252 lines
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252 lines
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Metadata-Version: 2.1
Name: convertdate
Version: 2.2.0
Summary: Converts between Gregorian dates and other calendar systems.Calendars included: Baha'i, French Republican, Hebrew, Indian Civil, Islamic, ISO, Julian, Mayan and Persian.
Home-page: https://github.com/fitnr/convertdate
Author: Neil Freeman
Author-email: contact@fakeisthenewreal.org
License: MIT
Platform: UNKNOWN
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8
Classifier: Topic :: Religion
Classifier: Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Astronomy
Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent
Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License
Description-Content-Type: text/markdown
Requires-Dist: pytz (<2020,>=2014.10)
Requires-Dist: pymeeus (<=1,>=0.3.6)
The convertdate package was originally developed as "[Python Date
Utils](http://sourceforge.net/projects/pythondateutil/)" by Phil
Schwartz. It had been significantly updated and expanded.
Available calendars:
- Bahai
- Coptic (Alexandrian)
- French Republican
- Gregorian
- Hebrew
- Indian Civil
- Islamic
- Julian
- Mayan
- Persian
- Positivist
- Mayan
- Ordinal (day of year)
- Dublin day count
- Julian day count
The `holidays` module also provides some useful holiday-calculation,
with a focus on North American and Jewish holidays.
`pip install convertdate`
Or download the package and run `python setup.py install`.
from convertdate import french_republican
from convertdate import hebrew
french_republican.from_gregorian(2014, 10, 31)
# (223, 2, 1, 9)
hebrew.from_gregorian(2014, 10, 31)
# (5775, 8, 7)
Note that in some calendar systems, the day begins at sundown.
Convertdate gives the conversion for noon of the day in question.
Each module includes a monthcalendar function, which will generate a
calender-like nested list for a year and month (each list of dates runs
from Sunday to Saturday)
hebrew.monthcalendar(5775, 8)
# [
# [None, None, None, None, None, None, 1],
# [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8],
# [9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15],
# [16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22],
# [23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29]
# ]
julian.monthcalendar(2015, 1)
# [
# [None, None, None, 1, 2, 3, 4],
# [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11],
# [12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18],
# [19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25],
# [26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, None]
# ]
Special Options
### French Republican
Leap year calculations in the French Republican calendar are a matter of
dispute. By default, `convertdate` calculates leap years using the
autumnal equinox. You can also use one of three more systematic methods
proposed over the years.
- Romme, a co-creator of the calendar, proposed leap years in years
divisible by four, except for years divisible by 100.
- Some concordances were drawn up in the 19th century that gave leap
years every 4 years, in years that give a remainder of three when
divided by four (19, 23, 27, etc...).
- Von Mädler proposed leap years in years divisible by four, except
for years divisible by 128.
You can specify any of these three methods with the method keyword
argument in `french_republican` conversion functions.
from convertdate import french_republican
# Romme's method
french_republican.to_gregorian(20, 1, 1), method='romme')
# (1811, 9, 23)
# continuous method
french_republican.to_gregorian(20, 1, 1), method='continuous')
# (1811, 9, 24)
# von Madler's method
french_republican.to_gregorian(20, 1, 1), method='madler')
# (1811, 9, 23)
All the conversion methods correctly assign the leap years implemented
while calendar was in use (3, 7, 11).
The Bahá'í (Badí) calendar has an intercalary period, Ayyam-i-Há, which occurs between the 18th and 19th months.
Dates in this period are returned as month 19, and the month of ‘Alá is reported as month 20.
from convertdate import bahai
# the first day of Ayyam-i-Ha:
bahai.to_gregorian(175, 19, 1)
# (2019, 2, 11)
# The first day of 'Ala:
bahai.to_gregorian(175, 20, 1)
# (2019, 3, 2)
Before the Common Era
For dates before the Common Era (year 1), `convertdate` uses
astronomical notation: 1 BC is recorded as 0, 2 BC is -1, etc. This
makes arithmatic much easier at the expense of ignoring custom.
Note that for dates before 4 CE, `convertdate` uses the [proleptic
calendar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proleptic_Julian_calendar). The
Julian Calendar was in use from 45 BC, but before 4 CE the leap year
leap year pattern was irregular.
The [proleptic Gregorian
calendar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proleptic_Gregorian_calendar) is
used for dates before 1582 CE, the year of the Gregorian calendar
North American holidays are the current focus of the `holidays` module,
but pull requests are welcome.
from convertdate import holidays
# For simplicity, functions in the holidays module return a tuple
# In the format (year, month, day)
# (2014, 1, 1)
# (2014, 5, 26)
# USA is default
# (2014, 11, 27)
# But there is a Canadian option for some holidays
holidays.thanksgiving(2014, 'canada')
# (2014, 10, 13)
# Mexican national holidays
# (2016, 3, 21)
# (2016, 11, 21)
# Some Jewish holidays are included
Convertdate includes some utilities for manipulating and calculating
from convertdate import utils
# Calculate an arbitrary day of the week
THUR = 3
# 3rd Thursday in April
utils.nth_day_of_month(3, THUR, APRIL, 2014)
# (2014, 4, 17)
utils.nth_day_of_month(5, THUR, APRIL, 2014)
# IndexError: No 5th day of month 4
# Use 0 for the first argument to get the last weekday of a month
utils.nth_day_of_month(0, THUR, APRIL, 2014)
# (2014, 4, 24)
Note that when calculating weekdays, convertdate uses the convention of
the calendar and time modules: Monday is 0, Sunday is 6.
from convertdate import gregorian
SUN = 6
day = gregorian.to_jd(2014, 4, 17)
nextsunday = utils.next_weekday(SUN, day)
# (2014, 4, 20)
Other utility functions:
- nearest\_weekday
- next\_or\_current\_weekday
- previous\_weekday
- previous\_or\_current\_weekday