import datetime import webbrowser import holidays from selenium import webdriver import time from selenium.webdriver import ActionChains import os day = #refomroep_url = "" refomroep_url = "" refomroep_stream = "" spijkenissee_omroep_url = "" feestdagen = holidays.NL() sunday = False #unmute os.system("amixer set Master unmute") os.system("amixer set Master 80%") #Get day of week and feestday. if(day == 6): print("Its a sunday!") sunday = True else: if( in feestdagen): print("Its a dutch holliday! {}".format( #Now check time t = if(t.hour > 9 and t.hour < 12): print("Ochtendienst") sunday = True else: print("Not a church time, assuming it is not a church day!") else: print("Its a weekday") fp = webdriver.FirefoxProfile("/home/opa/.mozilla/firefox/sib3verx.default-release") driver = webdriver.Firefox(fp,executable_path="./geckodriver") def PlayMe(): if(sunday): driver.get(spijkenissee_omroep_url) time.sleep(7) button = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//html//body//div[1]//div//div[1]//div[3]//div[2]//iframe[1]') print(button.location) actionChains = ActionChains(driver) actionChains.move_to_element(button).click().perform() else: driver.get(refomroep_stream) time.sleep(2) button = driver.find_element_by_xpath('/html/body/div/div/section/div[3]/button')#'/html/body/div/section/div[3]/button')#('//html//body//div//main//section//div[1]//div//iframe') #/html/body/div/main/section/div[1]/d button.location[0] = 10 print(button.location) actionChains = ActionChains(driver) actionChains.move_to_element(button).click().perform() return True PlayMe() exit() count = 0 while(True): count +=1 if(count > 10): exit() try: if(PlayMe()): break except: time.sleep(4) print("Failed to press button or something else happened?") driver.quit() driver = webdriver.Firefox(executable_path="./geckodriver")