257 lines
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257 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# python-holidays
# ---------------
# A fast, efficient Python library for generating country, province and state
# specific sets of holidays on the fly. It aims to make determining whether a
# specific date is a holiday as fast and flexible as possible.
# Author: ryanss <ryanssdev@icloud.com> (c) 2014-2017
# dr-prodigy <maurizio.montel@gmail.com> (c) 2017-2020
# Website: https://github.com/dr-prodigy/python-holidays
# License: MIT (see LICENSE file)
from datetime import date
from dateutil.easter import easter
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta as rd, MO, SU, FR
from holidays.constants import FRI, SAT, SUN, WEEKEND
from holidays.constants import JAN, FEB, MAR, APR, MAY, JUN, JUL, AUG, SEP, \
OCT, \
from holidays.holiday_base import HolidayBase
class Canada(HolidayBase):
PROVINCES = ['AB', 'BC', 'MB', 'NB', 'NL', 'NS', 'NT', 'NU', 'ON', 'PE',
'QC', 'SK', 'YT']
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.country = 'CA'
self.prov = kwargs.pop('prov', 'ON')
HolidayBase.__init__(self, **kwargs)
def _populate(self, year):
# New Year's Day
if year >= 1867:
name = "New Year's Day"
self[date(year, JAN, 1)] = name
if self.observed and date(year, JAN, 1).weekday() == SUN:
self[date(year, JAN, 1) + rd(days=+1)] = name + \
" (Observed)"
elif self.observed \
and date(year, JAN, 1).weekday() == SAT:
# Add Dec 31st from the previous year without triggering
# the entire year to be added
expand = self.expand
self.expand = False
self[date(year, JAN, 1) + rd(days=-1)] = name + \
" (Observed)"
self.expand = expand
# The next year's observed New Year's Day can be in this year
# when it falls on a Friday (Jan 1st is a Saturday)
if self.observed and date(year, DEC, 31).weekday() == FRI:
self[date(year, DEC, 31)] = name + " (Observed)"
# Family Day / Louis Riel Day (MB) / Islander Day (PE)
# / Heritage Day (NS, YT)
if self.prov in ('AB', 'SK', 'ON') and year >= 2008:
self[date(year, FEB, 1) + rd(weekday=MO(+3))] = "Family Day"
elif self.prov in ('AB', 'SK') and year >= 2007:
self[date(year, FEB, 1) + rd(weekday=MO(+3))] = "Family Day"
elif self.prov == 'AB' and year >= 1990:
self[date(year, FEB, 1) + rd(weekday=MO(+3))] = "Family Day"
elif self.prov == 'NB' and year >= 2018:
self[date(year, FEB, 1) + rd(weekday=MO(+3))] = "Family Day"
elif self.prov == 'BC':
if year >= 2013 and year <= 2018:
self[date(year, FEB, 1) + rd(weekday=MO(+2))] = \
"Family Day"
elif year > 2018:
self[date(year, FEB, 1) + rd(weekday=MO(+3))] = \
"Family Day"
elif self.prov == 'MB' and year >= 2008:
self[date(year, FEB, 1) + rd(weekday=MO(+3))] = \
"Louis Riel Day"
elif self.prov == 'PE' and year >= 2010:
self[date(year, FEB, 1) + rd(weekday=MO(+3))] = "Islander Day"
elif self.prov == 'PE' and year == 2009:
self[date(year, FEB, 1) + rd(weekday=MO(+2))] = "Islander Day"
elif self.prov == 'NS' and year >= 2015:
# http://novascotia.ca/lae/employmentrights/NovaScotiaHeritageDay.asp
self[date(year, FEB, 1) + rd(weekday=MO(+3))] = "Heritage Day"
elif self.prov == 'YT':
# start date?
# http://heritageyukon.ca/programs/heritage-day
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Family_Day_(Canada)#Yukon_Heritage_Day
# Friday before the last Sunday in February
dt = date(year, MAR, 1) + rd(weekday=SU(-1)) + rd(weekday=FR(-1))
self[dt] = "Heritage Day"
# St. Patrick's Day
if self.prov == 'NL' and year >= 1900:
dt = date(year, MAR, 17)
# Nearest Monday to March 17
dt1 = date(year, MAR, 17) + rd(weekday=MO(-1))
dt2 = date(year, MAR, 17) + rd(weekday=MO(+1))
if dt2 - dt <= dt - dt1:
self[dt2] = "St. Patrick's Day"
self[dt1] = "St. Patrick's Day"
# Good Friday
if self.prov != 'QC' and year >= 1867:
self[easter(year) + rd(weekday=FR(-1))] = "Good Friday"
# Easter Monday
if self.prov == 'QC' and year >= 1867:
self[easter(year) + rd(weekday=MO)] = "Easter Monday"
# St. George's Day
if self.prov == 'NL' and year == 2010:
