from __future__ import annotations import typing import warnings from urwid.canvas import CanvasOverlay, CompositeCanvas from .constants import ( RELATIVE_100, Align, Sizing, VAlign, WHSettings, WrapMode, normalize_align, normalize_height, normalize_valign, normalize_width, simplify_align, simplify_height, simplify_valign, simplify_width, ) from .container import WidgetContainerListContentsMixin, WidgetContainerMixin from .filler import calculate_top_bottom_filler from .padding import calculate_left_right_padding from .widget import Widget if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: from typing_extensions import Literal class OverlayError(Exception): pass class Overlay(Widget, WidgetContainerMixin, WidgetContainerListContentsMixin): """ Overlay contains two box widgets and renders one on top of the other """ _selectable = True _sizing = frozenset([Sizing.BOX]) _DEFAULT_BOTTOM_OPTIONS = ( Align.LEFT, None, WHSettings.RELATIVE, 100, None, 0, 0, VAlign.TOP, None, WHSettings.RELATIVE, 100, None, 0, 0, ) def __init__( self, top_w: Widget, bottom_w: Widget, align: ( Literal["left", "center", "right"] | Align | tuple[Literal["relative", "fixed left", "fixed right", WHSettings.RELATIVE], int] ), width: Literal["pack", WHSettings.PACK] | int | tuple[Literal["relative", WHSettings.RELATIVE], int] | None, valign: ( Literal["top", "middle", "bottom"] | VAlign | tuple[Literal["relative", "fixed top", "fixed bottom", WHSettings.RELATIVE], int] ), height: Literal["pack", WHSettings.PACK] | int | tuple[Literal["relative", WHSettings.RELATIVE], int] | None, min_width: int | None = None, min_height: int | None = None, left: int = 0, right: int = 0, top: int = 0, bottom: int = 0, ) -> None: """ :param top_w: a flow, box or fixed widget to overlay "on top" :type top_w: Widget :param bottom_w: a box widget to appear "below" previous widget :type bottom_w: Widget :param align: alignment, one of ``'left'``, ``'center'``, ``'right'`` or (``'relative'``, *percentage* 0=left 100=right) :type align: str :param width: width type, one of: ``'pack'`` if *top_w* is a fixed widget *given width* integer number of columns wide (``'relative'``, *percentage of total width*) make *top_w* width related to container width :param valign: alignment mode, one of ``'top'``, ``'middle'``, ``'bottom'`` or (``'relative'``, *percentage* 0=top 100=bottom) :param height: one of: ``'pack'`` if *top_w* is a flow or fixed widget *given height* integer number of rows high (``'relative'``, *percentage of total height*) make *top_w* height related to container height :param min_width: the minimum number of columns for *top_w* when width is not fixed :type min_width: int :param min_height: minimum number of rows for *top_w* when height is not fixed :type min_height: int :param left: a fixed number of columns to add on the left :type left: int :param right: a fixed number of columns to add on the right :type right: int :param top: a fixed number of rows to add on the top :type top: int :param bottom: a fixed number of rows to add on the bottom :type bottom: int Overlay widgets behave similarly to :class:`Padding` and :class:`Filler` widgets when determining the size and position of *top_w*. *bottom_w* is always rendered the full size available "below" *top_w*. """ super().__init__() self.top_w = top_w self.bottom_w = bottom_w self.set_overlay_parameters(align, width, valign, height, min_width, min_height, left, right, top, bottom) @staticmethod def options( align_type: Literal["left", "center", "right", "relative"] | Align, align_amount: int | None, width_type: Literal["clip", "pack", "relative", "given"] | WHSettings, width_amount: int | None, valign_type: Literal["top", "middle", "bottom", "relative"] | VAlign, valign_amount: int | None, height_type: Literal["flow", "pack", "relative", "given"] | WHSettings, height_amount: int | None, min_width: int | None = None, min_height: int | None = None, left: int = 0, right: int = 0, top: int = 0, bottom: int = 0, ): """ Return a new options tuple for use in this Overlay's .contents mapping. This is the common container API to create options for replacing the top widget of this Overlay. It is provided for completeness but is not necessarily the easiest way to change the overlay parameters. See also :meth:`.set_overlay_parameters` """ return ( align_type, align_amount, width_type, width_amount, min_width, left, right, valign_type, valign_amount, height_type, height_amount, min_height, top, bottom, ) def set_overlay_parameters( self, align: ( Literal["left", "center", "right"] | Align | tuple[Literal["relative", "fixed left", "fixed right"], int] ), width: int | None, valign: ( Literal["top", "middle", "bottom"] | VAlign | tuple[Literal["relative", "fixed top", "fixed bottom"], int] ), height: int | None, min_width: int | None = None, min_height: int | None = None, left: int = 0, right: int = 0, top: int = 0, bottom: int = 0, ): """ Adjust the overlay size and position parameters. See :class:`__init__() ` for a description