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92 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# python-holidays
# ---------------
# A fast, efficient Python library for generating country, province and state
# specific sets of holidays on the fly. It aims to make determining whether a
# specific date is a holiday as fast and flexible as possible.
# Author: ryanss <ryanssdev@icloud.com> (c) 2014-2017
# dr-prodigy <maurizio.montel@gmail.com> (c) 2017-2020
# Website: https://github.com/dr-prodigy/python-holidays
# License: MIT (see LICENSE file)
from datetime import date, timedelta
from dateutil.easter import easter
from holidays.constants import JAN, MAY, JUN, AUG, OCT, NOV, DEC
from holidays.holiday_base import HolidayBase
class Croatia(HolidayBase):
# Updated with act 022-03 / 19-01 / 219 of 14 November 2019
# https://narodne-novine.nn.hr/clanci/sluzbeni/2019_11_110_2212.html
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_holidays_in_Croatia
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.country = "HR"
HolidayBase.__init__(self, **kwargs)
def _populate(self, year):
# New years
self[date(year, JAN, 1)] = "Nova Godina"
# Epiphany
self[date(year, JAN, 6)] = "Sveta tri kralja"
easter_date = easter(year)
# Easter
self[easter_date] = "Uskrs"
# Easter Monday
self[easter_date + timedelta(days=1)] = "Uskrsni ponedjeljak"
# Corpus Christi
self[easter_date + timedelta(days=60)] = "Tijelovo"
# International Workers' Day
self[date(year, MAY, 1)] = "Međunarodni praznik rada"
# Statehood day (new)
if year >= 2020:
self[date(year, MAY, 30)] = "Dan državnosti"
# Anti-fascist struggle day
self[date(year, JUN, 22)] = "Dan antifašističke borbe"
# Statehood day (old)
if year < 2020:
self[date(year, JUN, 25)] = "Dan državnosti"
# Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day
self[date(year, AUG, 5)] = "Dan pobjede i domovinske zahvalnosti"
# Assumption of Mary
self[date(year, AUG, 15)] = "Velika Gospa"
# Independence Day (old)
if year < 2020:
self[date(year, OCT, 8)] = "Dan neovisnosti"
# All Saints' Day
self[date(year, NOV, 1)] = "Svi sveti"
if year >= 2020:
# Memorial day
self[date(year, NOV, 18)] = "Dan sjećanja"
# Christmas day
self[date(year, DEC, 25)] = "Božić"
# St. Stephen's day
self[date(year, DEC, 26)] = "Sveti Stjepan"
class HR(Croatia):
class HRV(Croatia):