469 lines
12 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2024-05-25 18:45:07 +02:00
from __future__ import annotations
import enum
import typing
if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
from typing_extensions import Literal
# define some names for these constants to avoid misspellings in the source
# and to document the constant strings we are using
class Sizing(str, enum.Enum):
"""Widget sizing methods."""
FLOW = "flow"
BOX = "box"
FIXED = "fixed"
class Align(str, enum.Enum):
"""Text alignment modes"""
LEFT = "left"
RIGHT = "right"
CENTER = "center"
class VAlign(str, enum.Enum):
"""Filler alignment"""
TOP = "top"
MIDDLE = "middle"
BOTTOM = "bottom"
class WrapMode(str, enum.Enum):
"""Text wrapping modes"""
SPACE = "space"
ANY = "any"
CLIP = "clip"
ELLIPSIS = "ellipsis"
class WHSettings(str, enum.Enum):
"""Width and Height settings"""
PACK = "pack"
GIVEN = "given"
RELATIVE = "relative"
WEIGHT = "weight"
CLIP = "clip" # Used as "given" for widgets with fixed width (with clipping part of it)
FLOW = "flow" # Used as pack for flow widgets
RELATIVE_100 = (WHSettings.RELATIVE, 100)
def normalize_align(
align: Literal["left", "center", "right"] | Align,
err: type[BaseException],
) -> tuple[Align, None]:
def normalize_align(
align: tuple[Literal["relative", WHSettings.RELATIVE], int],
err: type[BaseException],
) -> tuple[Literal[WHSettings.RELATIVE], int]:
def normalize_align(
align: Literal["left", "center", "right"] | Align | tuple[Literal["relative", WHSettings.RELATIVE], int],
err: type[BaseException],
) -> tuple[Align, None] | tuple[Literal[WHSettings.RELATIVE], int]:
Split align into (align_type, align_amount). Raise exception err
if align doesn't match a valid alignment.
if align in (Align.LEFT, Align.CENTER, Align.RIGHT):
return (Align(align), None)
if isinstance(align, tuple) and len(align) == 2 and align[0] == WHSettings.RELATIVE:
align_type, align_amount = align
return (WHSettings(align_type), align_amount)
raise err(
f"align value {align!r} is not one of 'left', 'center', 'right', ('relative', percentage 0=left 100=right)"
def simplify_align(
align_type: Literal["relative", WHSettings.RELATIVE],
align_amount: int,
) -> tuple[Literal[WHSettings.RELATIVE], int]:
def simplify_align(
align_type: Literal["relative", WHSettings.RELATIVE],
align_amount: None,
) -> typing.NoReturn:
def simplify_align(
align_type: Literal["left", "center", "right"] | Align,
align_amount: int | None,
) -> Align:
def simplify_align(
align_type: Literal["left", "center", "right", "relative", WHSettings.RELATIVE] | Align,
align_amount: int | None,
) -> Align | tuple[Literal[WHSettings.RELATIVE], int]:
Recombine (align_type, align_amount) into an align value.
Inverse of normalize_align.
if align_type == WHSettings.RELATIVE:
if not isinstance(align_amount, int):
raise TypeError(align_amount)
return (WHSettings(align_type), align_amount)
return Align(align_type)
def normalize_valign(
valign: Literal["top", "middle", "bottom"] | VAlign,
err: type[BaseException],
) -> tuple[VAlign, None]:
def normalize_valign(
valign: tuple[Literal["relative", WHSettings.RELATIVE], int],
err: type[BaseException],
) -> tuple[Literal[WHSettings.RELATIVE], int]:
def normalize_valign(
valign: Literal["top", "middle", "bottom"] | VAlign | tuple[Literal["relative", WHSettings.RELATIVE], int],
err: type[BaseException],
) -> tuple[VAlign, None] | tuple[Literal[WHSettings.RELATIVE], int]:
Split align into (valign_type, valign_amount). Raise exception err
if align doesn't match a valid alignment.
