninstall_plugin(self, plugin_name: str):
Uninstalls given plugin.
path = self.get_install_path(plugin_name)
if path.exists():
# delete the existing extension so it will be up-to-date
except Exception as e:
"Plugin Update Failed",
f"Could not delete existing plugin at\n{path}",
def _uninstall_old_plugin(self, details: ExtensionDetails):
Automatically uninstalls an outdated plugin if it exists.
plugin_name = details.name
path = self.get_install_path(plugin_name)
ext = path / "extension.properties"
# Uninstall old version.
if path.exists() and ext.exists():
orig_details = ExtensionDetails.from_file(ext)
if not orig_details.plugin_version or orig_details.plugin_version != details.plugin_version:
logger.info(f"Uninstalled older plugin: {plugin_name} {orig_details.plugin_version}")
def _install_plugin(self, source_path: Path, details: ExtensionDetails):
Compiles and installs a Ghidra extension if not already installed.
if details.version is None:
details.version = self.app_info.version
plugin_name = details.name
path = self.get_install_path(plugin_name)
ext = path / "extension.properties"
manifest = path / "Module.manifest"
root = source_path
jar_path = path / "lib" / (plugin_name + ".jar")
if not jar_path.exists():
path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
java_compile(root.parent, jar_path)
shutil.rmtree(path, ignore_errors=True)
# required empty file
# Copy over ghidra_scripts if included.
ghidra_scripts = root / "ghidra_scripts"
if ghidra_scripts.exists():
shutil.copytree(ghidra_scripts, path / "ghidra_scripts")
logger.info(f"Installed plugin: {plugin_name} {details.plugin_version}")
return True
return False
def install_plugin(self, source_path: Path, details: ExtensionDetails):
Compiles and installs a Ghidra extension when launcher is started.
self._plugins.append((source_path, details))
def _launch(self):
def has_launched() -> bool:
Checks if jpype has started and if Ghidra has been fully initialized.
if not jpype.isJVMStarted():
return False
from ghidra.framework import Application
return Application.isInitialized()
class DeferredPyhidraLauncher(PyhidraLauncher):
PyhidraLauncher which allows full Ghidra initialization to be deferred.
initialize_ghidra must be called before all Ghidra classes are fully available.
def initialize_ghidra(self, headless=True):
Finished Ghidra initialization
:param headless: whether or not to initialize Ghidra in headless mode.
(Defaults to True)
from ghidra import GhidraRun
from ghidra.framework import Application, HeadlessGhidraApplicationConfiguration
with _silence_java_output(not self.verbose, not self.verbose):
if headless:
config = HeadlessGhidraApplicationConfiguration()
Application.initializeApplication(self._layout, config)
GhidraRun().launch(self._layout, self.args)
class HeadlessPyhidraLauncher(PyhidraLauncher):
Headless pyhidra launcher
def _launch(self):
from ghidra.framework import Application, HeadlessGhidraApplicationConfiguration
with _silence_java_output(not self.verbose, not self.verbose):
config = HeadlessGhidraApplicationConfiguration()
Application.initializeApplication(self._layout, config)
class _PyhidraStdOut:
def __init__(self, stream):
self._stream = stream
def _get_current_script(self) -> "PyGhidraScript":
for entry in inspect.stack():
f_globals = entry.frame.f_globals
if isinstance(f_globals, PyGhidraScript):
return f_globals
def flush(self):
script = self._get_current_script()
if script is not None:
writer = script._script.writer
if writer is not None:
def write(self, s: str) -> int:
script = self._get_current_script()
if script is not None:
writer = script._script.writer
if writer is not None:
return len(s)
return self._stream.write(s)
class GuiPyhidraLauncher(PyhidraLauncher):
GUI pyhidra launcher
def popup_error(cls, header: str, msg: str) -> NoReturn:
import tkinter.messagebox
tkinter.messagebox.showerror(header, msg)
def _report_fatal_error(cls, title: str, msg: str, cause: Exception) -> NoReturn:
logger.exception(cause, exc_info=cause)
cls.popup_error(title, msg)
def _get_thread(name: str):
from java.lang import Thread
for t in Thread.getAllStackTraces().keySet():
if t.getName() == name:
return t
return None
def _launch(self):
import ctypes
from ghidra import Ghidra
from java.lang import Runtime, Thread
if sys.platform == "win32":
appid = ctypes.c_wchar_p(self.app_info.name)
stdout = _PyhidraStdOut(sys.stdout)
stderr = _PyhidraStdOut(sys.stderr)
with contextlib.redirect_stdout(stdout), contextlib.redirect_stderr(stderr):
jpype.setupGuiEnvironment(lambda: Ghidra.main(["ghidra.GhidraRun", *self.args]))
is_exiting = threading.Event()