of the parameters. """ # convert obsolete parameters 'fixed ...': if isinstance(align, tuple): if align[0] == "fixed left": left = align[1] align = Align.LEFT elif align[0] == "fixed right": right = align[1] align = Align.RIGHT if isinstance(width, tuple): if width[0] == "fixed left": left = width[1] width = RELATIVE_100 elif width[0] == "fixed right": right = width[1] width = RELATIVE_100 if isinstance(valign, tuple): if valign[0] == "fixed top": top = valign[1] valign = VAlign.TOP elif valign[0] == "fixed bottom": bottom = valign[1] valign = VAlign.BOTTOM if isinstance(height, tuple): if height[0] == "fixed bottom": bottom = height[1] height = RELATIVE_100 elif height[0] == "fixed top": top = height[1] height = RELATIVE_100 if width is None: # more obsolete values accepted width = WHSettings.PACK if height is None: height = WHSettings.PACK align_type, align_amount = normalize_align(align, OverlayError) width_type, width_amount = normalize_width(width, OverlayError) valign_type, valign_amount = normalize_valign(valign, OverlayError) height_type, height_amount = normalize_height(height, OverlayError) if height_type in (WHSettings.GIVEN, WHSettings.PACK): min_height = None # use container API to set the parameters self.contents[1] = ( self.top_w, self.options( align_type, align_amount, width_type, width_amount, valign_type, valign_amount, height_type, height_amount, min_width, min_height, left, right, top, bottom, ), ) def selectable(self) -> bool: """Return selectable from top_w.""" return self.top_w.selectable() def keypress(self, size: tuple[int, int], key: str) -> str | None: """Pass keypress to top_w.""" return self.top_w.keypress(self.top_w_size(size, *self.calculate_padding_filler(size, True)), key) @property def focus(self) -> Widget: """ Read-only property returning the child widget in focus for container widgets. This default implementation always returns ``None``, indicating that this widget has no children. """ return self.top_w def _get_focus(self) -> Widget: warnings.warn( f"method `{self.__class__.__name__}._get_focus` is deprecated, " f"please use `{self.__class__.__name__}.focus` property", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=3, ) return self.top_w @property def focus_position(self) -> Literal[1]: """ Return the top widget position (currently always 1). """ return 1 @focus_position.setter def focus_position(self, position: int) -> None: """ Set the widget in focus. Currently only position 0 is accepted. position -- index of child widget to be made focus """ if position != 1: raise IndexError(f"Overlay widget focus_position currently must always be set to 1, not {position}") def _get_focus_position(self) -> int | None: warnings.warn( f"method `{self.__class__.__name__}._get_focus_position` is deprecated, " f"please use `{self.__class__.__name__}.focus_position` property", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=3, ) return 1 def _set_focus_position(self, position: int) -> None: """ Set the widget in focus. position -- index of child widget to be made focus """ warnings.warn( f"method `{self.__class__.__name__}._set_focus_position` is deprecated, " f"please use `{self.__class__.__name__}.focus_position` property", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=3, ) if position != 1: raise IndexError(f"Overlay widget focus_position currently must always be set to 1, not {position}") @property def contents(self): """ a list-like object similar to:: [(bottom_w, bottom_options)), (top_w, top_options)] This object may be used to read or update top and bottom widgets and top widgets's options, but no widgets may be added or removed. `top_options` takes the form `(align_type, align_amount, width_type, width_amount, min_width, left, right, valign_type, valign_amount, height_type, height_amount, min_height, top, bottom)` bottom_options is always `('left', None, 'relative', 100, None, 0, 0, 'top', None, 'relative', 100, None, 0, 0)` which means that bottom widget always covers the full area of the Overlay. writing a different value for `bottom_options` raises an :exc:`OverlayError`. """ class OverlayContents: def __len__(inner_self): return 2 __getitem__ = self._contents__getitem__ __setitem__ = self._contents__setitem__ return OverlayContents() @contents.setter def contents(self, new_contents): if len(new_contents) != 2: raise ValueError("Contents length for overlay should be only 2") self.contents[0] = new_contents[0] self.contents[1] = new_contents[1] def _contents__getitem__(self, index: Literal[0, 1]): if index == 0: return (self.bottom_w, self._DEFAULT_BOTTOM_OPTIONS) if index == 1: return ( self.top_w, ( self.align_type, self.align_amount, self.width_type, self.width_amount, self.min_width, self.left, self.right, self.valign_type, self.valign_amount, self.height_type, self.height_amount, self.min_height,, self.bottom, ), ) raise IndexError(f"Overlay.contents has no position {index!r}") def _contents__setitem__(self, index: Literal[0, 1], value): try: value_w, value_options = value except (ValueError, TypeError) as exc: raise OverlayError(f"added content invalid: {value!r}").with_traceback(exc.