if valign in (VAlign.TOP, VAlign.MIDDLE, VAlign.BOTTOM):
return (VAlign(valign), None)
if isinstance(valign, tuple) and len(valign) == 2 and valign[0] == WHSettings.RELATIVE:
valign_type, valign_amount = valign
return (WHSettings(valign_type), valign_amount)
raise err(
f"valign value {valign!r} is not one of 'top', 'middle', 'bottom', ('relative', percentage 0=left 100=right)"
def simplify_valign(
valign_type: Literal["top", "middle", "bottom"] | VAlign,
valign_amount: int | None,
) -> VAlign:
def simplify_valign(
valign_type: Literal["relative", WHSettings.RELATIVE],
valign_amount: int,
) -> tuple[Literal[WHSettings.RELATIVE], int]:
def simplify_valign(
valign_type: Literal["relative", WHSettings.RELATIVE],
valign_amount: None,
) -> typing.NoReturn:
def simplify_valign(
valign_type: Literal["top", "middle", "bottom", "relative", WHSettings.RELATIVE] | VAlign,
valign_amount: int | None,
) -> VAlign | tuple[Literal[WHSettings.RELATIVE], int]:
Recombine (valign_type, valign_amount) into an valign value.
Inverse of normalize_valign.
if valign_type == WHSettings.RELATIVE:
if not isinstance(valign_amount, int):
raise TypeError(valign_amount)
return (WHSettings(valign_type), valign_amount)
return VAlign(valign_type)
def normalize_width(
width: (Literal["clip", "pack", WHSettings.CLIP, WHSettings.PACK]),
err: type[BaseException],
) -> tuple[Literal[WHSettings.CLIP, WHSettings.PACK], None]:
def normalize_width(
width: int,
err: type[BaseException],
) -> tuple[Literal[WHSettings.GIVEN], int]:
def normalize_width(
width: (tuple[Literal["relative", WHSettings.RELATIVE], int]),
err: type[BaseException],
) -> tuple[Literal[WHSettings.RELATIVE], int]:
def normalize_width(
width: (tuple[Literal["weight", WHSettings.WEIGHT], int]),
err: type[BaseException],
) -> tuple[Literal[WHSettings.WEIGHT], int]:
def normalize_width(
width: (
Literal["clip", "pack", WHSettings.CLIP, WHSettings.PACK]
| int
| tuple[Literal["relative", "weight", WHSettings.RELATIVE, WHSettings.WEIGHT], int]
err: type[BaseException],
) -> (
tuple[Literal[WHSettings.CLIP, WHSettings.PACK], None]
| tuple[Literal[WHSettings.GIVEN, WHSettings.RELATIVE, WHSettings.WEIGHT], int]
Split width into (width_type, width_amount). Raise exception err
if width doesn't match a valid alignment.
if width in (WHSettings.CLIP, WHSettings.PACK):
return (WHSettings(width), None)
if isinstance(width, int):
return (WHSettings.GIVEN, width)
if isinstance(width, tuple) and len(width) == 2 and width[0] in (WHSettings.RELATIVE, WHSettings.WEIGHT):
width_type, width_amount = width
return (WHSettings(width_type), width_amount)
raise err(
f"width value {width!r} is not one of"
f"fixed number of columns, 'pack', ('relative', percentage of total width), 'clip'"
def simplify_width(
width_type: Literal["clip", "pack", WHSettings.CLIP, WHSettings.PACK],
width_amount: int | None,
) -> Literal[WHSettings.CLIP, WHSettings.PACK]:
def simplify_width(
width_type: Literal["given", WHSettings.GIVEN],
width_amount: int,
) -> int:
def simplify_width(
width_type: Literal["relative", WHSettings.RELATIVE],
width_amount: int,
) -> tuple[Literal[WHSettings.RELATIVE], int]:
def simplify_width(
width_type: Literal["weight", WHSettings.WEIGHT],
width_amount: int,
) -> tuple[Literal[WHSettings.WEIGHT], int]:
def simplify_width(
width_type: Literal["given", "relative", "weight", WHSettings.GIVEN, WHSettings.RELATIVE, WHSettings.WEIGHT],
width_amount: None,
) -> typing.NoReturn:
def simplify_width(
width_type: Literal["clip", "pack", "given", "relative", "weight"] | WHSettings,
width_amount: int | None,
) -> Literal[WHSettings.CLIP, WHSettings.PACK] | int | tuple[Literal[WHSettings.RELATIVE, WHSettings.WEIGHT], int]:
Recombine (width_type, width_amount) into an width value.
