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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of convertdate.
# http://github.com/fitnr/convertdate
# Licensed under the MIT license:
# http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
# Copyright (c) 2016, fitnr <fitnr@fakeisthenewreal>
import time
import calendar
from math import trunc
from .utils import nth_day_of_month
from . import hebrew
# weekdays
MON = 0
TUE = 1
WED = 2
THU = 3
FRI = 4
SAT = 5
SUN = 6
# months
JAN = 1
FEB = 2
MAR = 3
APR = 4
MAY = 5
JUN = 6
JUL = 7
AUG = 8
SEP = 9
OCT = 10
NOV = 11
DEC = 12
def new_years(year):
'''Jan 1st'''
return (year, JAN, 1)
def martin_luther_king_day(year):
'''third monday in January'''
return nth_day_of_month(3, MON, JAN, year)
def lincolns_birthday(year):
'''Feb 12'''
return (year, FEB, 12)
def valentines_day(year):
'''feb 14th'''
return (year, FEB, 14)
def washingtons_birthday(year):
'''Feb 22'''
return (year, FEB, 22)
def presidents_day(year):
'''3rd Monday of Feb'''
return nth_day_of_month(3, MON, FEB, year)
def pulaski_day(year):
'''1st monday in March'''
return nth_day_of_month(1, MON, MAR, year)
def easter(year):
'''Calculate western easter'''
# formula taken from http://aa.usno.navy.mil/faq/docs/easter.html
c = trunc(year / 100)
n = year - 19 * trunc(year / 19)
k = trunc((c - 17) / 25)
i = c - trunc(c / 4) - trunc((c - k) / 3) + (19 * n) + 15
i = i - 30 * trunc(i / 30)
i = i - trunc(i / 28) * (1 - trunc(i / 28) * trunc(29 / (i + 1)) * trunc((21 - n) / 11))
j = year + trunc(year / 4) + i + 2 - c + trunc(c / 4)
j = j - 7 * trunc(j / 7)
l = i - j
month = 3 + trunc((l + 40) / 44)
day = l + 28 - 31 * trunc(month / 4)
return year, int(month), int(day)
def may_day(year):
return (year, MAY, 1)
def mothers_day(year):
'''2nd Sunday in May'''
return nth_day_of_month(2, SUN, MAY, year)
def memorial_day(year):
'''last Monday in May'''
return nth_day_of_month(0, MON, MAY, year)
def fathers_day(year):
'''3rd Sunday in June'''
return nth_day_of_month(3, SUN, JUN, year)
def flag_day(year):
'''June 14th'''
return (year, JUN, 14)
def independence_day(year, observed=None):
'''July 4th'''
day = 4
if observed:
if calendar.weekday(year, JUL, 4) == SAT:
day = 3
if calendar.weekday(year, JUL, 4) == SUN:
day = 5
return (year, JUL, day)
def labor_day(year):
'''first Monday in Sep'''
return nth_day_of_month(1, MON, SEP, year)
def columbus_day(year, country='usa'):
'''in USA: 2nd Monday in Oct
Elsewhere: Oct 12'''
if country == 'usa':
return nth_day_of_month(2, MON, OCT, year)
return (year, OCT, 12)
def halloween(year):
'''Oct 31'''
return (year, OCT, 31)
def election_day(year):
'''1st Tues in Nov'''
return nth_day_of_month(1, TUE, NOV, year)
def veterans_day(year):
'''Nov 11'''
return (year, NOV, 11)
def rememberance_day(year):
return veterans_day(year)
def armistice_day(year):
return veterans_day(year)
def thanksgiving(year, country='usa'):
'''USA: last Thurs. of November, Canada: 2nd Mon. of October'''
if country == 'usa':
if year in [1940, 1941]:
return nth_day_of_month(3, THU, NOV, year)
elif year == 1939:
return nth_day_of_month(4, THU, NOV, year)
return nth_day_of_month(0, THU, NOV, year)
if country == 'canada':
return nth_day_of_month(2, MON, OCT, year)
def christmas_eve(year):
'''24th of December'''
return (year, DEC, 24)
def christmas(year):
'''25th of December'''
return (year, DEC, 25)
def new_years_eve(year):
'''Dec 31st'''
return (year, DEC, 31)
# Jewish holidays begins the sunset before the first (secular) day of the holiday
# With the eve option set, the day of this sunset is returned
# without the option, the (secular) day is returned
def hanukkah(year, eve=None):
year, month, day = hebrew.to_jd_gregorianyear(year, hebrew.KISLEV, 25)
