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2020-12-27 21:00:11 +01:00

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# python-holidays
# ---------------
# A fast, efficient Python library for generating country, province and state
# specific sets of holidays on the fly. It aims to make determining whether a
# specific date is a holiday as fast and flexible as possible.
# Author: ryanss <ryanssdev@icloud.com> (c) 2014-2017
# dr-prodigy <maurizio.montel@gmail.com> (c) 2017-2020
# Website: https://github.com/dr-prodigy/python-holidays
# License: MIT (see LICENSE file)
from datetime import date
from dateutil.easter import easter
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta as rd, FR
from holidays.constants import JAN, MAR, APR, MAY, AUG, OCT, \
from holidays.constants import MON, TUE, THU, WEEKEND
from holidays.holiday_base import HolidayBase
class Hungary(HolidayBase):
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_holidays_in_Hungary
# observed days off work around national holidays in the last 10 years:
# https://www.munkaugyiforum.hu/munkaugyi-segedanyagok/
# 2018-evi-munkaszuneti-napok-koruli-munkarend-9-2017-ngm-rendelet
# codification dates:
# - https://hvg.hu/gazdasag/
# 20170307_Megszavaztak_munkaszuneti_nap_lett_a_nagypentek
# - https://www.tankonyvtar.hu/hu/tartalom/historia/
# 92-10/ch01.html#id496839
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.country = "HU"
HolidayBase.__init__(self, **kwargs)
def _populate(self, year):
# New years
self._add_with_observed_day_off(date(year, JAN, 1), "Újév", since=2014)
# National Day
if 1945 <= year <= 1950 or 1989 <= year:
date(year, MAR, 15), "Nemzeti ünnep")
# Soviet era
if 1950 <= year <= 1989:
# Proclamation of Soviet socialist governing system
self[date(year, MAR, 21)] = \
"A Tanácsköztársaság kikiáltásának ünnepe"
# Liberation Day
self[date(year, APR, 4)] = "A felszabadulás ünnepe"
# Memorial day of The Great October Soviet Socialist Revolution
if year not in (1956, 1989):
self[date(year, NOV, 7)] = \
"A nagy októberi szocialista forradalom ünnepe"
easter_date = easter(year)
# Good Friday
if 2017 <= year:
self[easter_date + rd(weekday=FR(-1))] = "Nagypéntek"
# Easter
self[easter_date] = "Húsvét"
# Second easter day
if 1955 != year:
self[easter_date + rd(days=1)] = "Húsvét Hétfő"
# Pentecost
self[easter_date + rd(days=49)] = "Pünkösd"
# Pentecost monday
if year <= 1952 or 1992 <= year:
self[easter_date + rd(days=50)] = "Pünkösdhétfő"
# International Workers' Day
if 1946 <= year:
date(year, MAY, 1), "A Munka ünnepe")
if 1950 <= year <= 1953:
self[date(year, MAY, 2)] = "A Munka ünnepe"
# State Foundation Day (1771-????, 1891-)
if 1950 <= year < 1990:
self[date(year, AUG, 20)] = "A kenyér ünnepe"
date(year, AUG, 20), "Az államalapítás ünnepe")
# National Day
if 1991 <= year:
date(year, OCT, 23), "Nemzeti ünnep")
# All Saints' Day
if 1999 <= year:
date(year, NOV, 1), "Mindenszentek")
# Christmas Eve is not endorsed officially
# but nowadays it is usually a day off work
if self.observed and 2010 <= year \
and date(year, DEC, 24).weekday() not in WEEKEND:
self[date(year, DEC, 24)] = "Szenteste"
# First christmas
self[date(year, DEC, 25)] = "Karácsony"
# Second christmas
if 1955 != year:
date(year, DEC, 26), "Karácsony másnapja", since=2013,
before=False, after=True)
# New Year's Eve
if self.observed and 2014 <= year \
and date(year, DEC, 31).weekday() == MON:
self[date(year, DEC, 31)] = "Szilveszter"
def _add_with_observed_day_off(self, day, desc, since=2010,
before=True, after=True):
# Swapped days off were in place earlier but
# I haven't found official record yet.
self[day] = desc
# TODO: should it be a separate flag?
if self.observed and since <= day.year:
if day.weekday() == TUE and before:
self[day - rd(days=1)] = desc + " előtti pihenőnap"
elif day.weekday() == THU and after:
self[day + rd(days=1)] = desc + " utáni pihenőnap"
class HU(Hungary):
class HUN(Hungary):