Inverse of normalize_width.
if width_type in (WHSettings.CLIP, WHSettings.PACK):
return WHSettings(width_type)
if not isinstance(width_amount, int):
raise TypeError(width_amount)
if width_type == WHSettings.GIVEN:
return width_amount
return (WHSettings(width_type), width_amount)
def normalize_height(
height: (int),
err: type[BaseException],
) -> tuple[Literal[WHSettings.GIVEN], int]:
def normalize_height(
height: (Literal["flow", "pack", Sizing.FLOW, WHSettings.PACK]),
err: type[BaseException],
) -> tuple[Literal[Sizing.FLOW, WHSettings.PACK], None]:
def normalize_height(
height: (tuple[Literal["relative", WHSettings.RELATIVE], int]),
err: type[BaseException],
) -> tuple[Literal[WHSettings.RELATIVE], int]:
def normalize_height(
height: (tuple[Literal["weight", WHSettings.WEIGHT], int]),
err: type[BaseException],
) -> tuple[Literal[WHSettings.WEIGHT], int]:
def normalize_height(
height: (
| Literal["flow", "pack", Sizing.FLOW, WHSettings.PACK]
| tuple[Literal["relative", "weight", WHSettings.RELATIVE, WHSettings.WEIGHT], int]
err: type[BaseException],
) -> (
tuple[Literal[Sizing.FLOW, WHSettings.PACK], None]
| tuple[Literal[WHSettings.RELATIVE, WHSettings.GIVEN, WHSettings.WEIGHT], int]
Split height into (height_type, height_amount). Raise exception err
if height isn't valid.
if height == Sizing.FLOW:
return (Sizing.FLOW, None)
if height == WHSettings.PACK:
return (WHSettings.PACK, None)
if isinstance(height, tuple) and len(height) == 2 and height[0] in (WHSettings.RELATIVE, WHSettings.WEIGHT):
return (WHSettings(height[0]), height[1])
if isinstance(height, int):
return (WHSettings.GIVEN, height)
raise err(
f"height value {height!r} is not one of "
f"fixed number of columns, 'pack', ('relative', percentage of total height)"
def simplify_height(
height_type: Literal["flow", "pack", WHSettings.FLOW, WHSettings.PACK],
height_amount: int | None,
) -> Literal[WHSettings.FLOW, WHSettings.PACK]:
def simplify_height(
height_type: Literal["given", WHSettings.GIVEN],
height_amount: int,
) -> int:
def simplify_height(
height_type: Literal["relative", WHSettings.RELATIVE],
height_amount: int | None,
) -> tuple[Literal[WHSettings.RELATIVE], int]:
def simplify_height(
height_type: Literal["weight", WHSettings.WEIGHT],
height_amount: int | None,
) -> tuple[Literal[WHSettings.WEIGHT], int]:
def simplify_height(
height_type: Literal["relative", "given", "weight", WHSettings.RELATIVE, WHSettings.GIVEN, WHSettings.WEIGHT],
height_amount: None,
) -> typing.NoReturn:
def simplify_height(
height_type: Literal[
height_amount: int | None,
) -> int | Literal[WHSettings.FLOW, WHSettings.PACK] | tuple[Literal[WHSettings.RELATIVE, WHSettings.WEIGHT], int]:
Recombine (height_type, height_amount) into a height value.
Inverse of normalize_height.
if height_type in (WHSettings.FLOW, WHSettings.PACK):
return WHSettings(height_type)
if not isinstance(height_amount, int):
raise TypeError(height_amount)
if height_type == WHSettings.GIVEN:
return height_amount
return (WHSettings(height_type), height_amount)