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2024-05-25 18:45:07 +02:00
This module provides parsers to create ColouredText objects from embedded control strings.
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import re
from builtins import str
from future.utils import with_metaclass
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from logging import getLogger
import asciimatics.constants as constants
from asciimatics.utilities import _DotDict
# Diagnostic logging
logger = getLogger(__name__)
class Parser(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, object)):
Abstract class to represent text parsers that extract colour control codes from raw text and
convert them to displayable text and associated colour maps.
#: Command to display some text. Parameter is the text to display
#: Command to change active colour tuple. Parameters are the 3-tuple of (fg, attr, bg)
#: Command to move cursor to abs position. Parameters are (x, y) where each are absolute positions.
#: Command to move cursor to relative position. Parameters are (x, y) where each are relative positions.
#: Command to delete part of the current line. Params are 0, 1 and 2 for end, start, all.
#: Command to delete next N characters from this line.
#: Next tab stop
#: Set cursor visibility. Param is boolean setting True=visible
#: Clear the screen. No parameters.
#: Save the cursor position. No parameters.
#: Restore the cursor position. No parameters.
def __init__(self):
Initialize the parser.
self._state = None
def reset(self, text, colours):
Reset the parser to analyze the supplied raw text.
:param text: raw text to process.
:param colours: colour tuple to initialise the colour map.
self._state = _DotDict()
self._state.text = text
# Force colours to be mutable (in case a tuple was passed in).
self._state.attributes = [x for x in colours] if colours else None
def parse(self):
Generator to return coloured text from raw text.
Generally returns a stream of text/color tuple/offset tuples. If there is a colour update with no
visible text, the first element of the tuple may be None.
:returns: a 3-tuple of (start offset in raw text, command to execute, parameters)
def append(self, text):
Append more text to the current text being processed.
:param text: raw text to process.
self._state.text += text
class ControlCodeParser(Parser):
Parser to replace all control codes with a readable version - e.g. "^M" for carriage return.
def parse(self):
Generator to return coloured text from raw text.
:returns: a 3-tuple of (start offset in raw text, command to execute, parameters)
if self._state.attributes:
yield (0, Parser.CHANGE_COLOURS, tuple(self._attributes))
offset = 0
while len(self._state.text) > 0:
letter = self._state.text[0]
if ord(letter) < 32:
yield (offset, Parser.DISPLAY_TEXT, "^" + chr(ord("@") + ord(letter)))
yield (offset, Parser.DISPLAY_TEXT, letter)
offset += 1
self._state.text = self._state.text[1:]
class AsciimaticsParser(Parser):
Parser to handle Asciimatics rendering escape strings.
# Regular expression for use to find colour sequences in multi-colour text.
# It should match ${n}, ${m,n} or ${m,n,o}
_colour_sequence = re.compile(constants.COLOUR_REGEX)
def parse(self):
Generator to return coloured text from raw text.
:returns: a 3-tuple of (start offset in raw text, command to execute, parameters)
if self._state.attributes:
yield (0, Parser.CHANGE_COLOURS, tuple(self._state.attributes))
offset = last_offset = 0
while len(self._state.text) > 0:
match = self._colour_sequence.match(str(self._state.text))
if match is None:
yield (last_offset, Parser.DISPLAY_TEXT, self._state.text[0])
self._state.text = self._state.text[1:]
offset += 1
last_offset = offset
# The regexp either matches:
# - 2,3,4 for ${c,a,b}
# - 5,6 for ${c,a}
# - 7 for ${c}.
if match.group(2) is not None:
attributes = (int(match.group(2)),
elif match.group(5) is not None:
attributes = (int(match.group(5)),
attributes = (int(match.group(7)), 0, None)
yield (last_offset, Parser.CHANGE_COLOURS, attributes)
offset += 3 + len(match.group(1))
self._state.text = match.group(8)
class AnsiTerminalParser(Parser):
Parser to handle ANSI terminal escape codes.
# Regular expression for use to find colour sequences in multi-colour text.
_colour_sequence = re.compile(r"^(\x1B\[([^@-~]*)([@-~]))(.*)")
_os_cmd = re.compile(r"^(\x1B].*\x07)(.*)")
def reset(self, text, colours):
Reset the parser to analyze the supplied raw text.
