****************************** Memory Managment Unit on ARM64 ****************************** This part describes the memory managment unit on ARM64 and how it is used by the debugger. Single Level Pagetable at EL3 ============================= The documentation described here can also be found at the `official ARM documentation `_. Translation Regime ****************** Register ``TCR_ELx`` is used to control the **Tranlation Regime** for the pagetables. The documentation for the ``TCR_EL3`` can be found in the `official ARM documentation `_. Translation Table ***************** The location of the page table is located in register ``ttbr0_el3``. Depending of the configuration of ``TCR_EL3`` the bits for address selection can change. More documentation can be found `here `_ Pagetable Entry *************** The following diagram shows the format of a stage 1 level 1 table entry on EL3. .. image:: images/mmu/singlelevel_el3_pte.png Automatic Paging ================ Automatic paging for page walking will be setup in the debugger. For this the ``ARM64_Concrete_State`` contains a mmu with class ``ARM64_MMU``.