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2020-12-27 21:00:11 +01:00

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# python-holidays
# ---------------
# A fast, efficient Python library for generating country, province and state
# specific sets of holidays on the fly. It aims to make determining whether a
# specific date is a holiday as fast and flexible as possible.
# Author: ryanss <ryanssdev@icloud.com> (c) 2014-2017
# dr-prodigy <maurizio.montel@gmail.com> (c) 2017-2020
# Website: https://github.com/dr-prodigy/python-holidays
# License: MIT (see LICENSE file)
from datetime import date
from dateutil.easter import easter
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta as rd, WE
from holidays.constants import JAN, MAR, MAY, AUG, SEP, OCT, \
from holidays.holiday_base import HolidayBase
class Germany(HolidayBase):
"""Official holidays for Germany in its current form.
This class doesn't return any holidays before 1990-10-03.
Before that date the current Germany was separated into the "German
Democratic Republic" and the "Federal Republic of Germany" which both had
somewhat different holidays. Since this class is called "Germany" it
doesn't really make sense to include the days from the two former
Note that Germany doesn't have rules for holidays that happen on a
Sunday. Those holidays are still holiday days but there is no additional
day to make up for the "lost" day.
Also note that German holidays are partly declared by each province there
are some weired edge cases:
- "Mariä Himmelfahrt" is only a holiday in Bavaria (BY) if your
municipality is mostly catholic which in term depends on census data.
Since we don't have this data but most municipalities in Bavaria
*are* mostly catholic, we count that as holiday for whole Bavaria.
We added BYP for the municipality in Bavaria with more protestants.
Here this is excluded.
- There is an "Augsburger Friedensfest" which only exists in the town
Augsburg. This is excluded for Bavaria.
- "Gründonnerstag" (Thursday before easter) is not a holiday but pupils
don't have to go to school (but only in Baden Württemberg) which is
solved by adjusting school holidays to include this day. It is
excluded from our list.
- "Fronleichnam" is a holiday in certain, explicitly defined
municipalities in Saxony (SN) and Thuringia (TH). We exclude it from
both provinces.
PROVINCES = ['BW', 'BY', 'BYP', 'BE', 'BB', 'HB', 'HH', 'HE', 'MV', 'NI',
'NW', 'RP', 'SL', 'SN', 'ST', 'SH', 'TH']
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.country = 'DE'
self.prov = kwargs.pop('prov', None)
HolidayBase.__init__(self, **kwargs)
def _populate(self, year):
if year <= 1989:
if year > 1990:
self[date(year, JAN, 1)] = 'Neujahr'
if self.prov in ('BW', 'BY', 'BYP', 'ST'):
self[date(year, JAN, 6)] = 'Heilige Drei Könige'
self[easter(year) - rd(days=2)] = 'Karfreitag'
if self.prov == "BB":
# will always be a Sunday and we have no "observed" rule so
# this is pretty pointless but it's nonetheless an official
# holiday by law
self[easter(year)] = "Ostersonntag"
self[easter(year) + rd(days=1)] = 'Ostermontag'
self[date(year, MAY, 1)] = 'Erster Mai'
if self.prov == "BE" and year == 2020:
self[date(year, MAY, 8)] = \
"75. Jahrestag der Befreiung vom Nationalsozialismus " \
"und der Beendigung des Zweiten Weltkriegs in Europa"
self[easter(year) + rd(days=39)] = 'Christi Himmelfahrt'
if self.prov == "BB":
# will always be a Sunday and we have no "observed" rule so
# this is pretty pointless but it's nonetheless an official
# holiday by law
self[easter(year) + rd(days=49)] = "Pfingstsonntag"
self[easter(year) + rd(days=50)] = 'Pfingstmontag'
if self.prov in ('BW', 'BY', 'BYP', 'HE', 'NW', 'RP', 'SL'):
self[easter(year) + rd(days=60)] = 'Fronleichnam'
if self.prov in ('BY', 'SL'):
self[date(year, AUG, 15)] = 'Mariä Himmelfahrt'
self[date(year, OCT, 3)] = 'Tag der Deutschen Einheit'
if self.prov in ('BB', 'MV', 'SN', 'ST', 'TH'):
self[date(year, OCT, 31)] = 'Reformationstag'
if self.prov in ('HB', 'SH', 'NI', 'HH') and year >= 2018:
self[date(year, OCT, 31)] = 'Reformationstag'
# in 2017 all states got the Reformationstag (500th anniversary of
# Luther's thesis)
if year == 2017:
self[date(year, OCT, 31)] = 'Reformationstag'
if self.prov in ('BW', 'BY', 'BYP', 'NW', 'RP', 'SL'):
self[date(year, NOV, 1)] = 'Allerheiligen'
if year <= 1994 or self.prov == 'SN':
# can be calculated as "last wednesday before year-11-23" which is
# why we need to go back two wednesdays if year-11-23 happens to be
# a wednesday
base_data = date(year, NOV, 23)
weekday_delta = WE(-2) if base_data.weekday() == 2 else WE(-1)
self[base_data + rd(weekday=weekday_delta)] = 'Buß- und Bettag'
if year >= 2019:
if self.prov == 'TH':
self[date(year, SEP, 20)] = 'Weltkindertag'
if self.prov == 'BE':
self[date(year, MAR, 8)] = 'Internationaler Frauentag'
self[date(year, DEC, 25)] = 'Erster Weihnachtstag'
self[date(year, DEC, 26)] = 'Zweiter Weihnachtstag'
class DE(Germany):
class DEU(Germany):