:param text: raw text to process.
:param colours: colour tuple to initialise the colour map.
super(AnsiTerminalParser, self).reset(text, colours)
if self._state.attributes is None:
self._state.init_colours = False
self._state.attributes = [None, None, None]
self._state.init_colours = True
self._state.offset = 0
self._state.last_offset = 0
self._state.cursor = 0
def parse(self):
def _handle_escape(st):
match = self._colour_sequence.match(str(st.text))
if match is None:
# Not a CSI sequence... Check for some other options.
match = self._os_cmd.match(str(st.text))
if match:
# OS command - just swallow it.
return len(match.group(1)), None
elif len(st.text) > 1 and st.text[1] == "M":
# Reverse Index - i.e. move up/scroll
return 2, [(st.last_offset, Parser.MOVE_RELATIVE, (0, -1))]
# Unknown escape - guess how many characters to ignore - most likely just the next char
# unless we can see the start of a new sequence.
logger.debug("Ignoring: %s", st.text[0:2])
if len(st.text) < 2:
return -1, None
if st.text[1] in ("[", "]"):
return -1, None
return (2, None) if st.text[1] != "(" else (3, None)
# CSI sequence - look for the various options...
results = []
if match.group(3) == "m":
# We have found a SGR escape sequence ( CSI ... m ). These have zero or more
# embedded arguments, so create a simple FSM to process the parameter stream.
in_set_mode = False
in_index_mode = False
in_rgb_mode = False
skip_size = 0
attribute_index = 0
last_attributes = tuple(st.attributes)
for parameter in match.group(2).split(";"):
parameter = int(parameter)
except ValueError:
parameter = 0
if in_set_mode:
# We are processing a set fore/background colour code
if parameter == 5:
in_index_mode = True
elif parameter == 2:
in_rgb_mode = True
skip_size = 3
logger.info(("Unexpected colour setting", parameter))
in_set_mode = False
elif in_index_mode:
# We are processing a 5;n sequence for colour indeces
st.attributes[attribute_index] = parameter
in_index_mode = False
elif in_rgb_mode:
# We are processing a 2;r;g;b sequence for RGB colours - just ignore.
skip_size -= 1
if skip_size <= 0:
in_rgb_mode = False
# top-level stream processing
if parameter == 0:
# Reset
st.attributes = [constants.COLOUR_WHITE,
elif parameter == 1:
# Bold
st.attributes[1] = constants.A_BOLD
elif parameter in (2, 22):
# Faint/normal - faint not supported so treat as normal
st.attributes[1] = constants.A_NORMAL
elif parameter == 7:
# Inverse
st.attributes[1] = constants.A_REVERSE
elif parameter == 27:
# Inverse off - assume that means normal
st.attributes[1] = constants.A_NORMAL
elif parameter in range(30, 38):
# Standard foreground colours
st.attributes[0] = parameter - 30
elif parameter in range(40, 48):
# Standard background colours
st.attributes[2] = parameter - 40
elif parameter == 38:
# Set foreground colour - next parameter is either 5 (index) or 2 (RGB color)
in_set_mode = True
attribute_index = 0
elif parameter == 48:
# Set background colour - next parameter is either 5 (index) or 2 (RGB color)
in_set_mode = True
attribute_index = 2
elif parameter == 39:
# Default foreground colour
st.attributes[0] = -1
elif parameter == 49:
# Default background colour
st.attributes[2] = -1
elif parameter in range(90, 98):
# Bright foreground colours
st.attributes[0] = parameter - 82
elif parameter in range(100, 108):
# Bright background colours
st.attributes[2] = parameter - 92
logger.debug("Ignoring parameter: %s", parameter)
new_attributes = tuple(st.attributes)
if last_attributes != new_attributes:
results.append((st.last_offset, Parser.CHANGE_COLOURS, new_attributes))
elif match.group(3) == "K":
# This is a line delete sequence. Parameter defines which parts to delete.
param = match.group(2)
if param in ("", "0"):
# Delete to end of line
results.append((self._state.last_offset, Parser.DELETE_LINE, 0))
elif param == "1":
# Delete from start of line
results.append((self._state.last_offset, Parser.DELETE_LINE, 1))
elif param == "2":
# Delete whole line
results.append((self._state.last_offset, Parser.DELETE_LINE, 2))
elif match.group(3) == "P":
