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Code to exploit and research the Exynos Bootrom.

Setting up

Python module

Create a venv, and intall ghidra_assistant.

python3 -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txts

Building the debugger

The debugger needs to be built using gupje. Move the contents of source/gupje_device to Gupje/devices/samsung_s7. Then proceed to build the debugger.

mv source/gupje_device/* {your-gupje-root}/devices/samsung_s7
cd {your-gupje-root}
make -f devices/samsung_s7/Makefile

Then proceed to move the debugger to dump/debugger.bin. To get to work, run source/exploit/ The launch.json's are located in source/exploit, so its recommended to open this folder in your VSCode/favourite IDE.

Viewing/building documentation

To view documentation, ensure you have sphinx installed. If not, run sudo apt install python3-sphinx. Then proceed to build the documentation by running make livehtml in documentation.

Pushing documentation to confluence

Run sphinx-build -b confluence source _build/confluence from documentation/ to push docs to confluence. They will appear in the DT_Sphinx space. If running issues, be sure to remove the '_build' folder and try again!