# 4/26 is the Monday closer to 4/23 in 2010
# but the holiday was observed on 4/19? Crazy Newfies!
self[date(2010, 4, 19)] = "St. George's Day"
elif self.prov == 'NL' and year >= 1990:
dt = date(year, APR, 23)
# Nearest Monday to April 23
dt1 = dt + rd(weekday=MO(-1))
dt2 = dt + rd(weekday=MO(+1))
if dt2 - dt < dt - dt1:
self[dt2] = "St. George's Day"
self[dt1] = "St. George's Day"
# Victoria Day / National Patriots' Day (QC)
if self.prov not in ('NB', 'NS', 'PE', 'NL', 'QC') and year >= 1953:
self[date(year, MAY, 24) + rd(weekday=MO(-1))] = "Victoria Day"
elif self.prov == 'QC' and year >= 1953:
name = "National Patriots' Day"
self[date(year, MAY, 24) + rd(weekday=MO(-1))] = name
# National Aboriginal Day
if self.prov == 'NT' and year >= 1996:
self[date(year, JUN, 21)] = "National Aboriginal Day"
# St. Jean Baptiste Day
if self.prov == 'QC' and year >= 1925:
self[date(year, JUN, 24)] = "St. Jean Baptiste Day"
if self.observed and date(year, JUN, 24).weekday() == SUN:
self[date(year, JUN, 25)] = "St. Jean Baptiste Day (Observed)"
# Discovery Day
if self.prov == 'NL' and year >= 1997:
dt = date(year, JUN, 24)
# Nearest Monday to June 24
dt1 = dt + rd(weekday=MO(-1))
dt2 = dt + rd(weekday=MO(+1))
if dt2 - dt <= dt - dt1:
self[dt2] = "Discovery Day"
self[dt1] = "Discovery Day"
elif self.prov == 'YT' and year >= 1912:
self[date(year, AUG, 1) + rd(weekday=MO(+3))] = "Discovery Day"
# Canada Day / Memorial Day (NL)
if self.prov != 'NL' and year >= 1867:
if year >= 1983:
name = "Canada Day"
name = "Dominion Day"
self[date(year, JUL, 1)] = name
if year >= 1879 and self.observed \
and date(year, JUL, 1).weekday() in WEEKEND:
self[date(year, JUL, 1) + rd(weekday=MO)] = name + \
" (Observed)"
elif year >= 1867:
if year >= 1983:
name = "Memorial Day"
name = "Dominion Day"
self[date(year, JUL, 1)] = name
if year >= 1879 and self.observed \
and date(year, JUL, 1).weekday() in WEEKEND:
self[date(year, JUL, 1) + rd(weekday=MO)] = name + \
" (Observed)"
# Nunavut Day
if self.prov == 'NU' and year >= 2001:
self[date(year, JUL, 9)] = "Nunavut Day"
if self.observed and date(year, JUL, 9).weekday() == SUN:
self[date(year, JUL, 10)] = "Nunavut Day (Observed)"
elif self.prov == 'NU' and year == 2000:
self[date(2000, 4, 1)] = "Nunavut Day"
# Civic Holiday
if self.prov in ('ON', 'MB', 'NT') and year >= 1900:
self[date(year, AUG, 1) + rd(weekday=MO)] = "Civic Holiday"
elif self.prov == 'AB' and year >= 1974:
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civic_Holiday#Alberta
self[date(year, AUG, 1) + rd(weekday=MO)] = "Heritage Day"
elif self.prov == 'BC' and year >= 1974:
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civic_Holiday
self[date(year, AUG, 1) + rd(weekday=MO)] = \
"British Columbia Day"
elif self.prov == 'NB' and year >= 1900:
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civic_Holiday
self[date(year, AUG, 1) + rd(weekday=MO)] = "New Brunswick Day"
elif self.prov == 'SK' and year >= 1900:
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civic_Holiday
self[date(year, AUG, 1) + rd(weekday=MO)] = "Saskatchewan Day"
# Labour Day
if year >= 1894:
self[date(year, SEP, 1) + rd(weekday=MO)] = "Labour Day"
# Thanksgiving
if self.prov not in ('NB', 'NS', 'PE', 'NL') and year >= 1931:
if year == 1935:
# in 1935, Canadian Thanksgiving was moved due to the General
# Election falling on the second Monday of October
# https://books.google.ca/books?id=KcwlQsmheG4C&pg=RA1-PA1940&lpg=RA1-PA1940&dq=canada+thanksgiving+1935&source=bl&ots=j4qYrcfGuY&sig=gxXeAQfXVsOF9fOwjSMswPHJPpM&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjO0f3J2PjOAhVS4mMKHRzKBLAQ6AEIRDAG#v=onepage&q=canada%20thanksgiving%201935&f=false
self[date(1935, 10, 25)] = "Thanksgiving"
self[date(year, OCT, 1) + rd(weekday=MO(+2))] = \
# Remembrance Day
name = "Remembrance Day"
provinces = ('ON', 'QC', 'NS', 'NL', 'NT', 'PE', 'SK')
if self.prov not in provinces and year >= 1931:
self[date(year, NOV, 11)] = name
elif self.prov in ('NS', 'NL', 'NT', 'PE', 'SK') and year >= 1931:
self[date(year, NOV, 11)] = name
if self.observed and date(year, NOV, 11).weekday() == SUN:
name = name + " (Observed)"
self[date(year, NOV, 11) + rd(weekday=MO)] = name
# Christmas Day
if year >= 1867:
self[date(year, DEC, 25)] = "Christmas Day"
if self.observed \
and date(year, DEC, 25).weekday() == SAT:
self[date(year, DEC, 24)] = "Christmas Day (Observed)"
elif self.observed \
and date(year, DEC, 25).weekday() == SUN:
self[date(year, DEC, 26)] = "Christmas Day (Observed)"
# Boxing Day
if year >= 1867:
name = "Boxing Day"
name_observed = name + " (Observed)"
if self.observed and date(year, DEC, 26).weekday() in WEEKEND:
self[date(year, DEC, 26) + rd(weekday=MO)] = name_observed
elif self.observed and date(year, DEC, 26).weekday() == 0:
self[date(year, DEC, 27)] = name_observed
self[date(year, DEC, 26)] = name
class CA(Canada):
class CAN(Canada):