# This is a character delete sequence. Parameter defines how many to delete.
param = 1 if match.group(2) == "" else int(match.group(2))
results.append((self._state.last_offset, Parser.DELETE_CHARS, param))
elif match.group(3) == "A":
# Move cursor up. Parameter defines how far to move..
param = 1 if match.group(2) == "" else int(match.group(2))
results.append((self._state.last_offset, Parser.MOVE_RELATIVE, (0, -param)))
elif match.group(3) == "B":
# Move cursor down. Parameter defines how far to move..
param = 1 if match.group(2) == "" else int(match.group(2))
results.append((self._state.last_offset, Parser.MOVE_RELATIVE, (0, param)))
elif match.group(3) == "C":
# Move cursor forwards. Parameter defines how far to move..
param = 1 if match.group(2) == "" else int(match.group(2))
results.append((self._state.last_offset, Parser.MOVE_RELATIVE, (param, 0)))
elif match.group(3) == "D":
# Move cursor backwards. Parameter defines how far to move..
param = 1 if match.group(2) == "" else int(match.group(2))
results.append((self._state.last_offset, Parser.MOVE_RELATIVE, (-param, 0)))
elif match.group(3) == "H":
# Move cursor to specified position.
x, y = 0, 0
params = match.group(2).split(";")
y = int(params[0]) - 1 if params[0] != "" else 0
if len(params) > 1:
x = int(params[1]) - 1 if params[1] != "" else 0
results.append((self._state.last_offset, Parser.MOVE_ABSOLUTE, (x, y)))
elif match.group(3) == "h" and match.group(2) == "?25":
# Various DEC private mode commands - look for cursor visibility, ignore others.
results.append((self._state.last_offset, Parser.SHOW_CURSOR, True))
elif match.group(3) == "l" and match.group(2) == "?25":
# Various DEC private mode commands - look for cursor visibility, ignore others.
results.append((self._state.last_offset, Parser.SHOW_CURSOR, False))
elif match.group(3) == "h" and match.group(2) == "?1049":
# This should really create an alternate screen, but clearing is a close
# approximation
results.append((self._state.last_offset, Parser.CLEAR_SCREEN, None))
elif match.group(3) == "l" and match.group(2) == "?1049":
# This should really return to the normal screen, but clearing is a close
# approximation
results.append((self._state.last_offset, Parser.CLEAR_SCREEN, None))
elif match.group(3) == "J" and match.group(2) == "2":
# Clear the screen.
results.append((self._state.last_offset, Parser.CLEAR_SCREEN, None))
elif match.group(3) == "s":
# Save cursor pos
results.append((self._state.last_offset, Parser.SAVE_CURSOR, None))
elif match.group(3) == "u":
# Restore cursor pos
results.append((self._state.last_offset, Parser.RESTORE_CURSOR, None))
logger.debug("Ignoring control: %s", match.group(1))
return len(match.group(1)), results
if self._state.init_colours:
self._state.init_colours = False
yield (0, Parser.CHANGE_COLOURS, self._state.attributes)
while len(self._state.text) > 0:
char = ord(self._state.text[0])
new_offset = 1
if char > 31:
yield (self._state.last_offset, Parser.DISPLAY_TEXT, self._state.text[0])
self._state.last_offset = self._state.offset + 1
elif char == 7:
# Bell - ignore
elif char == 8:
# Back space
yield (self._state.last_offset, Parser.MOVE_RELATIVE, (-1, 0))
elif char == 9:
# Tab
yield (self._state.last_offset, Parser.NEXT_TAB, None)
elif char == 13:
# Carriage return
yield (self._state.last_offset, Parser.MOVE_ABSOLUTE, (0, None))
elif char == 27:
new_offset, results = _handle_escape(self._state)
if new_offset == -1:
if results is not None:
for result in results:
yield result
logger.debug("Ignoring character: %d", char)
yield (self._state.last_offset, Parser.DISPLAY_TEXT, " ")
self._state.last_offset = self._state.offset + 1
self._state.offset += new_offset
self._state.text = self._state.text[new_offset:]