
134 lines
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from typing import Any
from typing import Optional
from prompt_toolkit import PromptSession
from prompt_toolkit.formatted_text import to_formatted_text
from prompt_toolkit.key_binding import KeyBindings
from prompt_toolkit.keys import Keys
from prompt_toolkit.styles import Style
from questionary.constants import DEFAULT_QUESTION_PREFIX
from questionary.constants import NO
from questionary.constants import NO_OR_YES
from questionary.constants import YES
from questionary.constants import YES_OR_NO
from questionary.question import Question
from questionary.styles import merge_styles_default
def confirm(
message: str,
default: bool = True,
style: Optional[Style] = None,
auto_enter: bool = True,
instruction: Optional[str] = None,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> Question:
"""A yes or no question. The user can either confirm or deny.
This question type can be used to prompt the user for a confirmation
of a yes-or-no question. If the user just hits enter, the default
value will be returned.
>>> import questionary
>>> questionary.confirm("Are you amazed?").ask()
? Are you amazed? Yes
.. image:: ../images/confirm.gif
This is just a really basic example, the prompt can be customised using the
message: Question text.
default: Default value will be returned if the user just hits
qmark: Question prefix displayed in front of the question.
By default this is a ``?``.
style: A custom color and style for the question parts. You can
configure colors as well as font types for different elements.
auto_enter: If set to `False`, the user needs to press the 'enter' key to
accept their answer. If set to `True`, a valid input will be
accepted without the need to press 'Enter'.
instruction: A message describing how to proceed through the
confirmation prompt.
:class:`Question`: Question instance, ready to be prompted (using `.ask()`).
merged_style = merge_styles_default([style])
status = {"answer": None, "complete": False}
def get_prompt_tokens():
tokens = []
tokens.append(("class:qmark", qmark))
tokens.append(("class:question", " {} ".format(message)))
if instruction is not None:
tokens.append(("class:instruction", instruction))
elif not status["complete"]:
_instruction = YES_OR_NO if default else NO_OR_YES
tokens.append(("class:instruction", "{} ".format(_instruction)))
if status["answer"] is not None:
answer = YES if status["answer"] else NO
tokens.append(("class:answer", answer))
return to_formatted_text(tokens)
def exit_with_result(event):
status["complete"] = True["answer"])
bindings = KeyBindings()
@bindings.add(Keys.ControlQ, eager=True)
@bindings.add(Keys.ControlC, eager=True)
def _(event):, style="class:aborting")
def key_n(event):
status["answer"] = False
if auto_enter:
def key_y(event):
status["answer"] = True
if auto_enter:
def key_backspace(event):
status["answer"] = None
@bindings.add(Keys.ControlM, eager=True)
def set_answer(event):
if status["answer"] is None:
status["answer"] = default
def other(event):
"""Disallow inserting other text."""
return Question(
get_prompt_tokens, key_bindings=bindings, style=merged_style, **kwargs