if eve:
day = day - 1
return year, month, day
def purim(year, eve=None):
if not hebrew.leap(year + hebrew.HEBREW_YEAR_OFFSET):
year, month, day = hebrew.to_jd_gregorianyear(year, hebrew.ADAR, 14)
year, month, day = hebrew.to_jd_gregorianyear(year, hebrew.VEADAR, 14)
if eve:
day = day - 1
return year, month, day
def rosh_hashanah(year, eve=None):
year, month, day = hebrew.to_jd_gregorianyear(year, hebrew.TISHRI, 1)
if eve:
day = day - 1
return year, month, day
def yom_kippur(year, eve=None):
year, month, day = hebrew.to_jd_gregorianyear(year, hebrew.TISHRI, 10)
if eve:
day = day - 1
return year, month, day
def passover(year, eve=None):
year, month, day = hebrew.to_jd_gregorianyear(year, hebrew.NISAN, 15)
if eve:
day = day - 1
return year, month, day
def shavuot(year, eve=None):
year, month, day = hebrew.to_jd_gregorianyear(year, hebrew.SIVAN, 6)
if eve:
day = day - 1
return year, month, day
def sukkot(year, eve=None):
year, month, day = hebrew.to_jd_gregorianyear(year, hebrew.TISHRI, 15)
if eve:
day = day - 1
return year, month, day
# Mexican holidays
def dia_constitucion(year, observed=True):
if observed:
return nth_day_of_month(1, MON, FEB, year)
return (year, FEB, 5)
def natalicio_benito_juarez(year, observed=True):
if observed:
return nth_day_of_month(3, MON, MAR, year)
return (year, MAR, 21)
def dia_independencia(year):
return year, SEP, 16
def dia_revolucion(year):
return nth_day_of_month(3, MON, NOV, year)
class Holidays(object):
def __init__(self, year=None):
self.year = year or time.localtime().tm_year
def set_year(self, year):
self.year = year
def __repr__(self):
return 'Holidays({})'.format(self.year)
# the holidays...
def christmas(self):
return christmas(self.year)
def christmas_eve(self):
return christmas_eve(self.year)
def thanksgiving(self, country='usa'):
return thanksgiving(self.year, country)
def new_years(self):
return new_years(self.year)
def new_years_eve(self):
return new_years_eve(self.year)
def independence_day(self):
return independence_day(self.year, observed=True)
def flag_day(self):
return flag_day(self.year)
def election_day(self):
return election_day(self.year)
def presidents_day(self):
return presidents_day(self.year)
def washingtons_birthday(self):
return washingtons_birthday(self.year)
def lincolns_birthday(self):
return lincolns_birthday(self.year)
def memorial_day(self):
return memorial_day(self.year)
def labor_day(self):
return labor_day(self.year)
def columbus_day(self, country='usa'):
return columbus_day(self.year, country)
def veterans_day(self):
return veterans_day(self.year)
def valentines_day(self):
return valentines_day(self.year)
def halloween(self):
return halloween(self.year)
def mothers_day(self):
return mothers_day(self.year)
def fathers_day(self):
return fathers_day(self.year)
def pulaski_day(self):
return pulaski_day(self.year)
def easter(self):
return easter(self.year)
def martin_luther_king_day(self):
return martin_luther_king_day(self.year)
def hanukkah(self):
return hanukkah(self.year, eve=False)
def purim(self):
return purim(self.year, eve=False)
def rosh_hashanah(self):
return rosh_hashanah(self.year, eve=False)
def yom_kippur(self):
return yom_kippur(self.year, eve=False)
def passover(self):
return passover(self.year, eve=False)
def shavuot(self):
return shavuot(self.year, eve=False)
def sukkot(self):
return sukkot(self.year, eve=False)
def dia_constitucion(self):
return dia_constitucion(self.year, observed=True)
def natalicio_benito_juarez(self):
return natalicio_benito_juarez(self.year, observed=True)
def dia_independencia(self):
return dia_independencia(self.year)
def dia_revolucion(self):
return dia_revolucion(self.year)
if __name__ == '__main__':
holiday = Holidays(time.localtime().tm_year)