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2024-05-25 18:45:07 +02:00
# The winsdkapi tool parses Windows SDK JSON files and emits function declarations in either C
# declaration format, or Python winsdkapi Qiling stub. The Windows SDK JSON files can be found
# at: https://github.com/ohjeongwook/windows_sdk_data.git
# Usage examples:
# o Emitting function declarations of 'shlwapi' in a C declaration style:
# ./winsdkapi.py c "windows_sdk_data/data/shlwapi.json"
# o Emitting function declarations of 'winnt' in a Python Qiling stub style, with STDCALL cc:
# ./winsdkapi.py py-stdcall "windows_sdk_data/data/winnt.json"
# o Emitting function declarations from all JSON files in a C declaration style:
# ./winsdkapi.py c windows_sdk_data/data/*.json
import argparse
import json
from typing import Callable, Iterable, Tuple, Sequence, Mapping, Final, Any, TextIO
FuncType = str
FuncName = str
FuncArgs = Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]
FuncDecl = Tuple[FuncType, FuncName, FuncArgs]
def parse_json(jfile: TextIO) -> Sequence[FuncDecl]:
JObj = Mapping[str, Any]
def __parse_param(arg: JObj) -> Tuple[str, str]:
ptrlvl = 0
while type(arg['type']) is dict and 'type' in arg['type']:
arg = arg['type']
ptrlvl += 1
aname = arg.get('name', '')
atype = arg['type']
if arg.get('data_type') == 'Ptr':
ptrlvl += 1
if type(atype) is dict:
if atype['data_type'] == 'Struct':
atype = atype['name']
elif atype['data_type'] == 'Enum':
# BUG: windows_sdk_data repo doesn't specify the name of the enum
atype = 'enum?'
raise RuntimeError(f'unexpected data_type (atype = {atype})')
return (aname, atype + '*' * ptrlvl)
def __parse_args(args: Sequence[JObj]):
upidx = 1
for a in args:
aname, atype = __parse_param(a)
if not aname:
if atype == 'void':
assert len(args) == 1
aname = f'unnamedParam{upidx}'
upidx += 1
yield (aname, atype)
decls = json.load(jfile)
def __parse_decls(decls: Sequence):
for decl in decls:
# pick up only function declarations
if decl.get('data_type') == 'FuncDecl':
ftype = decl['type']
fname = decl['name']
fargs = decl['arguments']
# loc = 'api_locations'
func_type = __parse_param(ftype)
func_name = fname
func_args = tuple(__parse_args(fargs))
assert func_type[0] == fname, 'function name is inconsistent with its return type declaration'
yield (func_type[1], func_name, func_args)
if type(decls) is not list:
return tuple()
return tuple(__parse_decls(decls))
def dump_py(decls: Sequence[FuncDecl], cc: str) -> Iterable[str]:
print(f'from qiling import Qiling')
print(f'from qiling.os.windows.api import *')
print(f'from qiling.os.windows.fncc import *')
indent: Final[str] = ' ' * 4
def __patch_name(aname: str) -> str:
# merely a placeholder: nothing here yet
return aname
def __patch_type(atype: str) -> str:
return 'POINTER' if atype.endswith('*') else atype
for ftype, fname, fargs in decls:
if fargs:
names = [__patch_name(a[0]) for a in fargs]
types = [__patch_type(a[1]) for a in fargs]
longest = max(len(n) for n in names)
args = ',\n'.join(f"{indent}'{n}'{' ' * (longest - len(n))} : {t}" for n, t in zip(names, types))
args = f'\n{args}\n'
args = ''
decor = f'@winsdkapi(cc={cc}, params={{{args}}})'
proto = f'def hook_{fname}(ql: Qiling, address: int, params):'
body = f'{indent}pass'
# TODO: specify return type (ftype) as a comment, or None for a 'void'
yield f'{decor}\n{proto}\n{body}\n'
def dump_c(decls: Sequence[FuncDecl], cc: str) -> Iterable[str]:
# use a dimmed color for data types
def __dim(s: str) -> str:
return f'\x1b[90m{s}\x1b[39m'
for ftype, fname, fargs in decls:
yield f'{__dim(ftype)} {fname} ({", ".join(f"{__dim(a[1])} {a[0]}" for a in fargs)});'
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('format', choices=('c', 'py-cdecl', 'py-stdcall'), help='Declarations output format')
parser.add_argument('jfiles', metavar='jsonfile', nargs='+', help='JSON file(s) containing API prototypes')
args = parser.parse_args()
fmt, _, cc = args.format.partition('-')
handler: Callable = {
'c' : dump_c,
'py' : dump_py
for filename in args.jfiles:
with open(filename, 'r') as jfile:
for decl in handler(parse_json(jfile), cc):