__traceback__) from exc if index == 0: if value_options != self._DEFAULT_BOTTOM_OPTIONS: raise OverlayError(f"bottom_options must be set to {self._DEFAULT_BOTTOM_OPTIONS!r}") self.bottom_w = value_w elif index == 1: try: ( align_type, align_amount, width_type, width_amount, min_width, left, right, valign_type, valign_amount, height_type, height_amount, min_height, top, bottom, ) = value_options except (ValueError, TypeError) as exc: raise OverlayError(f"top_options is invalid: {value_options!r}").with_traceback( exc.__traceback__ ) from exc # normalize first, this is where errors are raised align_type, align_amount = normalize_align(simplify_align(align_type, align_amount), OverlayError) width_type, width_amount = normalize_width(simplify_width(width_type, width_amount), OverlayError) valign_type, valign_amoun = normalize_valign(simplify_valign(valign_type, valign_amount), OverlayError) height_type, height_amount = normalize_height(simplify_height(height_type, height_amount), OverlayError) self.align_type = align_type self.align_amount = align_amount self.width_type = width_type self.width_amount = width_amount self.valign_type = valign_type self.valign_amount = valign_amount self.height_type = height_type self.height_amount = height_amount self.left = left self.right = right = top self.bottom = bottom self.min_width = min_width self.min_height = min_height else: raise IndexError(f"Overlay.contents has no position {index!r}") self._invalidate() def get_cursor_coords(self, size: tuple[int, int]) -> tuple[int, int] | None: """Return cursor coords from top_w, if any.""" if not hasattr(self.top_w, "get_cursor_coords"): return None (maxcol, maxrow) = size left, right, top, bottom = self.calculate_padding_filler(size, True) x, y = self.top_w.get_cursor_coords((maxcol - left - right, maxrow - top - bottom)) if y >= maxrow: # required?? y = maxrow - 1 return x + left, y + top def calculate_padding_filler(self, size: tuple[int, int], focus: bool) -> tuple[int, int, int, int]: """Return (padding left, right, filler top, bottom).""" (maxcol, maxrow) = size height = None if self.width_type == WHSettings.PACK: width, height = self.top_w.pack((), focus=focus) if not height: raise OverlayError("fixed widget must have a height") left, right = calculate_left_right_padding( maxcol, self.align_type, self.align_amount, WrapMode.CLIP, width, None, self.left, self.right, ) else: left, right = calculate_left_right_padding( maxcol, self.align_type, self.align_amount, self.width_type, self.width_amount, self.min_width, self.left, self.right, ) if height: # top_w is a fixed widget top, bottom = calculate_top_bottom_filler( maxrow, self.valign_type, self.valign_amount, WHSettings.GIVEN, height, None,, self.bottom, ) if maxrow - top - bottom < height: bottom = maxrow - top - height elif self.height_type == WHSettings.PACK: # top_w is a flow widget height = self.top_w.rows((maxcol,), focus=focus) top, bottom = calculate_top_bottom_filler( maxrow, self.valign_type, self.valign_amount, WHSettings.GIVEN, height, None,, self.bottom, ) if height > maxrow: # flow widget rendered too large bottom = maxrow - height else: top, bottom = calculate_top_bottom_filler( maxrow, self.valign_type, self.valign_amount, self.height_type, self.height_amount, self.min_height,, self.bottom, ) return left, right, top, bottom def top_w_size(self, size, left, right, top, bottom): """Return the size to pass to top_w.""" if self.width_type == WHSettings.PACK: # top_w is a fixed widget return () maxcol, maxrow = size if self.width_type != WHSettings.PACK and self.height_type == WHSettings.PACK: # top_w is a flow widget return (maxcol - left - right,) return (maxcol - left - right, maxrow - top - bottom) def render(self, size: tuple[int, int], focus: bool = False) -> CompositeCanvas: """Render top_w overlayed on bottom_w.""" left, right, top, bottom = self.calculate_padding_filler(size, focus) bottom_c = self.bottom_w.render(size) if not bottom_c.cols() or not bottom_c.rows(): return CompositeCanvas(bottom_c) top_c = self.top_w.render(self.top_w_size(size, left, right, top, bottom), focus) top_c = CompositeCanvas(top_c) if left < 0 or right < 0: top_c.pad_trim_left_right(min(0, left), min(0, right)) if top < 0 or bottom < 0: top_c.pad_trim_top_bottom(min(0, top), min(0, bottom)) return CanvasOverlay(top_c, bottom_c, left, top) def mouse_event(self, size: tuple[int, int], event, button: int, col: int, row: int, focus: bool) -> bool | None: """Pass event to top_w, ignore if outside of top_w.""" if not hasattr(self.top_w, "mouse_event"): return False left, right, top, bottom = self.calculate_padding_filler(size, focus) maxcol, maxrow = size if col < left or col >= maxcol - right or row < top or row >= maxrow - bottom: return False return self.top_w.mouse_event( self.top_w_size(size, left, right, top, bottom), event, button, col - left, row - top, focus )